Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3219: ask to see

The entire backyard suddenly fell into extreme silence.

Of course they all understood Qin Shaofeng's words quite clearly.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about Li Kaixing, the acting star master, they didn't have that courage!

Everyone shut up and dare not speak.

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood everyone's fear and smiled indifferently. Then he turned his head to look at Li Kaixing, and said word by word: "I said, where this son lives, dead people and dogs are strictly forbidden to pollute the air."

A dead man and a dog suddenly turned Li Kaixing's old face into black.

Qin Shaofeng did not say clearly, but who really couldn't tell, what did Qin Shaofeng mean?

"Qin! Shao! Wind!"

Li Kaixing roared, his whole body was trembling constantly as he shouted.

The anger in his heart had obviously gone to the extreme.

In his heart, he kept hinting that he could not be impulsive, and he could not do something with him. He just waited for the old man to do it first, and let the strong saint star behead us.

He kept persuading himself in his heart, but the anger in his heart never escaped.

But don't know.

Qin Shaofeng really hadn't thought of killing them all directly.

Qin Shaofeng's trip was to allow Old Ghost Chen Xing to witness the problems in the Seven Star Gate with his own eyes. With such a ready-made example in front of him, he was really reluctant to kill.

And still in front of so many sect disciples.

If he really killed Li Kaixing, no matter how reasonable he was, he would become unreasonable.

Even if he didn't care about these, the superposition of the two conditions made him intend to stay for the time being.

But the suppression is the same.

If you really keep such an obvious hidden stake by your side, don't you have to be careful when you do anything?

It should be understood that Li Kaixing is different from those who are secretly watching.

If this guy really wants to die, he can just break into his room.

Faced with Li Kaixing’s already violent emotions, he still just smiled faintly, and said: "Zhao Qi, show my son a good door, some miscellaneous cats and dogs can’t be put in casually for me. Something dirty my son's eyes, don't blame him for cleaning you up."

"Yes, please don't worry, son, there will never be anything dirty son's eyes."

Zhao Qi bowed respectfully and saluted, and immediately walked towards the place where Li Kaixing and the others were, while shouting loudly: "Where is the old miscellaneous dog? Didn't you hear my son? Dead people and dogs are not allowed to enter," Do you want to be dead and thrown out by the old man, or let the old man throw you out like mangy dogs?"

His words are extremely overbearing.

Even Qin Shaofeng shouted out the most insulting words before.

Qin Shaofeng didn't deliberately do anything just now.

But his voice was full of anger, as if he was afraid that others would not know that Qin Shaofeng and himself had regarded these people as dogs.

At this moment, Li Kaixing felt extremely regretful.

Why did you ask your brother to trouble Qin Shaofeng as soon as he came here?

That's fine.

Qin Shaofeng directly sacrificed a great killer of a strong saint star.

Right now, because of the screams just now, all the disciples on the manor side ran over, making him so unable to step down even if he wanted to retreat.

When so many people retire, how will I see others in the future?

But the problem is...

What can you do if you don't retreat?

There is no Saint Star powerhouse around him to contend with Zhao Qi.

Even though I'm doing things for those people in the dark, there are so many powerful saint stars among those people, but I definitely can't stand up and help myself deal with Zhao Qi in such an open manner, right?

Thinking of this, he was also happy.

Qin Shaofeng does have a strong saint star guarding him, but he himself is only a first-order respected heaven.

Now that Zhao Ziyu and Fan Shengxin are in a stable state, they are afraid it will be difficult to do anything in a short time.

If those people can lead Zhao Qi away.

Doesn't it mean that you want to deal with Qin Shaofeng easily?

"let's go!"

Li Kaixing thought in his heart: First make you happy for a day, and the old man will find a way to clean up you tomorrow.

Take people away immediately.

His retreat caused a burst of exclamation.

"Fogweed! Didn't I make a mistake?"

"The dignified Kaiyang line of acting star master was scared away by that Qin Shaofeng's words?"

"That kid is too awesome, right?"

"Sacred star power is on the side, it's really amazing, when will I have a follower of the sacred star power?"

I don't know who whispered such a sentence.

Just as he spoke, he found that everyone's eyes were all looking at him.

Although no one said anything.

But he could tell from these people's eyes that everyone was silently mocking.

Those gazes seemed to say again: What kind of green onion are you, you still want a strong saint star to be your follower?

Are you awake?

The disciple felt complacent and ran away in a hurry.

the other side.

Although Li Kaixing thought of a way to deal with Qin Shaofeng.

But now it was also forced to retreat by Qin Shaofeng, just when he had no face to see people, he was also hurriedly leading to the front yard wing at the same time.

Seeing all the excitement will pass.

A disciple Qin Shaofeng had once met who was responsible for guarding the gate ran over and said: "Yi Xing has seen Young Master Qin Shaofeng. Someone outside said that I have something important and want to see Young Master. I wonder if Young Master sees him?"

"Someone asked to see me?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that he would encounter so many things when he came out today to breathe. He nodded immediately and said, "Let that person come over!"

Yi Xing hurriedly left again.

Before long, he came with a middle-aged man.

"Lu San has seen Gongzi Qin."

The middle-aged man came to Qin Shaofeng respectfully with a full face, clasped his fists in his hands, and reached the ground.

"No need to be polite, I don't know what is going on when you are here this time?"

When Qin Shaofeng heard this person's name in the newspaper, he could roughly guess the origin of this man, and the arrogance just now was not revealed at all.

The middle-aged man immediately handed over a large envelope and said: "My adult asked me to send this to the son."


Qin Shaofeng was taken aback.

He was in full view now, but he couldn't say much, he nodded and said: "I know, you go back!"


Lu San turned around and left.

He didn't seem to care whether Qin Shaofeng would look at the envelope.

Qin Shaofeng stood up while he was leaving, and said, "What **** weather is this, why does it make people feel so uncomfortable, Brother Chen, go, let's go to my room and drink."

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