Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 303: Wish card

With more than 4 million experience points, it takes almost 1 million experience points to advance to the legendary realm. Then the legendary first to second level is 1 million, and the second to third level is 2 million.

Therefore, this time, Qin Shaofeng has risen to three levels one after another. At present, Qin Shaofeng's level is legendary three, and he has 110,000 more experience points.

However, this was not the case for letting care. As his level increased, what Qin Shaofeng cared about for the first time was naturally his aura.

Turning his gaze, Qin Shaofeng looked at the attribute interface in front of him and his attribute list.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Legendary Triple

Experience value: 111500/300 million

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 1 million / 1 million (Legendary One Heavy has one hundred thousand aura points, and Yi Jin Jing is multiplied by ten times)

Talent roots: body of thunder, body of demon (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eyes with Fire Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Styles, Dancing Sky Skill, Writing Wheel Eyes, Ling Bo Wei Steps, Lei Dun Lei Ball, Lei Dun Lei Che, Lei Dun Ninja, Lei Dun Guard, Lei Dun two-handed Lei Che, Lei Dun Chidori

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: None

Task: None

Points: 3.23 million points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Elite students (Elite students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Kingdom. Killing monsters in Lianyang Kingdom will get an eightfold bonus for gaining experience!)

Ordinary lucky draw chance: 5 times

Special chance to draw: 1 time

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Special purchase cards (101 pieces), a small vault of ball cards

Family members: Meng Xin'er, Qin Yue'er, Bai Xue

one million!

Aura value is exactly one million points!

Seeing this Qin Shaofeng smile, but at this moment the small ball appeared in front of him, and said uncooperatively: "Come on! Your aura is only up to the standard, if it weren't for the Yi Jin Jing, your own ten Ten thousand points of aura is not up to standard at all!"

Speaking of Xiaoqiuqiu who hated iron and steel, he was slightly angry and said: "You give aspirations a little bit, according to this conversion, you guess it is a genius, I can tell you, the real genius has entered In the legendary realm, I don’t want the people you met before. It’s a very common thing to break a million aura at will. Don’t be proud of you now!"

"As the master's inheritance disciple, you should look farther and look higher. The legendary triple realm is only a mere one million spiritual aura points. This is a shame, you better give me..."

The ball ball started to preach.

But Qin Shaofeng is speechless, only one million spiritual energy can barely be considered a genius?

But when he thought that what Xiaoqiuqiu said should be the genius of the original continent, he was relieved.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, there is nowhere above the Origin Continent, a heaven and earth vitality higher than aura, the genius born there is naturally not comparable to Nine Cloud Continent.


This is not the original continent!

Ignoring Xiao Qiuqiu’s preaching, Qin Shaofeng began to plan how to spend his points.

More than 3.23 million points.

Except for the two missions, the eight-star and ten-star rewards of 1.5 million, the remaining points are the points Qin Shaofeng harvests enemy materials and collects them in the system recovery furnace.

Qin Shaofeng killed a lot of enemies today, and among them there were many gold-level assassins with ten-fold spiritual veins, and even several gold-level assassins.

After these people were killed by Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng swept away everything from the opponent.

So in the end, Qin Shaofeng recovered more than 1.8 million points, which was more than 300,000 points more than the points obtained by the two tasks!

With the points, you will naturally buy something.

Skills, with Qin Shaofeng's current skills, it seems that there are enough.

Especially the source of Lei Dun, after Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the legendary realm, there was another stream of Thunder Dunn Chidori!

This move is Sasuke in Naruto, who developed a super ninjutsu with Rachel.

Not only can it be condensed into a sword of thunder and lightning with the power of thunder, but it can be long or short and exceptionally sharp, not to mention the characteristics of the power of thunder. It has strong penetrating ability and the power of lightning attack.

Even this Chidori flow can be blessed on weapons!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's mind naturally came to mind, holding the profound iron epee in his hand, a flow of thousands of birds burst out, giving the entire profound iron epee a scene of the power of thunder.

"Tsk tusk, think about this scene, it feels amazing!"

Unable to touch his chin, Qin Shaofeng's face was full of excitement, and he had the urge to experiment.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that this matter was not in a hurry, so let it go first, it is better to focus on the present.

"With the Thousand Birds Flow, and with the magical weapon like the profound iron epee in hand, then what I lack most now is swordsmanship!" Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, and finally muttered.

The swordsmanship I learned before has been recycled into skill proficiency.

Although even so, Qin Shaofeng can still perform a few sword skills now, but they are all tangible and weak, and they can't exert any power at all.

The only sword skill Qin Shaofeng can compare currently is the skill that comes with the profound iron heavy sword-the heavy sword has no edge!

But the epee Wufeng consumes too much, and Qin Shaofeng believes that even if he is in the legendary triple realm at this moment, with a spiritual energy worth millions of points, I am afraid that he cannot fully display the power of the epee Wufeng.

