Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 313: Confirmation of quota

Dugu Nine Swords-palm breaking style!

Facing Lian Chengjiang's three iron fist poses, Qin Shaofeng naturally performed the palm breaking pose again.

The result was not beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation. Lian Chengjiang's three iron fist styles were directly broken by his own sword breaking style.

Even what was broken this time, the iron-blooded will of Lian Chengjiang's three iron fists, was also broken and dispersed.

What Qin Shaofeng paid was only the number of times the Dugu Nine Sword was cast, plus 10,000 points of spiritual energy.

On the ring, Lian Chengjiang looked at Qin Shaofeng with a devilish expression, and his heart was shocked.

But seeing the smile on Qin Shaofeng's face, Lian Chengjiang felt that Qin Shaofeng was laughing at himself.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

Although it is not clear what kind of trick Qin Shaofeng played, Lian Chengjiang gritted his teeth abruptly and roared.

"You don't need to use any means, I will let you know that you are just a weak showing off your cleverness!"

Lian Chengjiang didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng could really break his iron fist three styles. There must be some conspiracy in it. Although I don't understand it, it doesn't matter.

He Qin Shaofeng can break it once, can he still break the second iron fist three styles I used?


The figure flashed, and Lian Chengjiang moved again.

With this movement, his body once again burst into a strong spiritual energy, and then the iron will suddenly appeared, and he once again performed the three iron fists.

Only this time, Lian Chengjiang's eruption was not as good as the previous one.

This is also true. After all, the three forms of iron fist are used, even for Lian Chengjiang, who is already in the first stage of the legend, it is very expensive.

Qin Shaofeng pierced his punch just now, but almost one-third of his body's aura was consumed.

Although it broke out again, the aura in his body dropped by half, but this time Lian Chengjiang was confident that he could punch Qin Shaofeng off the ring.

In the same way, Qin Shaofeng waved lightly in the face of Lian Chengjiang's three iron fists.

However, this time, I don't know if the shadow of his three iron fists was inexplicably broken before, Lian Chengjiang had no idea of ​​direct contact with the sword spirit Qin Shaofeng displayed.


With a sudden punch, Lian Chengjiang directly punched out an iron-blooded fist, blasting away the sword aura Qin Shaofeng had cut.

Seeing that Jian Qi was blown away by his own iron-blooded fist, Lian Chengjiang's expression was suddenly happy, but before this trace of joy was fully expressed, Lian Chengjiang's expression suddenly stiffened.

Because at this moment, Lian Chengjiang suddenly felt that the aura on his body receded like a tide.

Tekken Sanshou was broken again!

"how can that be?"

Lian Chengjiang had a momentary halt, and then violently withdrew, leaving Qin Shaofeng for a while, watching Qin Shaofeng exclaimed.

The previous time, if everyone under the ring still couldn't understand, then this time, everyone could see clearly.

Qin Shaofeng can actually break the Iron Fist Three Forms?

What's the situation?

Too scary, right?

That's three iron fists!

"How can it be impossible?"

Facing the shocked Lian Chengjiang, Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, and said, "You are not at home in the three-style iron fist practice yet, so naturally I can easily break it!"


That's it!

After hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, the crowd under the ring was relieved.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng can really break the three iron fists, but Lian Chengjiang can't cultivate at home, and can completely control the three iron fists!

Well, it’s not that Iron Fist three styles are not effective, but Lian Chengjiang is not effective!

Soon everyone under the ring thought so.

Even so, everyone looked at Lian Chengjiang with a hint of disdain and contempt.

What's so special, let Lian Chengjiang cultivate our Lianyang king clan's two top tiers of "Tekken Three Forms", which is simply an insult to "Tekken Three Forms"!

But the little princess Lian Yufeng under the ring didn't think so.

As the little princess of Lianyang Kingdom, Lian Yufeng knew about Lian Chengjiang.

Lian Chengjiang couldn't laugh at home?

No, the most can only be said that with Lian Chengjiang's cultivation base, it is not enough to give full play to the full power of Iron Fist Three Forms.

However, Lian Yufeng knew very well in his heart that Lian Chengjiang, who used the iron fist three styles, even if he was only a newcomer to the first stage of the legend, but even in the late stage of the first stage of the legend, the display is the pinnacle realm, and he has the first battle. force

There is even a great chance to beat the opponent.

Therefore, Lian Yufeng knew that it was not Lian Chengjiang's problem, but Qin Shaofeng's problem.

It's the problem of swordsmanship!

Can you break the three-style swordsmanship of Iron Fist?

Is this considered restraint?

There was a solemn flash in Lian Yufeng's eyes. She had to pay attention to such an important matter. She had to figure out what was going on.

Can't practice at home?

On the ring, even Cheng Jiang was almost mad at Qin Shaofeng's words.

"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng, you despicable villain, you must have used some conspiracy!" Lian Chengjiang roared, his face extremely grim.

Qin Shaofeng laughed!


"I even told Chengjiang you don't want to play tricks. Let's not say whether I used any conspiracy and tricks. Even if I did, how about it? Have you ever asked the stone statue for this competition?"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly became cold, and he snorted coldly, "Huh, if this was a real fight, you would have died long ago. Who has the skill to listen to your nonsense!"


