Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3030: Kitazawa Island

"Everyone can sail? That's not bad."

Qin Shaofeng nodded in satisfaction, but his expression was abruptly sullen, and said, "What are you going to do while sailing here? Why don't you hurry up?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

A dozen people immediately jumped up, and most of them quickly ran towards the bow.

No matter where you go, leave the boat out of the dock first.

Even if it's just a distance from this young killer, it's good!

But not all.

The guy who said that he had worked with the ship just now asked with an ugly face: "This young man, where are we going?"

"Leave the dock first."

Qin Shaofeng replied casually.

With just this sentence, the man smiled bitterly and said, "My son, if you just leave the dock, those guys can handle it, although they don't have a qualified sailor."

"But I really went to sea with the fleet several times, and I am very aware of the dangers at sea."

"Even if we just don't have a chart, we might get lost in the vast ocean."

"We don't even know where to go now. It's okay just to leave the dock. If we walk a little longer, I'm afraid we won't be able to find a suitable route by then."


Qin Shaofeng has never gone to sea by himself.

Even while on the earth, due to the development of communications, there is no need to worry about such things happening.

But here is the Great Northern Wilderness.

What the young man said before him is really possible.

And when he just started to think, he felt that the ship started to move, and the speed was really not slow, obviously those guys were afraid of him getting angry again.

At this time, Qi Ying had also packed up the body and returned.

Although I also heard the conversation between the two.

Qi Ying, who knew his cultivation base and status, had no intention to speak.

Qin Shaofeng did not intend to let him go.

After all, he himself didn't know much about the Great Northern Wilderness, let alone where to go to sea.

"Qi Ying, your original plan, where should we go?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Go to the vicinity of Kitazawa Island first."

Qi Ying answered immediately.

This answer made the young man's face suddenly change.

"Beize Island is a well-known chaotic island in the Great Northern Wilderness. It is said that the people living there are several hegemonic forces of the Great Northern Wilderness before Xiaoyaomen appeared."

"Although Xiaoyao Sect has dominated the Great Northern Wilderness for a long time, it is also an unshakable place there."

"I heard that Kitazawa Island is full of piers, and all of them are proficient in naval warfare. In the past few Xiaoyaomen crusades, because of their understanding of the ocean, they made Xiaoyaomen defeat every time."

"After the number of crusades increased, Xiaoyaomen admitted their existence."

"It is said that Kitazawa Island is the only place that absolutely does not sell Xiaoyao appearance, and the most powerful black market in the Great Northern Wilderness, the Assassin's Guild, is headquartered in Kitazawa Island."

Such an explanation immediately let Qin Shaofeng fully understand what kind of place Beize Island is.

"Go in the direction of Beize Island first. As long as you are on that route, I believe you can change the route for me anytime and anywhere." Qin Shaofeng smiled sullenly.

Every action he is doing now seems to affect the minds of a dozen people, including that person.

Not to mention the terrifying grinning.

The man shuddered all over and left quickly in response.

It was not until the person left that Qin Shaofeng spoke again: "Qi Wei, you should have bought the chart, right? Take the chart out first."

"I, I haven't bought it yet."

Qi Wei's face was very ugly, and she explained: "When I came here, it was already very late. Most of the merchants were closed. Because the captain of this ship lived on the ship, it was expensive. I bought it at a high price and didn’t have to do other things in a hurry.”

"So, it's no wonder you are."

Qin Shaofeng nodded in satisfaction.

This little Nizi obviously thought it would be the morning at least when they came here.

As long as the shop at the dock opens, she will have time to do other things.

"I have a chart."

However, Qi Ying immediately stood up, spread a drawing on the table, and actively explained: "No brother, this is Beize Island."

Qin Shaofeng immediately looked at the chart.

have to say.

The Great Northern Wilderness is so small that too many people's eyes are on the island.

There are at least a hundred islands marked on it.

But many more are just small islands, no more than fifteen can be marked on them, and he is not even sure if a few of them can be counted.

"Don't worry about Beize Island, do you know what island is controlled by those people on Beize Island, at least there must be people from Beize Island, and there are not too many strong people?" Qin Shaofeng asked.


Qi Ying immediately answered firmly.

He obviously did a lot of research on escape routes.

Immediately, he pointed towards the island whose name was written by himself.

"These three islands are medium-sized islands. Although they occupy a small area, I heard that they are all under the control of Kitazawa Island, and they are mainly used for black market and auction operations, but they will be abandoned at any time. There are a lot of things on the island, but nothing is too expensive, and there are no too strong people."

Beishui Island, Beiyu Island, Beifeng Island.

Seeing the names of these three islands, Qin Shaofeng almost laughed out loud.


Although the handwriting was different, he immediately thought of another aspect.

The water is abundant.

Is it not?

When the names of the three islands add up, isn't it just the word Ze with a little change?

"Go to Beifeng Island."

Qin Shaofeng immediately pointed to the island furthest from Beize Island.

What he needs to do most now is to first exchange the things in his hands for money.

Although he did not intend to hang around there temporarily.

"Okay, I'll go tell those guys now."

Qi Ying took the initiative to invite Ying.

There were a lot of a dozen people, but there was no strong star in the sky, so he didn't need to be afraid.

Not to mention after seeing Qin Shaofeng's horror.

He even regarded Qin Shaofeng as the only straw for their brothers and sisters to survive.

Qi Wei came here long ago to prepare everything.

Seeing that her brother was so respectful to Qin Shaofeng, she couldn't help but wonder.

It seems that in her life, her brother, who has never seen her in such awe of anyone, has even done the things that she took the initiative to ask Ying to be a subordinate.

"You also find a room to live in by yourself. When Qi Ying comes back, you remember to tell him that you two take turns on duty. Don't let the chaos come." Qin Shaofeng confessed casually and turned towards the distance. Go to the nearest room of the cabin living room.

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