Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 322: A thousand skills

In the end, Qin Shaofeng took the crystal of luck.

There is no way that the temptation is too strong, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help it!

As for the effect of taking away this luck crystallization, Xiaoqiuqiu finally gave a solution.

That is to let Qin Shaofeng use a little effort of his own, the light ball at this core, and a secret technique of the Five Elements Qi Luck to leave his mark.

This mark can only last for three years at most, and Qin Shaofeng intends to use this mark to return it back with three times the luck of his own luck in these three years.

In other words, this is equivalent to a loan with a term of three years. After three years, the principal will be repaid together with the three low-level Qi Luck Crystals. Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng can completely integrate his own Qi Luck with Lian Yang Country. This is completely It's just desperate.

However, if Qin Shaofeng did something important in the three years that affected Lianyang State, once the overall national fortune of Lianyang State tripled, it would be considered a repayment.

And there is still one advantage to doing this, that is, once Qin Shaofeng repays, if the national fortune of the Lianyang country gets stronger and stronger in the future, Qin Shaofeng will also bring some good luck.

Uh, as for the good luck, there is only one sentence for the ball.

"How can it be defined in terms of luck? Anyway, there are only good things and no bad things!"

Of course, if within these three years, Lianyang State would be destroyed.

Gee, this is super not wonderful.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, once such a situation occurs, I am afraid that I will be unlucky for a while, and it also has a great impact on myself.

Although the consequences were serious, in the end, Qin Shaofeng was willing to take advantage of the benefits brought by the crystallization of air luck.


Three hours arrived, and Qin Shaofeng and everyone were teleported out.

This transmission was transmitted to the place where he entered the room before, which made Qin Shaofeng a little pity secretly in his heart.

He originally wanted to thank his old slaves.

After all, because of the other party's words, I finally got a great benefit!

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect you to finally enter the legendary realm now!"

When Qin Shaofeng was secretly regretful, he suddenly heard a cold snort of disdain.

The voice was a little familiar, and after listening carefully, Qin Shaofeng knew who it was without raising his head.

Besides that Lian Chengjiang, who else can it be?

This time, Qin Shaofeng gained a great deal of luck, not only did most of his skills have been upgraded to level 1 or 2, he also got a crystal of luck.

Even under the influence of those luck, Qin Shaofeng suddenly found that his injury was healed.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng did not conceal his aura for a while.

However, under Yi Jinjing's ability, even if it is not hidden, Qin Shaofeng's breath at this moment is still very weak, and it feels like he has just suddenly reached the legendary realm.

Looking up slightly, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed as he looked at Lian Chengjiang who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Character: Lian Chengjiang

Level: Legendary Triple Early Stage

Aura value: 380000/380000

Spiritual root of talent:...


Actually broke through to the legendary triple?

It seems that Lian Chengjiang has gained a lot of benefits this time!

Seeing Lian Chengjiang's attribute information at the moment, Qin Shaofeng felt a little bit surprised.

However, at the same time Qin Shaofeng also noticed that there was a thin hairline on the top of Lian Chengjiang's head.

It was a thin line representing Lian Chengjiang's own air transport. It was only three inches long. One end emerged from the top of the Liancheng River, and the other extended into the sky above the top of the River, concealed into the void without knowing where it reached.

Qin Shaofeng knew that this kind of situation meant that Lian Chengjiang's luck had been completely involved in Lian Yang's country.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also saw that the twelve people present were like him and Yuner.

It's just that Lian Yufeng is different from Lian Yuhu's. As the princess and prince of the Lianyang Kingdom, the thin lines of luck on their heads are comparable, about the size of chopsticks.

Moreover, the two people didn't pay blindly with this thin line of air luck. They could also get the blessing of the entire national fortune of Lianyang with this thin line of air luck.

I believe that with this thin line of Qi Luck, the cultivation speed of the two will probably increase at least three times from now on.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to him, but instead looked around, Lian Chengjiang was furious.

This time, in order to enter the Qiyun Array, although he paid a great price, the final result was also gratifying.

Legendary triple!

He actually rose two levels in a row, reaching the legendary triple realm.

This situation caused Lian Chengjiang's confidence to burst. After he was born in his heart, he must teach Qin Shaofeng a lesson.

So after he came out, Lian Chengjiang started to look for Qin Shaofeng for the first time, but when he felt Qin Shaofeng's sudden arrival in the legendary realm, he was shocked.

Qin Shaofeng didn't break through before, so he defeated him so easily, then after the breakthrough now, wouldn't Qin Shaofeng be even more disadvantaged.

But after feeling it seriously, Qin Shaofeng’s aura was just as if there was nothing, which made Lian Chengjiang's heart settled, believing that Qin Shaofeng was just barely breaking through, and now the realm is definitely not stable. It is the best time for him to take action, so he Disdainfully snorted to Qin Shaofeng.

But I don't want Qin Shaofeng's attitude. He actually didn't put him in his eyes at all, didn't notice him at all, and looked around.

This made Lian Chengjiang an unnamed anger rise in his heart, and he opened his mouth fiercely. Lian Chengjiang wanted to yell at Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, in front of the twelve of them, they whirred, and suddenly there was a figure, the owner of this figure was an old man.

The old man appeared suddenly, and he couldn't feel any strong aura from him, but with his appearance, the air around him became a lot more dignified and suppressed.

