Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3224: enter


Shen Lian was stunned for a moment when he saw the location of the seal on the invitation card, which turned out to be the sign of the star chase gate.

Subconsciously looked at Qin Shaofeng for a long while.

Although she is a woman, she is also the top of the Tianji Tower, how could she have never heard of Qin Shaofeng's name?

At the age of a mere teenager, he cultivated to reach the realm of supreme heaven.

Then it almost detonated the chaos of the Seven Star Gate with one's own power.

It is for this reason that she has already judged that Qin Shaofeng's status at the Seven Star Gate is extraordinary under the confluence of all parties' news.

Although there is no news of Qin Shaofeng's exact identity.

But it's almost there.

With Qin Shaofeng's ability now, this name alone is actually enough to make Tianjilou send invitations to him.

When Qin Shaofeng appeared, there was an invitation in his hand.

The invitation is from the door of the star chaser.

The change was so great that she felt numb in her hands and feet.

Could there be any mistakes or omissions in the intelligence system of our Tianji Building?

Why is Qin Shaofeng so favored by the star chaser?

Shen Lian made up his mind that it was time to increase the penetration of the intelligence system.

At the moment when the suspicion appeared on his face, it turned into a normal look again, returned the invitation card, and smiled: "It turned out to be Young Master Qin Shaofeng, please come inside."

When Qin Shaofeng took out the invitation, everyone had only doubts in their hearts.

But I really didn't dare to think that the invitation card in Qin Shaofeng's hand was true or false.

After all, even the Four Elephant Sect and the Yunhai Sect did not dare to do this easily.

Not to mention that the invitations of Tianjilou are especially anti-counterfeit certification, and most people simply cannot get fakes.

However, looking at Shen Lian's face with only a moment of doubt, he immediately invited me kindly. There are so many differences here!

Qin Shaofeng took the invitation, just nodded indifferently, and stepped back and forth into the Tianji Building with Old Ghost Chenxing.

Only the crowd full of shock was left.

"That kid actually has an invitation from Tianjilou?"

The ancestor Yingyue of Xuanyinmen was absolutely outstanding in age, but he looked like a middle-aged beautiful woman in her forties.

She who pays great attention to appearance, her face is full of shock at this time.

"My lord said before that Qin Shaofeng has a big secret, but he didn't expect it to be true. Fortunately, before the old man came here, he had already brought my invitation from Tianlan Gate. It seems that the old man needs to go in. Take a look."

Tianlanmen Lu Zijian laughed a few times and strode onto the red carpet.

Immediately, the ancestor Yingyue of Xuanyin Gate also walked over.

Finally, Yan Xie, the head of the Xuanwu Hall of the Four Elephant Sect.

They are all prepared, so naturally they will not come here in a vacuum.

Even if no one thought that Qin Shaofeng would have an invitation from Tianjilou.

I didn't even think about this possibility at all, but they all made preparations.

In this way, it also makes someone embarrassed.

That is Ni Dahai, the protector of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

Ni Dahai also seems to be only in his thirties, but the Yunhaizong has been away for too long, making it difficult for ordinary people to understand the situation of the strong.

The name of Ni Dahai is too common.

If it hadn't been for Shen Lian to break his identity as the protector of the Cloud Sea Sect, those present could only guess.

But Dahai saw so many people entering the Heavenly Secret Tower, but there was only a faint smile on his face.

It seemed that he didn't care about Qin Shaofeng's affairs at all.

He didn't turn his head slowly until everyone entered the Tianji Tower.

His gaze was very flat, as if he had forgotten Qin Shaofeng's affairs, and he just looked at the people from all sides with such a calm gaze.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many people who have invitations from the Tianji Tower. It seems that I am really too brave to come today." Ni Dahai said brazenly, turning around and walking towards the distance.

He actually gave up?

Shen Lian was puzzled by his actions.

What is this guy going to do?

Turn around and leave?

Although I don't know the specific information about Ni Dahai, I also know that this guy is definitely not an easy man.

Threatening to retreat so easily, I'm afraid that even a fool can't believe it, right?

What does he want to do?

Ni Dahai behaved strangely, and everyone was puzzled, but it did not include everyone who had entered the auction venue.

Especially Qin Shaofeng and Chenxing.

As soon as they entered the Tianji Building auction venue, someone immediately led them to rest in a comfortable room.

No need to bother about the major forces.

Qin Shaofeng naturally took a nap again.

While Chenxing smiled bitterly at his heartlessness, she also wanted to rest for a while.

He had just sat down, and his brows were suddenly raised by a sudden news.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect it!"

Chen Xing's sudden laughter immediately awakened Qin Shaofeng from his nap.

Looked at him suspiciously.

Just to see the furious color in Chen Xing's eyes.

Chen Xing was naturally able to spot his gaze, glanced back, and said: "The Four Elephant Sects have really done it, but their actions and the printed things really made the old man not expect!"

"No! I didn't want to think about it before!"

Chen Xing gritted his teeth bitterly, and said every word.

Qin Shaofeng nodded in understanding, if it weren't for the star chasing gate that had been placed earlier, and even Ximen Li itself had been counted in, he would not believe that fact.

When things changed to the Seven Star Gate, he could only say that Chen Xing's concentration was not enough.

Thinking in his mind, he asked: "So, the Kaiyang channel is acting seriously, and the inner and outer circles want to subvert the Seven Star Gate?"

"Open Yang? Haha, if it is really just a small Kaiyang line, how can it be said?" Chen Xing said angrily.

When he said these words, Qin Shaofeng grinned fiercely.

It seemed that the Chenxing Sect Master was really confused.

He Zu Lunzai said such things.

"It's not just Kaiyang, what's the matter then?" Qin Shaofeng asked in surprise.

Chenxing's expression changed again and again.

It took a long time before he spoke slowly.

It turned out that a few days ago, when Li Kaixing and the others hurried over, the Kaiyang line's star master Li Kaitian, and Kaiyang ancestor Li Zheng broke through at the same time.

During the time when the two of them were hiding in the world, they actually raised their cultivation base to the realm of Saint Star.

Even the first-order holy star position is enough to shock people.

From then on, the back hand arranged by Chenxing started to move but rose.

His wife Lingyu immediately stood up.

at the same time.

Inside the Seven Star Gate, people who had been hidden for many years began to appear.

Seven stars and seven veins are also sensible and begin to turbulence.

Many people are filled with righteous indignation, but there are also some people who sneak down silently, as if all have become small and transparent.

This long-prepared battle entered the stormy pre-war preparations last night.

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