Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3217: Hot hand

"The ants, who have a mere six-ranked celestial cultivation base, dare to speak rudely to my son. It is useless to keep your mouth."

The breath of that person radiated with these words.

The breath of a strong saint star.

And this person is exactly the follower Zhao Qi that Qin Shaofeng accepted halfway.

At the same time as the words were uttered, Zhao Qi's figure moved again.

Like a flicker, the figure grabbed the person who was barely supporting his body, and slapped all the teeth in the other side of the person's mouth with blood and spit out with a backhand slap.

A palm on one side.

The powerhouse of the dignified sixth-order exalted heaven was turned into a big pig head unexpectedly.

The sides on both sides of the face were swollen high, and I didn't know whether it was saliva or blood flowing out of the mouth.

"Hey hey hey, wow wow wow wow..."

The person's eyes were already full of fear.

And there is hatred for strangers appearing on the territory of the Seven Star Gate and hitting him, as if he wanted to say something.

It's just that he was beaten up like this, for fear that even his tongue in his mouth would be shaken by most.

Do not say that Qin Shaofeng or Zhao Qi did not understand these words. I am afraid that even he himself may not understand them, right?

"Stop it!"

Li Kaixing discovered that Zhao Qi was really going to abolish his brother, and immediately stood up.

The man’s mouth was smashed by Zhao Qi, and there was no way to say anything, but he had no problem, and he shouted directly: "Who are you, why did you appear at our Seven-Star Gate? You dare to be in our Seven-Star Gate. Where to beat people?"

Thinking of asking this kind of question now?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing, but he didn't intend to say anything more.

Zhao Qi found that his son didn't intend to pay attention, and immediately grabbed the man's arms and shook it suddenly.


There was a burst of crisp sound.

The man's arms hung down like noodles, and Zhao Qi's seemingly lightly flicked the bones of his arms, directly breaking the bones of his arms.

A terrible scream immediately sounded from the person's throat.


Zhao Qi has just started.

Li Kaixing's identity may be very high, but he doesn't care at all.

Since Qin Shaofeng had no plans to stop, he would naturally not stop.

Suddenly he kicked towards the man's belly.

‘Boom! ’

Kick it out.

Suddenly there was a riot of breath on that person.

Immediately, the man fainted.

Zhao Qi's hands still didn't mean to stop, and his body speed was used again.

In an instant, he had grabbed the person's feet, another seemingly simple flick.


The screams resounded again.

The person who fainted just because his cultivation base was abolished was awakened by intense pain again.

Such a scream is the extent to which the listener is sad and the listener shed tears.

Li Kaixing and others are also people in high positions, and there are not a few people who have killed them, but they have never seen such a harsh method.

Everyone turned pale.

In the face of such a scene, there is still no change in expression, and only Qin Shaofeng three.

Qin Shaofeng had seen too many things, even more cruel and terrifying scenes than before his eyes, and he had not seen it once or twice.

He didn't even see much blood in this scene, and he really didn't care much.

Chen Xing has been the master of the Seven Star Gate for decades.

Such a scene would not cause him many psychological changes.

As for Zhao Qi, it is the only exception.

Zhao Qi was born in a casual cultivator, although he did not experience more things like Qin Shaofeng and others, but because he cultivated from the bottom step by step, his cruelty was not comparable to ordinary people.

"Huh! I don't have any skills at all. I even dared to attack my son. It's a deadly death!" Zhao Qi coldly snorted, grabbing the man's foot, but didn't let go.

Immediately, make a throw move.

Suddenly exerted force, suddenly threw the man out in the direction of the door.

My son has already given an order to throw this guy out to feed the dog, it is impossible to give Li Kaixing and others a chance to rescue.

This throw was enough to throw the person whose repair base was abolished to death.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Zhao Qi's fierce shots were all carried out in the electric light and flint.

When Li Kaixing and the others were awake from the shock, he had already thrown them out.

"Save people!"

Li Kaixing's eyes became red at this moment.

While shouting out.

His figure has already rushed out.

Although the speed is not slow.

But his cultivation base is completely insufficient.

Zhao Qi remembered Qin Shaofeng's order clearly, and he suddenly rushed to stop Li Kaixing and the others.

"My son said that if you want to throw out the blind guy to feed the dog, you must throw it out to feed the dog. If any of you wants to save him, then pass the old man first." Zhao Qi The voice is neither sad nor happy.

It can even be said that there is no slight change in sound and color.

It seemed that he was just a ruthless machine, without emotion at all.

"you you you……"

In Li Kaixing's eyes, there was only endless anger.

Although only such a momentary delay, Li Kaixing and the others completely lost the chance of rescue.

Even if Zhao Qi can really push away, it is completely meaningless.

"What am I? Don't you agree?"

Although Zhao Qi stayed at Tianxiangmen for some time.

But his temperament is still the same as it was when he was a casual cultivator.

If you offend Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu will overwhelm you with a stronger cultivation base than you.

Perhaps the Four Elephant Sect also gave him an outstanding status after letting him go to the Heavenly Elephant Gate for these reasons, but he did not give him any real power.

Even if he went out to do errands, he was only given to a few people.

This also made his temper almost never changed.

Right now, he was saying such a sentence again, but he almost angered Li Kaixing.

After all, Li Kaixing was the acting star owner of Kaiyang.

The anger rolled in his heart for a moment, and he was awakened.

No way! wrong!

This guy was clearly not from the Seven Star Gate, and he didn't care about his so-called identity at all.

What's more, this guy opened his mouth and shut his mouth and was the son's order.

Doesn't it say.

It really didn't help to convince this guy.

Is it Qin Shaofeng who can really call the shots?

In other words, as long as Qin Shaofeng was taken down, would this Saint Star powerhouse have no choice?

Think about it!

He turned his head abruptly, glared at Qin Shaofeng, and roared: "Qin Shaofeng, how dare you let someone kill the elders of my Yang family? Do you want to betray the sect?"

That was the so-called elder's call just now, and it has attracted many people.

With a louder voice, he immediately attracted all the sect disciples in the manor.

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