Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3000: Cooperation

Qin Shaofeng just thought about it for a moment.

He soon plunged into the peekaboo with the ghost slave again.

As if he hadn't noticed the look of Zi Tianying at all.

Rested for a short period of more than ten breaths.

Hukou's injury has already recovered.

Although not a perfect recovery.

Even if he shoots again with all his strength, it will make the injury more serious, and he can't take care of that much now.

"Ghost cut! Kill!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted.

After avoiding for so long, he finally broke out again.

Even without his stern shout.

It's just the momentum that suddenly emerged from him, which has also attracted the attention of the three.

Anyway, this knife only takes a moment.

Even Zi Tianying, who was struggling to resist the ghost corpse slave, turned back immediately.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was just like the full attack just now, a flash of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Can be at the same time.

That unspeakable covetous color is also more intense.


Thunder Thousand Flash's full shot.

Coupled with the assistance of Gui San Zhan, the power of the star chaser in his hand was doubled.

Cut it off with a single blow.

The power of terror suddenly chopped off half of the head of the ghost slave.


At the same time, with a faint sound of blood.

The strong counter-shock brought about by killing the ghost corpse slave also made Qin Shaofeng's right hand tiger's mouth more obvious.

It seemed to shatter a small blood vessel.

The blood began to flow out like money.


Qin Shaofeng was naturally the first person to feel unwell.

He said silently in his heart almost immediately.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a venerable ghost slave and gaining 700,000 true value."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully upgrading, consumes 5 million true value, and is currently ranked 5th Heavenly Star."

The breath of breakthrough emerged from him.

With the last effect of the pill before swallowing and the physical changes brought about by the breakthrough, he immediately stopped the bleeding with his right hand.

But this response is extremely limited.

Just stop the bleeding, there is no more.

"Damn! The recovery brought by the breakthrough of cultivation base is so little?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't hold back it, and a **** burst out.

Anyway, Zi Tianying blocked the two ghost slaves.

He immediately took out the pill and took it again.

The pill of the Saint Star powerhouse level was really too wasteful to use on him, but now there is no way.

The tiger's mouth on the right hand was hurt by injury.

Even if two pills were swallowed, it failed to recover quickly.

Full of breath.

Hukou's injury has only recovered more than half.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help frowning.

Judging from this degree of recovery, even if he makes a strong move, he can only kill one more ghost slave.

After thinking for a while, his gaze looked at Zi Tianying again.

This is a genuine Seventh-Order Heavenly Powerhouse.

Considering that Ximen Li was able to stop a corpse king for so long when his cultivation base was more severely suppressed, I believe that Zi Tianying with stronger martial skills will not be too bad.

Her sword really hurt her deeply.

But it definitely recovered more than half of it after such a long delay.

"Aunt Ying, do you have a way to severely inflict these two ghost corpse slaves? At least it is the huge crack on the top of the head." Qin Shaofeng frowned and said.

At first glance, he seemed to be really worried about this.

"What? At least a huge crack?!"

Zi Tianying couldn't help but exclaimed, "Boy, are you crazy? I can't even hurt one of them, let alone make two of them like that?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible to do it."

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and said: "The pill that you gave me is indeed very effective, but if I still kill the ghost and corpse slave alone, I am afraid that I will immediately destroy the next one. "

"We came here, and after seeing these ghost corpse slaves, the exit immediately disappeared. I am worried that if these ghost corpse slaves are killed, we can't get out at all.

"If my hands are really useless, at least I will have to recuperate for a month with unlimited supply of pills before I can use them again, and it may not be able to kill this kind of ghost slave."

Anyway, Zi Tianying couldn't kill the ghost and corpse slaves alone, so Qin Shaofeng simply said that the severity was the highest.

He has the ultimate healing pill in his hand.

Even if Zi Tianying really wanted to deal with him afterwards, he didn't worry at all.

Not to mention that Zi Tianying still has something to ask him, he must get this one million true value.

"Then I will try my best!"

Zi Tianying almost vomited blood when he said this.

She did not use her full strength with that sword before.

But it also reached 80% strength.

That sword made her very clear that even if she tried her best, it would be impossible to kill any ghost slave, it would only make her suffer more severely.

What Qin Shaofeng said, she also knew that it really seemed like this possible.

This made her have to fight for the injury.

After all, the main target of the Gongyangzun was Qin Shaofeng, and if they were found, they would definitely have been killed and not let go.

Not to mention that they are here to find the elder ancestor who can help him live longer.

I believe many people already know about this.

She even worried that she would be exposed, but Ram Zun would kill them first.

If you don't find Heaven and Earth Spirit Liquid, it's fine.

They can never die now.


Zi Tianying gritted her teeth and took out the long sword.

Her injury was as Qin Shaofeng guessed.

He has recovered after not using his weapon for so long.

"Qin Shaofeng, ready!"

In her mood, she stopped shouting for Shaofeng.

The long sword in his hand drew a sword flower in the air, and then he slashed down the head of the ghost slave with all his strength.

"Xiaoyao Sword Art, cut!"

With all her strength, she couldn't help but shout.

Such shouts seem to have an attack power bonus for those warriors who burst out with all their strength.

With such a shout, the power of her sword rose to the next level.

"Boom! Click!"

Suddenly slashed, and immediately left a deeper scar on the head of the ghost corpse slave.

But at the same time.

The long sword in her hand also flew out in response.

The blood at the tiger's mouth is like a note.

When she finished this, she quickly backed back and shouted, "Take out the pill from you."

Hearing this shout, Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback.

The holy pill that Zi Tianying gave was actually all her inventory?

or other reasons?

He didn't have time to think about it.

Because the injured ghost slave, as if nothing happened, continued to rush towards the direction where Zi Tianying retreated.

Just as Zi Tianying needs him.

He also needs to keep Zi Tianying's presence in case of emergency.

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