Under this solemnity and depression, Lian Chengjiang, who was planning to speak, couldn't help but shut up.

And after seeing this old man, Lian Yuhu, who had originally looked arrogant, suddenly became Lian Yumao. That's a cuteness!

On the contrary, Lian Yufeng smiled with joy.

"Too grandpa!"


When Qin Shaofeng heard this name, his heart moved inexplicably, thinking of someone.

Old teacher!

One of the strong people in the Yuan Pill Realm of Lianyang Kingdom.

Lian Yufeng yelled, the old teacher's original serious face suddenly opened up slightly, and he smiled very relievedly.

"Well, yes, it seems that Fenger, you have gained a lot!"

Character: Lian Yufeng

Level: Legendary Triple Peak

Aura value: 800000/800000

Innate Spirit Root: Profound Fire Spirit Root (Ninth Stage Spirit Root)

Exercises: "Lianyang Baodian", three forms of iron fist


It wasn't until the old national teacher suddenly said such a sentence that Qin Shaofeng remembered to look at the attributes of the little princess Lian Yufeng at the moment, but after reading it, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

The realm has changed!


From the pinnacle of spiritual veins to the legendary triple peak, directly surpassing the entire triple.

The spiritual energy value has not changed from before, still 800,000 points, but the spiritual root of the little princess has changed.

Ninth Stage Profound Fire Spiritual Root!

At this time, the ball suddenly made a noise.

"It turns out that it is the Profound Fire Spiritual Root. So, did this little girl use this great fortune formation to ignite her Profound Fire Spiritual Root with her fortune, and then completely awakened?"

"What's the situation? What is Profound Fire Spirit Root? Isn't this even Yufeng's previous Spirit Root an ordinary Fire System Spirit Root? Why is it now a Profound Fire Spirit Root?" Qin Shaofeng asked secretly.

"It's different!" Xiaoqiuqiu thought for a while and explained, "This profound fire spirit root needs to be fully awakened, otherwise it is just an ordinary fire root, but if it is awakened, the higher the level of awakening. The more it has some special potential."

"Like this Lian Yufeng's profound fire spiritual root, he reached the ninth rank as soon as he awakened. If you continue to practice according to her, you may be promoted to the Holy Spirit root in the future! This is similar to someone's spiritual root, but it is too strong. !"

Speaking of the end, Xiaoqiuqiu turned his eyes and landed on Qin Shaofeng with disdain. The meaning was self-evident.

I wiped it again.

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

At this time, the old national teacher turned his head and began to speak to everyone.

"You are very good. After this time, you have achieved a lot of improvement. Moreover, with the blessing of my Lian Yang Guo, your cultivation will go smoothly in the future."

As he said, the old teacher's eyes flashed slightly, and the front of his words suddenly changed.

"However, you had better not be proud. You may be a good genius now, but with the people of Qianshan Sect who did not get the blessing of Qi Yun, you are just barely okay, so I hope that while there is still some time, you are the most So as to completely consolidate the current realm, and then can truly join the Qianshan Sect!"

Speaking of this old national teacher, there was a sudden sigh of emotion on his face, he sighed, and said: "Maybe you think the old man is very strong, but the old man tells you that with the strength of the old man, the Qianshan Sect is only at the bottom. That's it!"


With the cultivation base of the old master of the Yuan Dan realm, is it only the bottom of the Qianshan Sect?

The words of the old national teacher made everyone silent for a while.

Thousand Mountain Sect!

What kind of existence is that?

Few people at the scene knew, but what the old teacher said made everyone understand.

Qianshanzong, that is a place where the real strong stay.

Soon, the old teacher left with Lian Yufeng and Lian Yuhu.

As soon as the old national teacher left, even though the inexplicable pressure was gone, after listening to the old national teacher's words, even Cheng Jiang didn't have the intention to trouble Qin Shaofeng.

In the end, he just gave Qin Shaofeng a cold snort, and then Lian Chengjiang left in a hurry.

Other people are almost the same.

No one knows what happened to the Qianshan Sect.

Because every time Qianshan Sect enters the sect, the assessment is different.

Time is running out, and they have no time to waste.

As for Zhao Yun'er, because of the breakthroughs in the star realm and cultivation, she needed to consolidate, so she left without staying with Qin Shaofeng for long.

It was that Qin Shaofeng was able to start refining the pill at this time because of the aftereffects brought about by the division of the soul, all healed.

However, according to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, it is best to wait for a while before using the Feiyu Knife. In this way, the Feiyu Knife and Qin Shaofeng himself can be closer together.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng wanted to try the flying feather knife, and after becoming his own destiny soldier, the idea of ​​how much power could be improved by using Xiao Li's flying knife was once again stranded.

No way, Qin Shaofeng could only refine the pill.

However, before refining the pill, Qin Shaofeng used the 230,000 points in his body and 130,000 points to purchase all the mortal level one-star skills.

With the crystallization of luck, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to waste it.

This adds a little skill proficiency every day, but it is not limited by the skill level or the number of skills, Qin Shaofeng will naturally not miss it.

Most of the Van level one-star skills are just 100 points, and the more are just 150 points and 200 points.

Qin Shaofeng spent more than 130,000 points to purchase nearly 1,000 mortal level one-star skills.

This makes Qin Shaofeng's skills add up, no more, no less, just reaching a thousand!

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