Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3192: Zhao Ziyu's true identity

"I am naturally who I am."

Zhao Ziyu once again showed her smile like a young girl in bloom.

When he was smiling, he looked at Fan Shengxin and said: "Elder Fan, these three guys are all the cultivation bases of the peak of heaven. Although it is a little troublesome to be an enemy, but the enemy we will encounter later I am afraid that there is no more suitable for you to practice, so these people are left to you."

He still has a full smile.

But what he said made Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened.

Since the old ghost Chen Xing came to the Seven Star Gate, he knew only a few Seven Star Gate elders.

One is the fat man Chen Ai who is responsible for guarding Shenhai City.

Then there is Fan Shengxin, the star master of Tianshu, and Master Kun Nine Prisons.

In addition, he hadn't even heard of the other four elders.

Such a mysterious lineup of elders.

In Zhao Ziyu's eyes, there seemed to be no secret, which shocked him enough.

Shouldn't he call Star Master Fan?

Elder Fan?

No matter what this said, it shouldn't have appeared in Zhao Ziyu's mouth, right?

"These people are no ordinary trouble!"

Fan Shengxin suddenly smiled bitterly, and said: "These people don't seem to be in trouble, but they are fourteen powerful saints!"

When he spoke, he had already taken out the weapon long sword.

Take a few steps forward.

Long sword pointed at the three Jin Sanxians.

"Kim Sanxian, come on!"

"Let me see how you ants have entered the martial arts over the years."

Fan Shengxin's aura of the pinnacle of the heavens suddenly rose.

When the breath appeared, it seemed to become a sharp sword, pointing straight to the three people in front.

His approach directly caused the three to have to fight.

Weapons were shot one after another.

Although the three of them are strong in the Qi Yaozong two lines.

However, he was not qualified to practice the Qi Yao Sect's unique knowledge, and the weapons they took out were also different.

Jin Sanxian used a long spear, and Jin Sanlong was one of them. The most weird one was Han Guangming in the line of Yue Yao.

The weapon he took out turned out to be a pair of life-threatening hooks.

Can this thing be a weapon?

Qin Shaofeng was a little dizzy when he saw the truth.

Suominggou can naturally be used as a weapon, but it needs strong enough martial skills to support it, otherwise it will only be cultivated.

It happened that this guy hadn't even learned the sacred martial arts of Yue Yao.

So what martial skills can he use?


Is it a local product?

When he was choking silently, Fan Shengxin held up his sword.

Tianshu's seven swords are used, and each sword is full of sword energy.

Although what he had to face was three opponents with the same cultivation level, in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, it was difficult for him to lose.

Shengpin martial arts shots, but not ordinary martial arts can contend.

Especially that Han Guangming who uses Su Ming Hook.

The martial arts he displayed should be self-created, and have the feeling of some holy martial arts.

The biggest problem is here.

If he uses ordinary weapons, with his ingenuity, at the very least, he can make the combat power of martial arts soar to the extent that it is infinitely close to the holy goods.

What he used was a pair of life-threatening hooks.

With his tyrannical martial skills, he might be able to show a not-so-weak combat power when facing opponents using heavenly martial skills.

Facing the rest of the people, it is more relaxed.

However, the martial arts displayed by Fan Sacred Heart are real martial arts of the Holy Grade, and they are also the peak of the Holy Grade.

This made them unable to obtain the slightest benefit under Fan Shengxin's swordsmanship even if they were fighting in a group.

What Qin Shaofeng saw was more than that.

The Thousand Lightning Thousand Flashes he cultivated was an existence that surpassed the martial arts of the gods.

Even if it was Duotian Seal and Ghost Three Slash, they were all martial arts of supernatural rank.

Even if the level of Ghost Three Slash is unspeakable, it is no less than a god.

Not to mention that there is also the knowledge of the sea and the cultivation technique, which is no less than the supernatural martial skill of the Taixu Dafa, which makes him clearly not feel how powerful after seeing Fan Shengxin's martial arts.

It's just that this is not a powerful martial art, but it makes him even share with the three.

Such a record made him choke silently.

It took a long while before he woke up.

Fan Shengxin seemed to be the thug called by Old Ghost Chenxing, but no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that he had been used by him.

He looked at the old ghost Chenxing, then at Zhao Ziyu, and said silently: "Second brother, I think it is not easy for Elder Fan to deal with the three people. You might as well take a bit of effort and help him. The others are killed."

"You think brother is in the way here?"

Zhao Ziyu is not a Xiaobai who has never seen anything.

When he heard Qin Shaofeng's words halfway through, he had realized it, rolled his eyes and asked.

This question made Qin Shaofeng embarrassed.

Qin Shaofeng did have something to say to Old Ghost Chen Xing, but he also wanted to see how strong this Senior Brother Zhao was.

Since there is a chance, why would he want to give up?

"Forget it, who made me your brother, then I should go to exercise my muscles and bones as a brother." Zhao Ziyu raised his hand.

He did not take out the weapon, but walked quickly towards the remaining dozen people.

The breath fluctuation on his body also changed at the same time.

The cultivation base aura of the earth star position suddenly disappeared, and it actually directly crossed the sky star position, directly reaching the level of respecting the sky.

And his true cultivation base is exactly the same as Fan Shengxin.

Respect the pinnacle of heaven!

"Lao Chen, there are a lot of things you are hiding from me. My second senior brother is still the top power in the heavens. Is he also one of our seven-star elders?" Qin Shaofeng said.

When he felt a problem, he lost all respect for Chenxing.

With a sound of Lao Chen, the old ghost of Chen Xing almost spurted blood.

He deliberately appeared as ‘Senior Chen’, which was enough to weigh himself down, but he did not expect that he would turn into Lao Chen in Qin Shaofeng’s mouth.

"She is the Great Elder of our Seven Star Gate." Old Ghost Chen Xing was full of grievances.

She looked like an angry little wife.

But his words caused Qin Shaofeng's brows to suddenly rise.

Zhao Ziyu turned out to be the Great Elder?

This identity seems too beyond ordinary people's imagination, right?


Qin Shaofeng suddenly noticed something wrong, and asked in amazement: "You just said'her'? Isn't Zhao Ziyu a man?"

"The former Zhao Ziyu was naturally a man, but now Zhao Ziyu is hard to say."

Old ghost Chenxing smiled weirdly, and said: "You have entered the world of martial arts for a short time, and you know too little about the true pinnacle existence. You will naturally understand a lot of things in the future. I can only tell you one thing, our great The elders were once the peak powerhouses of the holy star."

"Holy Star Position!? Peak!? Hiss!"

Qin Shaofeng took a breath, and a familiar word suddenly appeared in his mind.

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