Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3002: One hit

"Ghost cut!"

The power of thunder surrounded Qin Shaofeng.

But when facing these people, he didn't need to use Thunder Thousand Flashes.

Even the weapon in his hand has been replaced with the sword obtained after killing Chen Lao San.

One knife per person.

Among the ghostly shadows of Gui Zhan, he quickly rushed from the last of the Chen family.

Between sparkling flints.

His figure has already rushed into the crowd.

Even if his cultivation is only the fifth-order Celestial Star, it is not a high-level existence for those high-level Chen Family.

But ignoring the advantage of the terrain, let him kill these people like a dog.


Screams rang from behind one after another.

Walking in the front, the ancestor of the Chen family who took the lead in the search was immediately alarmed and hurriedly turned around and asked, "What happened behind?"

Where does he need to ask?

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already come close.

Just a look back.

He clearly saw the blood flowing behind him.

At this time, many senior leaders of the Sun family have turned around to fight, but under Qin Shaofeng's one person and one knife, no one is actually an enemy of Yihe.

In a short span of time, the Sun family's senior management lost a third.

"Your power of qi and blood has not been suppressed?!"

The ancestors of the Sun family immediately discovered the problem.

Since you want to ask questions, naturally look for the person with the highest status.

Qin Shaofeng's goal is the ancestor of the Sun family.

A few moves of wielding a long knife killed all those in the Sun family around him.

As soon as his body shape changed, he already came to the Sun family ancestor.

"Ten flashes, flashes!"

"Ten flashes, blitz!"

Qin Shaofeng is now in the Forbidden Martial Forest, although he is not afraid to respect the power of heaven.

The ancestors of the Sun family deserved to be treated with caution.

Do your best.

The cold light of the sword seemed to be alive, and it cut straight towards the legs of the ancestor of the Sun family.

"Even if you are not afraid of Tianlianshan's suppression? Don't forget, you are just a small sixth-order earth star..."


"Are you actually a martial artist of the heavenly rank?"

"Fifth Tier Star Position?!"

"Have you hidden the cultivation base before?"

The ancestor of the Sun family was just about to tell Qin Shaofeng's cultivation.

Suddenly discovering something wrong with Qin Shaofeng's body, he almost jumped up in shock.

He is a strong man in heaven.

It stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng's hiding should not be seen.

There are even the strong of the Chen family.

Even if their eyesight is not enough, what should be the explanation for the ram bottle without any doubt?

He knew clearly.

Among the Seven Elders of Xiaoyao, Gongyangzun, although the one with the lowest combat power, is not what they can imagine!

Such a character can mistake Qin Shaofeng's true cultivation level?

He suddenly felt refreshed.

Suddenly, a person raised his cultivation base from the sixth-order star position to the fifth-order star position, which is indeed worthy of surprise.

But what about the cultivation base of the fifth-order Celestial Star?

He is a strong man.

And he is also a strong man of second-order respect.

Even if Qin Shaofeng slayed their Sun family's star powerhouse like a dog and chopped vegetables, it was absolutely impossible for him to be his opponent.

Even if it is Tianlian Mountain, it is the Forbidden Forest.

When this thought took root in his heart, all the shock and worry in his heart immediately disappeared.

It turned into greed instead.

He clearly knew what a tempting treasure Qin Shaofeng possessed.

Not to mention that even if you don't count the martial arts of the gods, the thing that can help Qin Shaofeng hide his cultivation from the power of the holy star is a treasure against the sky!

Since I was met by myself today, it must be his possession.

"Boy, since you brought it to the door by yourself, then give all of your treasure to the old man!" The ancestor of the Sun family laughed twice as he took out his saber.

"Since your kid wants to break the old man's legs, the old man will cut your legs first!"

Amidst the loud shouts of the ancestors of the Sun family, he turned towards Qin Shaofeng with the same attack method.

This way of fighting almost made Qin Shaofeng smile.

He dared to cut the legs of the ancestors of the Sun family because he had absolute self-confidence, but the old thing dared to use the same tricks.

As the saying goes, sins committed by heaven can be forgiven;

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, but his expression didn't even change at all.

There is still only that knife.

"Boom! Brush!"

Two clear sounds sounded.

The surrounding movement suddenly stopped at this moment.

The children of the Sun family are all aware that since their ancestors made the shot himself, this kid obviously has no vitality at all.

As for the crisp sound, it was naturally the sound of two knives.

Naturally, there is no need to think about the latter sound.

But when they saw the hands of the two of them clearly, everyone's heartbeat suddenly stopped.

Even the Sun family's other respectable powerhouse is no exception.

"Then...that kid won? How could this be possible?!" The venerable and powerful man was the Patriarch of the Sun Family, and he suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

However, they were stunned by the battle in the field.

Qin Shaofeng, who was in the middle of the battle, did not react at all because of the change in their expressions.

On the contrary.

While cutting off the legs of the ancestor of the Sun family, he rushed towards the head of the Sun family.

When the Chen Family Patriarch was shocked, his saber had already been slashed towards the Chen Family Patriarch's legs.

"Boy, you, you, you..."

Patriarch Chen has been with you for a long time, but you haven't been able to come out.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his shouts, and between the swords and sparks in his hand, he had already cut off the legs of the Sun Family Patriarch.

Although the Patriarch of the Sun Family was only a first-order superior celestial powerhouse, he couldn't stop Qin Shaofeng's move.

Coupled with the previous record of the Sun family ancestors, the Sun family branch disciples were trembling one by one.

I don't know who shouted first: "That kid is too terrifying! He can use the power of the bloodline in Tianlian Mountain, and the ancestor and the Patriarch were beheaded by him in one move, hurry, run away! "

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The branch disciples are different from those in the direct line. When facing the situation of no leader in the group, the first thing that comes to mind is not to desperately save the two people who are not too close to their family, but to worry about their own lives.

In just a few blinks, there were only a dozen people present.

Moreover, none of those who could not escape dared to come closer.

The reason why they did not escape.

That's because they don't believe the scene before them.

What's more, it is clear that if the Sun family loses the two respectable powers of the Patriarch and Ancestor, they will definitely be destroyed by other families, and even if they escape, they may not really be alive.

As a large family of the Great Northern Wilderness, there are many people they offend!

"Old ancestor, you, are you really defeated?" a grandparent asked.

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