Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3128: Ten breaths

"Senior Beitang, you shouldn't need to bother."

In just half a year, Qin Shaofeng has truly changed from the past.

Even if it was close at hand, there was a battle between the three Saint Star powerhouses, and he did not have even the slightest worry.

Still sitting on the chair so peacefully.

When he heard the old man's words, although he frowned, no more expressions appeared.

Perhaps the old man's defense is invincible to them.

But even so, can he really escape from his hands?

The Starry Board is still at his hand, but he has no plans to put it away.

On the one hand, it is true that the old man's ability to hide is too great, and he is worried, on the other hand, he regards himself and Fanxing Checkerboard as two baits.

Ximen Li is guarded by Bei Tangchen, a powerful third-order saint star, as long as the old man is not stupid, he will not move Ximen Li.

In this way, it is conceivable to do something with him.

Although his sitting position is still stable, the small bracelets on his left hand have a pair of small eyes open.

It was the Jade Dragon King who was ready.

Its speed is equally fast, but Qin Shaofeng believes that it will only release the phone once.

If the old man perceives its threat, he will escape immediately.

Because of this, he still sits steadily, as if he is a real Zhizhu before holding it, and even lifts the teacup on the table.

Such realization and such words once again attracted the eyes of the three Ximenli.

"He... how can he be so confident?"

"Does he still have a hole card?"

"This is already the existence of two sacred stars, what adventure has he had, and he still has his hole cards?"

The three of them were almost shocked by Qin Shaofeng's composure.

But soon, they found something wrong.

Although the battlefield is small, there are three powerful saints fighting. How can they pay attention to it from time to time?

Because of this, they all noticed something wrong.

The old man had clearly opened his defenses, but the dagger in Ran Zun's hand, who had a cultivation base of the first-order saint star, still pierced the old man's defenses, and pierced towards the back of his heart.

"How is it possible that you are just a little Tier 1 ant, how can you break the old man's defense?"

The old man also noticed this for the first time and shouted in surprise.

He noticed something was wrong, and at the same time he was shocked, he displayed the defensive baby while forcibly twisting his body to avoid Ran Zun's attack.

I have to say that his response measures are indeed in place.

But the defense was broken, and Ran Zun's sneak attack and assassination was a top-notch existence. The speed of this sword was also extremely fast.

Although the old man's dodge action was extremely fast, he was also pierced through the flesh by the Devil-Down Club in his hand.

Accompanied by the forced twisting action, a long blood trace was drawn.

All of this happened between the electric light and flint.

The speed was so fast that even Zhanying's sword was cut off a bit, but it went to the position of the old man's shoulder, and even the attacking power was completely resisted by the tyrannical basalt armor, and it did not bring even the slightest injury to the old man.

The attack finally ended briefly.

The old man was also a little embarrassed and stood directly opposite Qin Shaofeng and Ximen Li.

Seeing that there was no more mobile phone meeting, Zhanying immediately withdrew a few steps towards the back, and Ran Zun disappeared at the same time.

Although Ran Zunxiu was not enough, his hidden ability was really amazing.

Even the old man could not detect the slightest.

His eyes couldn't help but look toward the direction of the starry chessboard.

But the moment he saw the chess piece, an old face turned black.

Although Fanxing Chessboard was still on the table beside Qin Shaofeng, it was still under Ran Zun's control. How could Ran Zun let the chessboard expose his position?

He had already erased his own chess piece.

"Are you... Yan Zhen, deputy head of the Xuanwu Hall of the Four Elephant Sect?"

Simon Li finally saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, but was also taken aback by the identity of the character represented by this appearance.

There are four halls under the Four Elephant Sect.

Qinglongtang, Baihutang, Zhuquetang, Xuanwutang.

The identity of the four hall masters is even higher than that of most elders.

Even if Yan Zhen is only the deputy hall master, he is also one of the powerful figures in the Yan family of Xuanwu Hall.

Even if the two meet outside, as the Ximen ceremony of the master of the star chasing gate, they still need to salute Yan Zhen in terms of identity.

I have to say that the core figures of superpowers are too powerful.

Simon Li couldn't think of it, but just came to their star chasing gate to inquire about the news, and actually sent such a tyrannical existence.

"Unexpectedly, you trash can still remember the old man?"

A slightly disdainful smile appeared on Yan Zhen's face.

He just answered Ximenli so indifferently, then looked at Qin Shaofeng, and said coldly: "Boy, hand over the starry chessboard, and then tell the old man, why the waste hidden in the dark can break the defense of the old man, I will save you today."

As a high-level figure in the Four Elephant Sect, he is also a powerhouse of the fifth-order holy star.

Yan Zhen seems to have such arrogant qualifications.

But the person he threatened, he found the wrong person.

"What did you say?"

Qin Shaofeng finally showed an expression on his face, and he put the teacup half of his tea back on the table without hurriedly, before he laughed: "Old guy, do you know what you are?"

"what did you say?"

Yan Zhen suddenly furious.

He didn't expect that after his identity was revealed, the boy in front of him, who had only the cultivation base of Xiaoxiaozun, would dare to say such brazen words to himself.

"I mean, do you always take yourself too seriously?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed, but glanced at Yan Zhen's feet.

The expression on his face suddenly became more weird.

Even, he deliberately lengthened the pause a lot, before he smiled: "The deputy hall master of the Xuanwu Hall of the Four Elephant Sect is indeed an amazing man, but..."

He deliberately pulled Long Yin, slowly stood up, walked behind Zhan Ying, patted Zhan Ying on the shoulder, and asked, "Can you always recognize him, what is he?"

"Puppet? Do you want to say that you can save your life with this puppet?" Yan Zhen looked at him puzzled.

"No, no! Of course not."

Qin Shaofeng smiled even more weirdly, feeling that the time seems to be almost up, and then slowly said: "The younger generation just wants to explain a fact to the previous generation. My war puppet is called Zhanying, a third-tier holy star powerhouse. ."

"So what? He can't keep your life." Yan Zhen proudly.

"This is natural."

Qin Shaofeng was happy to delay time, and smiled: "But it can at least delay your ten breath time, but you seem to have no ten breath time."

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