Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3007: Sad man

Such a quick contrast made Qin Shaofeng stunned for a while.

He couldn't help but think of a paragraph he saw before he crossed the journey, which meant that when two sad people who were hurt by love come together, the relationship can be brought closer in an instant.

He even said that this is especially true for men who have been hurt by a woman.

If you still have a relationship with that woman, you are naturally an enemy, but if you have all been hurt, you only need to know the situation of the other person to become a brother directly.

He once saw it as a joke, but he didn't expect it to become a reality.

"Brother Nine, you don't use such a word of affection to harm people. It has been like this since ancient times, and women's hearts are far more ruthless than our men. You don't have to be like this. Men must learn to let go." Qin Shaofeng advised Then, tears flashed in his eyes.

"Let it down, how easy it is to say, but brother, have you really put it down?" Shen Zhong asked back.


Qin Shaofeng's eyes once again dripped tears, but he covered it up in a very clever way.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will never find out.

But since Shen Zhong is a strong sacred star, he believes that he can't hide from him.

If such acting skills are on the earth, no matter which country's great director finds out, they will definitely shout out the actor immediately and rush over it frantically.

Shen Zhong did find out.

However, as a sad person, he knows that certain pains of a sad person cannot be mentioned.

Especially for men.

At least he hates what the elders asked him and her.

Even just a few side kicks can bring him to the brink of collapse.

"Everything is easy to say, but if you want to let go, especially if you can cover it up with a single sentence?" Qin Shaofeng laughed at himself.

"I once heard a word from a good friend of mine. It takes a long time for a man, especially a man who is affectionate, to forget a relationship, three years or ten years? Or a lifetime."

"But it is very simple for a woman to forget a relationship. It only needs the appearance of another man, that's enough."

Qin Shaofeng sighed and said, "I sneered when I heard it, but after I personally experienced it, I found that what he said was too reasonable, woman... alas!"

He continued to perform hard with the jokes on the Internet.


Shen Zhong sighed, but at the same time he took out a large amount of wine and vegetables and placed them on the table.

This table is really delicious.

Even its value is probably higher than many treasures Qin Shaofeng has seen.

It seems that another world really exists.

And all the conditions of that world are much higher than the land of the shining star.

Although he had already moved in his heart, he had no intention of moving the table and chopsticks at all, and he seemed to be slightly shocked when he saw the table of things.

But no matter how attractive the delicacy is, it cannot arouse his interest.

Instead, he filled a glass of wine himself, raised a glass to Shen Zhong, and said: "Nine brothers, let's not talk about those things, come and drink."

His expression is really perfect.

Shen Zhong could indeed see through his small movements with his strong strength.

But he couldn't see through his inner thoughts.

Perform this lap.

The two began to swig.

Because of Shen Zhong's relationship, Qin Shaofeng even temporarily forgot the danger behind him.

But he couldn't think of it.

The two of them ate and drank directly at noon until the sky dimmed, and there was no chase.

The shock in his heart is not small.

But he believed very much that all of this came from the man in front of him who had been deeply injured.

The two of them ate and drank until midnight, when the table full of delicacies and delicacies were about half eaten by them. On the contrary, the wine had already been drunk pot after pot.

At this time, they were already drunk.

No one even said hello, and slept directly on the ground.

Another night was spent safely.

Even because of the hangover, it was already noon the next day when Qin Shaofeng woke up, and there was still no danger.

Looking up again, he saw that Shen Zhong actually lit a bonfire by the side of the pool, and he was roasting a lamb-like star beast he didn't know where he got it from.

"You kid can really sleep, if I could also fall asleep like this!"

As a strong man in the position of the holy star, Shen Zhong said how powerful his divine consciousness was.

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly, and said: "It's not that I can sleep. The main reason is that I was chased and killed during this period. I hadn't slept much before, and the stamina of Jiu Ge's drinks was so great that I was able to sleep until now. It’s been a long time since I slept so comfortable, so comfortable."

"Yeah! I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

Shen Zhong nodded.

He also felt how comfortable he slept for the first time after breaking up with the woman last night.

"By the way, brother, what martial skill do you practice?"

Although Shen Zhong had very good senses for Qin Shaofeng, he would never forget why he came here to look for Qin Shaofeng.

After all, if that thing cannot be found one day, they will not have a good day.

"Martial arts?"

Qin Shaofeng looked suspicious.

In fact, I was already shocked.

Unexpectedly, they really came for their martial arts.

A tangled look suddenly appeared on his face.

It's been a long while.

"Brother Nine doesn't want to do anything, right?"

He asked Shen Zhong cautiously, but shook his head again: "Fine! No matter! Since our brothers met once, if Brother Nine wants my martial arts, I can give Brother Nine, or even the land of Yaoxing. There are still martial arts leftovers."

"Since Brother Nine, you are such a strong person, I believe you can make it up. I will take Brother Nine back to the land of Yaoxing later."


Shen Zhong's expression immediately changed drastically.

Is this kid so optimistic about himself?

"What martial skill do you mean?" Shen Zhong asked.

"Isn't it my housekeeper?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled, and said, "The martial art of superb rank, although there is a reason for my own creation, it is also martial art of superb rank!"

He spoke very proudly.


The color of doubt on Shen Zhong's face was even stronger.

"Brother Nine, you can see clearly."

Qin Shaofeng immediately stood up, took out a sword and began to practice.

"Ghost cut!"

As soon as he burst out, his figure suddenly changed into illusion.

As if turned into a phantom at this moment.

Just between the electric light and flint, it has appeared before a huge boulder in the distance.

Cut it off with a single blow.

The boulder didn't even make the slightest movement, it was cut in half by his knife.

"Supernatural martial arts and ghost three cuts?"

Shen Zhong is the existence of that world.

Immediately saw something from his move.

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