As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, the crowd under the ring was full of noise, because they thought what Qin Shaofeng said made sense.

"This is what Qin Shaofeng said! I feel that even Cheng Jiang is really funny. So many of us have not discovered what trick Qin Shaofeng used. He is ashamed to say that!"

"Yes, keep making excuses for yourself, you still don't accept a legendary master!"

"Hey, you may not know that the reason why Lian Chengjiang can break through the legendary master is that he took the pill to break through."

"What? There is such a secret? Then it seems that Lian Chengjiang is not very strong!"

"Let me just say, how do I feel that Lian Chengjiang's breath is not so powerful? This is the reason!"


There have always been a lot of people like this, gloating and falling into trouble.

Before, they praised Lian Chengjiang for being strong, but now it is better. They all disdain Lian Chengjiang one by one.

This caused Lian Chengjiang on the ring to listen, and was so angry that he finally attributed all the faults to Qin Shaofeng.

"Ah! Qin Shaofeng, I want to kill you!"

With a sudden roar, Lian Chengjiang broke out.

He showed the Iron Fist Three Forms again, but this time, Lian Chengjiang used all his strength.

For a while, Lian Chengjiang's breath burst out suddenly, unexpectedly surpassing the previous breath.

In real comparison, the combat power that Lian Chengjiang burst out at this moment is probably already comparable to the realm of the pinnacle of the legendary first layer.

In this situation, even the little princess under the ring, even Yufeng, was slightly surprised.

But unfortunately, even if it broke out like this, it was still not enough for Qin Shaofeng.

Break palm!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng used another Dugu Nine Sword to explode all the breath that had erupted from Lian Chengjiang.

As soon as the breath dissipated, Lian Chengjiang's whole body was actually in midair, stopped in vain, and then fell powerlessly.

Seeing a gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, he lightly lifted his right foot, and then hit the falling Lian Chengjiang with a vicious kick.


The next moment, everyone under the ring could only hear a scream, that Lian Chengjiang was like a weighing mound, kicked out of the ring by Qin Shaofeng, and hit the ground outside the ring.

Come out, the competition is over!

The winner, Qin Shaofeng!

This ending is no longer necessary for everyone to say clearly.

Under the ring, Lian Chengjiang, who smashed to the ground, struggled fiercely, looking up the ring with a hateful expression, and was about to yell at something.

But before he could speak, he only heard Qin Shaofeng's voice from the ring.

"Lian Chengjiang hastened to prepare the obsidian iron and send it to me tomorrow!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng flashed away and left.

But at the moment Qin Shaofeng left, Lian Chengjiang snorted angrily at what he said, spit out a mouthful of blood from the boss, and the whole person fainted very simply.

Seeing this scene, everyone under the ring was dizzy.

I wiped, this girl was vomiting blood?

Oh, blame it for being poor!

But at the same time, everyone looked at the figure that floated away with awe.

This Qin Shaofeng is really amazing!

Soon, news of Qin Shaofeng's battle with Lian Chengjiang spread throughout Lianyang Academy.

Everyone was shocked by Qin Shaofeng's strength.

Many people hadn't seen it with their own eyes in the previous exchange match, but just exaggerated it as a passerby.

Frighten me!

Said that Qin Shaofeng used the seven or eight layers of spiritual vein cultivation to defeat the many geniuses of the Silver Moon Kingdom, and even killed all the geniuses of the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the exchange competition?

Please, there must be a limit to bragging. You said that Qin Shaofeng can defeat a few silver moon geniuses with eight layers and nine layers of spiritual veins. I still believe that.

But don't say anything to kill everything!

This is far from marginal.

Therefore, because of this, few people believed in what happened in the exchange competition, except for some students on the battlefield.

But now it’s different. The competition between Qin Shaofeng and Lian Chengjiang took place in the academy, and it was even related to the number of places to enter the Qiyun Array.

So when they learned that Lian Chengjiang was defeated and vomited blood in the end, all the students were surprised.

Is this Qin Shaofeng really that strong?

Qin Shaofeng has no interest in the discussion from the outside world.

However, after this test, Qin Shaofeng was finally able to recuperate with peace of mind.

Because just shortly after Qin Shaofeng came back, an academy elder approached him and told him that he already had one entry for the Qi Luck Array, and he would still not change it.

Upon hearing such news, Qin Shaofeng finally felt that the elders of Lianyang Academy were somewhat useful.

If this way, he cannot be determined, then Qin Shaofeng has reason to believe that the Lianyang Academy is not the academy, but the royal family of the Lianyang Kingdom.

But, fortunately, the final development of the matter still made myself more satisfied.

In addition to this news, the elder brought himself a storage bag.

The obsidian who was gambling with Lian Chengjiang in the storage bag.

"Well, not bad, this time the academy pays more attention to the competition between itself and that Lian Chengjiang!"

Looking at the storage bag in his hand, Qin Shaofeng murmured.

But Qin Shaofeng at the moment did not know that the reason why the academy was so fast this time was entirely due to another person.

That person is the little princess Lian Yufeng.

And at this moment, our little princess is planning how to take him Qin Shaofeng!

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