And most of this trick can only be used as one's own trump card, and it can explode at a critical time.

"Well, it seems that it is time for me to learn another sword skill, or else I wasted the magic weapon of the profound iron heavy sword?"

After thinking for a while, Qin Shaofeng opened the system store and began to search.

Soon, countless swordsmanship appeared before Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Riding Wind Swordsmanship: Sky-level three-star swordsmanship, the spirit root of the wind system can be learned...

Wind system?

I wiped it!

Seeing this Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, sister, Xiaoye is the root of Thunder System.

Jade Girl Swordsmanship:...

The life-threatening series of three fairy swords:...

Soul Pursuing Sword:...

Fallen Swordsmanship:...


Seeing the countless swordsmanship in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was a little dazzled.

But after watching for a long time, Qin Shaofeng was not satisfied, and then he began to search for more advanced swordsmanship.

Previously it was only a heavenly swordsmanship, but the more advanced is naturally a holy swordsmanship.

Proverbs: Wangxu Great Sword Art, Ice Soul Nine Saint Art, Thunder Sword Art...

Sure enough, the saint-level swordsmanship was different, which made Qin Shaofeng see incomparable heartbeat.

However, Qin Shaofeng was speechless instantly when he saw the prices behind these holy swordsmanship.

Too ruthless!

Either hundreds or tens of millions, it's really black!

"Oh! So I'm still a poor man!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion when he saw the points that I was afraid of.

Then Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell unintentionally, and he missed the lottery chance.

Ordinary lucky draw chance: 5 times

Special chance to draw: 1 time

With a movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng suddenly looked forward to it.

"Perhaps I should draw a lottery, maybe I can draw a sword technique that will blow the sky! Haha!"

With a smile, Qin Shaofeng began to draw.

First, a normal lottery was conducted, and the system prompt sounded quickly.

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng currently has five chances to draw a normal lottery. Does player Qin Shaofeng hold a normal lottery?"


"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng starts the ordinary lottery, consumes one chance of the ordinary lottery, the lottery is in progress..."

The music of the fruit machine that has not changed for thousands of years rang again, and Qin Shaofeng began to look forward to it, and even shouted silently in his heart.


Holy swordsmanship!

Give me a holy swordsmanship!

Well, I don't mind God level.

Unfortunately, this is all Qin Shaofeng thinks too much.

Ding Dong!

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a Philips shaver in the ordinary draw!"



Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts instantly!

"I wipe, I still don't believe it, go on!"

With an unhappy snort, Qin Shaofeng continued the draw.


"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a pair of platinum and diamond rings in the ordinary draw!"



With a howl, Qin Shaofeng's unwillingness to give up started again.


"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a sharp fruit knife in the ordinary draw!"


fruit knife?

Are you a **** artifact?

"The cheating system is full of rubbish, Wo Ri!"

Qin Shaofeng was angry, and this time he rolled up his sleeves.

"System Tip: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a Level 3 skill fruit in the ordinary lottery!"

It seems that rolling up the sleeves is effective. Although it is not a swordsmanship, the fruits of this level 3 skill are also good things.

"Well, this time it's plausible. This level 3 skill fruit will allow me to upgrade my sword skills to level 3. So this time, should I develop sword skills?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's lottery interface turned again.

It's a pity that the five chances were also the fourth time better, because the next thing was another impractical thing, which was drawn by Qin Shaofeng.

"Oh, this ordinary lottery is really not reliable!"

With a slight sigh, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell on the special draw.

I only have one chance, I hope I can show a sword skill!

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng currently has a chance to draw a special lottery. Will player Qin Shaofeng hold a special draw?"


"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng starts a special draw, consumes one chance of the special draw, and the special draw is in progress..."

This time when the music rang again, Qin Shaofeng was nervous.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for the special draw for a special item wishing card!"

Not swordsmanship, not even skills!

"Wish card? What is it?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and soon there was a card in his hand.

Wish Card: Special items, which can be used in the special interface of the system store. Once used, players can freely choose the items to purchase, but due to the level of the item, certain special purchase cards need to be consumed. The higher the required item level, the more special purchase cards will be consumed.

(Note: Every time you use a wish card, you can trigger the coming of luck. After the luck comes, the player can get some special small benefits. The specific situation is random, depending on your luck! Dear!)

After looking at the attributes of this wishing card, Qin Shaofeng finally understood what it was.

However, the last sentence is also annotated later. What does that mean?

Are there special benefits?

See luck?

Also... dear?

Qin Shaofeng instantly felt the feeling of visiting Taobao in his previous life, his face twitched slightly, and his expression on his face was wonderful.

However, Qin Shaofeng understood it anyway.

This wishing card is definitely a good thing!

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