Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3009: Ninth order

Shen Zhong's cheating naturally made his attack impossible.

But his attack still made Shen Zhong's right hand tremble slightly.

Although Shen Zhongxiu is strong, but he has only used the power of the fifth-order Celestial Position, and it is really unbearable to be so unprepared.

"It seems that compared to Brother Nine, my cultivation base is still too far apart!"

A faint color appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, he did not even look at the wooden stick in his hand, and threw it aside.

"Brother, please don't say that. Brother Yu, I have this level of cultivation only because of the cultivation of the family, but the combat experience is worse than the brothers? I believe that if the brothers can break through the holy star position, they will be able to easily defeat. Brother Yu." Shen Zhong immediately encouraged him.

He really had no plans to continue to question Qin Shaofeng.

After all, the previous match made him clearly understand the reason for the misunderstanding of outsiders.

Qin Shaofeng's body style is really weird.

More importantly, Qin Shaofeng's combat experience is too rich.

Rich to the level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Only then will the blow just now appear. Normal people would have no power, but they can still easily hurt people who are much higher than Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base.

This is still Qin Shaofeng holding a wooden stick.

He believed very much that if Qin Shaofeng was holding a weapon in his hand, he would attack in a way that ordinary people could not imagine, and he would be able to hit the enemy with all his strength in the end.

Even a person who is one full star rank higher than Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level will have to be in a hurry.

If the other party is thinking of underestimating again.

There is no surprise that Qin Shaofeng killed him with this knife.

No wonder that in the eyes of outsiders, Qin Shaofeng's attacking power was extremely powerful, and the reason turned out to be this.

Thanks to me being a brother he recognized, otherwise this secret that is comparable to the high-level martial arts of the sacred product would not be known so easily by myself!

"It's no wonder that my father often said that although my cultivation level can be regarded as improvised, compared with the real strong, even someone who has just been promoted to the position of Saint Star can defeat me. Brother, you really taught Brother Yu. what!"

Shen Zhong patted Qin Shaofeng on the shoulder, encouraging.

"Nine brothers don't need to be so self-effacing, no matter how tyrannical combat martial skills are, it's only because of too much training between life and death. Nine brothers is not comparable to me!" Qin Shaofeng also sighed.

"Where is my level of cultivation strong? I have cultivated for nearly 30 years under the accumulation of countless resources, and it has only just been the seventh-order holy star. I really don't know when I can really enter the ranks of martial artists!" Shen Zhong Report a missile-level news again.

His cultivation was not only the third-order sacred star position mentioned by the Jiang Family Patriarch, but the terrifying seventh-order sacred star position.

Fortunately, I didn't rely on the ability to think about how to be with the strongest star.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die!

The Jiang family is really harmful!

He didn't know that Shen Zhong's ability to hide his breath was not for him, and even Gongyang Zun believed that he only had a third-order holy star cultivation base.

On this point, the head of the Jiang family really did not lie to him.

"Brother Nine, stop hitting me." Qin Shaofeng felt like crying without tears.

"its not right?"

Shen Zhong suddenly became puzzled and asked: "The food I brought to you after I finished it can improve the physique of the martial artist. The spirit wine I drink for you is a nourishing food for cultivation, which is nothing to me. Yes, but for you, brother, it's a big supplement. Why is your cultivation level only Tier 5?"


Qin Shaofeng really didn't expect this.

What he ate and drank last night was indeed the best meal he had eaten since he came to the land of the shining star.

But he didn't dare to imagine that Shen Zhong would be so kind to him as a stranger.

This is true even if I am a ‘sad person’.

"Let me check."

Qin Shaofeng hurriedly opened the system interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: 5th-order martial artist (57 million/6 million)

Star position: star position

Martial Arts: Unreal True Spirit (Level 5)

Strength value: 22/300

Martial Skills: Three Combo, Ghost Three Slash, Thunder Thousand Flashes, Sky Jade Star Force Jue, Taixu Dafa (Passive) (7/7)

Sky map: 189/10000

Blood value: 3 million/3 million

Real value: 17 million / 100 million

Talent skills: illusory true spirits, gods and demons

Small World: Sky Dragon City

Seeing the changes in his own situation clearly, Qin Shaofeng's eyes almost came out.

It is really hard for him to imagine that his food and drink last night suddenly increased his true value by 30 million.

When will the system start to absorb the true value of the substance?

Qin Shaofeng was full of doubts.

But in the case of being chased and killed, he can no longer think about so much.

"Brother Nine helps me protect the law, I am going to break through."

Qin Shaofeng was agitated, and immediately sat on the ground.


He dare not expose the existence of the system in front of people.

As if a normal person had begun to break through, his aura gradually increased steadily.

Just a short time.

The sixth-order star position consumes six million energy and blood!

It was another moment.

Rank seven, consumes seven million energy and blood!

The eighth rank consumes eight million energy and blood!

Tier 9 consumes 9 million energy and blood!

His cultivation is growing like a rocket.

If it were seen by ordinary people, he would definitely be frightened by his upgrade speed.

This is too fast, right?

But when his cultivation was upgraded to the ninth-order star position, he had to stop.

The things Shen Zhong gave him to eat and drink were excellent for him, but they were obviously not really used to cultivate the strong.

Although there is still a lot of qi and blood power left, the body state is once again stuck.

I have to say that those food and drink are really good.

But the physical gap between the heavenly position and the respected heavenly position is too great.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have to cultivate for decades at least.

The true value of those decades of cultivation had long allowed the body's strength to rise naturally, and his situation would never happen.

So his current situation is only about half of the progress.

Add the actual value of the consumption calculation.

It seems that Shen Zhong just wants to raise his cultivation base to the 9th-order Heavenly Star position.

"Brother Nine, I, I, I... Am I actually in the ninth order?"

Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes and was shocked for a long time before exclaiming.

"Yes, it's Tier Nine."

Shen Zhong laughed a few times and said: "I'm sorry, brother, although I want to help you very much, but our visit this time is a big secret. We can't be known by others in a short time, let alone stay too. There are many traces, so brother, I can only help you with these."

"Very good, it's already very good, thanks to Brother Nine."

Qin Shaofeng knew that all he was saying were facts, and if it weren't for their behavior, I'm afraid they would not be guessing about the other world, but would have been honest.

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