Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3151: Mess up

Drunk watching the moon dream three thousand-Mengyuelong.

Seventh on the list of the wicked, the number of killings exceeded 300,000.

It is said that this person practiced the exercises with blood. Every time this person killed some people, he would use the blood and hostility after the killing to retreat for a period of time.

After reappearing, the next round of massacre will begin immediately.

The target of this person's slaughter is completely uncertain, as long as it is a warrior with some cultivation base, it is his target.

He doesn't care if he deserves to die or if there is a holiday.

This existence has offended all the superior forces in a circle, and it seems that even the door of star chasing is no exception.

Shura messenger-Han Muzhe.

Sixth on the list of villains...



One by one, this group of people kept researching out their names.

Without exception, they are all prominent figures on the evil list.

As for the list of villains?

I'm afraid most people in the Land of the Stars have heard of it.

Even Qin Shaofeng is no exception.

This list was written by the Tianji Tower for the first time outside the sect of the Land of Yaoxing.

It is said that there are a hundred in its upper position.

But for thousands of years, when the number was the highest, it only occupied more than seventy.

There are only fifty-three people on the list of villains today.

I don't know how Tianjilou determines who lives and who died.

But without exception.

Those who can be on the list of villains are at least those who have killed over 10,000.

Although warriors kill people are accustomed to.

However, if the martial artist's cultivation base does not reach the position of the holy star, it is difficult to live past the two hundred years old mark.

Even if you really become a strong man in the saint star position, the age is only three hundred at most, and even most people are rarely able to live to 250 years old due to injuries in their youth or problems in cultivation.

This also makes a Wu Xiu, unless he is killing innocent people, he will never kill too much.

The Shura messenger, the sixth wicked man, killed over a million.

But this is the case, and only the sixth.

It is said that the top five people only have titles, but they don't know their names, but those people are all characters from a hundred years ago, and the number of killings is not just one million.

The rumors of the deputy sect master, and this kid who can make trouble.

This makes the discussion of this group of people, no matter what they think, they will be found on the list of villains.

And this is exactly what Qin Shaofeng wanted.



When they talk about research.

Today's real protagonist has brought people to the foot of Yaoshan Mountain.

The great elder is at odds with the master.

Such things have long been no secrets.

In recent years, this medicine mountain has almost become the personal chassis of the Great Elder.

During the period when Sharon Xing was in power, he had almost cut off his plan to acquire medicinal materials from Yaoshan.

Over time.

On the path up the mountain of Medicine Mountain, the elder specially arranged a few disciples to guard it.

The number is small, only eight.

But these eight people are all powerhouses with cultivation bases above the fifth rank.

If someone else comes here, relying on the strength of the eight of them, it will be easy for someone to handle it in the future.

Today is different.

Zhou Qing shakes three steps at a time, and there is a great momentum of Laozi's number one in the world.

Unfamiliar face, arrogant face.

The eight people immediately understood something.

One of them immediately stepped forward and yelled and asked, "Who would dare to trespass into Medicine Mountain, don't you know that this is a place specially assigned to the elder by the master?"

"That **** elder?"

Zhou Qing gritted his teeth abruptly, staring at them with ferocious eyes, and shouted: "Listen to you trash, that **** elder has fallen, this medicine mountain is now owned by my master, you guys. The wise one came to kneel and lick immediately, otherwise they would roll to the outer door to sweep the road."

"Bastard! How dare you speak rudely to the Great Elder!"

"What a bastard, it's damned!"

"Little bastard, get out of Medicine Mountain immediately. This is the place of the Great Elder. If you want to go up the mountain, please ask the Great Elder to come and order the release!"

"This guy is a **** from where he came from, if I want to tell him, I should give him a few hundred slaps, and then throw the medicine mountain."

"What kind of **** deputy sect master, I only recognize the great elder, without the order of the great elder, even if the sect master comes, it will be useless."

Eight people are more arrogant than one.

Especially the last sentence, it almost made Han Xingyun and Yang Liang laugh.

No wonder the son will let this **** play the son.

have to say.

Although I was born as a pirate, killing people and surrendering is not a minority, but the means of deliberately offending people to the extreme and then letting people scold myself is really far inferior to this little guy who was born as a rogue!

Cow breaking! Cow breaking!

It is indeed a little guy that even the son recognizes.

Zhou Qing's heart was actually laughing wildly, but her face was still angry, and she roared, "How dare you scold this son?"

"What about scolding you?"

"How dare you be disrespectful to the great elder, we didn't kill you directly just to show the **** deputy master."

"If you know what you are interested in, get out immediately. Next time you want to come to Medicine Mountain, go to the Great Elder, haha!"

Up to this point, the eight people still haven't noticed. Every word and deed after Zhou Qing came here was completely deliberate.

Even Zhou Qing was waiting for this ‘slaughtered’.

Zhou Qing is not a young man from a sect.

Ever since he was sensible, he followed a group of punks who were killing people and selling goods on the dock. If he had not had an adventure before, he would have been killed.

All these made him really have no emotions when he looked at human life.

Even in that group of gangsters, many people were murdered by him.

This is true even with disagreeable companions, let alone those who have been determined to be enemies.

The eight people didn't even come in a rush.

The violent killing intent spread from him.

"You **** dare to scold me!"

He said it word by word, but before the eight people spoke, he immediately shouted: "Lao Liang, kill all these **** for me, hemp burps, a mere group of scum ants in the celestial position. I even dared to insult this son!"

"Yes, son!"

Yang Liang had been waiting for this order.

As a low cultivation base, he knew very well that Han Lucky was just in case.

Zhou Qing needs to enter the play, then he is the beater.

Anyway, he was not a good person, so he stepped out immediately.

The breath of the third-order respected heaven exudes at the same time.

When the breath came out, all eight people were shocked.

"Respect the heavenly powerhouse!"

"He turned out to be a third-tier respected heavenly powerhouse?"

"How is this possible? Isn't the respected powerhouse commanded by the sect master to shut down and hide?"

"As a powerful man, why can he walk around freely?"

"Quick! Go up the mountain, Liu Guanshi is a fourth-order superior celestial powerhouse, go and ask Liu Guanshi to kill these guys who dare to venture into the mountain."

All eight of them were almost frightened by the momentum.

One by one no longer had the arrogance they had before, amidst the shouts, they turned around and wanted to escape to the mountain.

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