Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3154: Just died like this?


Just as Guanshi Liu said his words, a sword light suddenly came along with the sound of breaking through the air.

Its speed is almost beyond everyone's reaction.

Even if the Liu Guanshi's cultivation base has reached the fourth-tier respect, there are not many fighters.

The combat experience can be said to be weak, he also failed to react.

Even a panic sound was stuck in his throat.

The sword light had already passed between his neck.

The sound stopped abruptly.

The killing continues.

But Guan Shi, who seemed to be descending from the heavens, never had a chance to speak again.

"Damn! One sword?"

"I didn't even see how the strong man made his sword."

"Is this the subordinate of the deputy sect master? It is so tyrannical?"

"Which one's cultivation base must be at least the seventh-order respected heavenly rank, right?"

"You really deserve to be the deputy sect master. Anyone who is sent out can have such a combat power. It seems that it is not necessarily impossible to train us to become a powerful person!"

"I haven't seen the people brought by the deputy sect master, are they all respected and powerful?"

A series of exclamations came out one after another, making this group of people even more thinking about preventing the people of the elder from destroying the medicine field.

Without anyone taking the lead, more than three hundred people spontaneously dispersed, doing their utmost to stop those people from coming in disorder.



at the same time.

Residence of the Great Elder.

"Great Elder, I asked to see the Great Elder, something serious happened!"

A disciple, who was still pale, was intercepted and shouted immediately.

At this time, the great elder had only issued the order, and the anger in his heart had not been able to dissipate.

This sudden shout immediately used the anger that had not been completely eliminated again, and shouted: "Who would dare to yell in front of the old man?"

"Let that person get me in right away!"

The person in charge of guarding this gate had long seen that there was something wrong with that person's face, and let him go immediately after hearing this.


The door was knocked open immediately.

The man rushed in almost as if he was reborn.

"What's so flustered? Did you forget the order the old man gave before?"

The elder's face was full of anger, and he shouted: "The old man wants to use retreat as an excuse to avoid conflicts with Simon Li's orders. Who made you break in so unscrupulously?"

"Elder, the big thing is not good, the deputy master's disciple ran to Medicine Mountain, and he also brought a respected heavenly powerhouse, who has sent you over and killed the disciple responsible for guarding the mountain." The man shouted anxiously.

With a loud shout, the eyes of the Great Elder almost came out.

"What are you talking about? Kill the disciple sent by the old man to guard the gate?" The voice of the great elder became weird.

Such a result, he had never thought of it before!

The deputy sect master dare to kill casually, this news is too terrifying, right?

You know, here is the upper-class power of the star chaser.

Even if it is him, the great elder, before doing something, he must first consider whether he can do it. The sect master dares to act so recklessly, which really shocked him.

In the sect, how can you kill at will?

Isn't that guy really afraid of the consequences after all the members of the real general sect are offended?

At that time, even if the master Ximenli wanted to protect Qin Shaofeng, it was impossible!

"Elder, you hurry up to see Yaoshan! Otherwise, those unscrupulous people will most likely kill all of Yaoshan's disciples!" The man anxiously shouted to the dazed elder.

"For those who come, immediately notify the Fourth Elder, Eighth Elder, Elder Li, Elder Sun and others to go to Medicine Mountain. Hurry, you must hurry!"

The Great Elder was really worried this time.

Even if he didn't want to fight with Qin Shaofeng.

Even if he had made all sorts of arrangements before, it was useless at this time.

If he could take down the people Qin Shaofeng sent over, even if something really happened, he would have enough excuses to talk to Simon Li.

But he didn't know.

As soon as this talent came to report, some disciples had already approached Sharon Xing and others.

For a time, the core of the star chase gate became chaotic.

The Great Elder has already rushed towards Medicine Mountain.

The deputy head of Sharon Xing also rushed over with someone.

Similarly, Elder Lu Tianxing and Elder Liu Yichen Liu did not dare to be idle.

Everyone rushed toward Medicine Mountain violently.

But about today.

As the master of the order, Qin Shaofeng sat cross-legged in his room peacefully, and was doing his cultivation.

The actions of the high-level members of the star chaser.

It was just a short tea time, everyone seemed to have agreed, and at the same time descended on the mountain of medicine.

Seeing the corpses all over the ground on Medicine Mountain, the elder almost fainted.

"This, this...who did this?"

The great elder almost roared out loud.

A roar immediately made those disciples who had prevented everyone from destroying the medicine field avoid them.

They are not stupid.

Behind Zhou Qing is the deputy master.

They can be blessed behind them. At this time, they are really being watched by the elders. They are afraid that it will be difficult to survive!

The retreat of these people immediately highlighted Zhou Qing and others.

Even though there are only three of them, it becomes very obvious.

"Are you guys who dare to kill people in my star chasing gate? Do you know what the third rule of my star chasing gate is?" Great Elder Lu Chen's voice almost shook the sky.

He has lived for so many years and is also an old fox.

Just holding the door rules to talk about the matter, so that Sharon Xing and others who came with him could not find any excuses.


Zhou Qing seemed to be full of disdain for what he said.

He also didn't answer directly, but pointed to the destroyed medicine fields around him.

When Sharon Xing and others went up the mountain, they had already discovered the situation on Yaoshan Mountain. At this time, they also faintly understood why Zhou Qing dared to ignore the rules.

"Lu Chen, old dog, these are all good things you did?"

Zhou Qing finally spoke, but his words didn't show the slightest politeness, and he roared directly: "My master asked for the mountain of medicine from the master, just to rely on this mountain of medicine to raise all the disciples in the door to face For the future, even a battle with the Four Elephants that initiated this incident."

"But look at what your people did?"

"These medicinal fields destroyed by you are our capital!"

"Do you know how many powerful people can be cultivated if these medicine fields that you have let people destroy are used to train disciples?"


"These shameless **** **** dare to push our door to death. If it weren't for my son to be anxious to save more medicine fields, he would definitely not let these **** **** die so happy, at least let them wailing. Die for three days and three nights!"

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