Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3234: Jiyue Yinyi

After all, the series of patience is not absolute.

When it was time to explore the Spirit Liquid, the ancestor Yingyue of the Xuanyin Gate directly spoke domineeringly, raising the price once.

She naturally expected this thing very much, but she also had some tentative ideas.

But what she had never expected was.

Qin Shaofeng directly raised the price by 30 million as soon as she quoted it.

Directly exceed the budget of 40 million.

Even though the ancestor Yingyue had a very high status in Xuanyinmen, he still couldn't bear it and had to choose to cut love.

With her shot, others will no longer raise prices.

People Qin Shaofeng now stuffed his head in his pocket, and he could be taken away at any time. It was normal to go crazy at this time.

But letting them participate in the auction far beyond the budget is absolutely impossible.

It doesn't matter if you can get what you want.

If you really irritate this almost crazy guy, if you turn your head on to cheat yourself, you can't afford it!

"I announce that the normal auctions are over."

"The next lot is called Jiyue Yinyi. It looks like it is just a thin gauze, but it is a treasure of defense that absorbs moonlight and resists damage by itself."

"With this treasure, he can passively defend against three attacks from the peak power of the holy star. It consumes 10% of his energy. It takes ten days to absorb the energy of the moonlight."

"This thing shouldn't have appeared in the land of our shining stars, but it was given to us by a strong man in our Heavenly Secret Tower after saving a strong man from outside the sky."

"I announce that the starting price of Jiyue Yinyi is one billion Yaoxing coins, and each increase in price shall not be less than 10 million Yaoxing coins."

Shen Lian finally reported the situation of this dress.

The starting price is one billion.

Such a price immediately made most people hesitate.

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes sparkled, and he looked at Yan Xie scorchingly, and said with a smile: "Palace Master Yan Xie, I think this dress is very good. If you can take a photo of it, Master How about giving you two fragments of martial arts of supernatural rank?"

When he first saw the introduction about this Jiyue Yinyi, he had a sense of expectation in his heart.

But Old Ghost Chenxing ruthlessly shattered his expectations.

"This item is a real treasure. I am afraid that the final transaction price will not be less than 300,000 Yaoxing coins. As far as the old man knows, there are only three of all forces that can participate in the auction."

"The first is the Nangong family of the first rich family of the Land of Stars."

"The second one is the Shenbing Pavilion, and the last one is the Four Elephant Sect."

"The people of the Yunhai Sect rarely have participants. If their people come, they may be able to become the fourth family, but the old man still believes that even if their people really come, they don't have the financial resources."

Qin Shaofeng remembered what Old Ghost Chen Xing had said, and the look of expectation suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He thinks it is extremely cost-effective to exchange one third of something that is damaged to no research value at all in exchange for such a treasure of defense.


As soon as his question was expressed, Yan Xie's fierce gaze greeted him.

"This thing is worth at least 3 billion. You actually want the old man to use this thing in exchange for your worthless tatters. You can even say it if you lose it!" Yan Xie's breath became more and more unstable.

The fragments of martial arts skills are naturally not as tattered as he says.

But the problem is that his cultivation base of Yan Xie is far from reaching the peak cultivation base of the Saint Star.

If you really bought such a treasure of defense for Qin Shaofeng, it wouldn't be so easy to clean up this kid by then.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew the direction of his thinking.

Facing Yan Xie’s almost frantic roar, he didn’t even look straight. Instead, he took out part of the divine martial arts fragments that he said and remembered, and shouted: "Although our Seven Star Gate has problems I don’t have much property, but I can’t stand my son’s squandering like this. Since Hall Master Yan Xie refuses to buy these things from me, the son of this book is packaged and sold here. Can someone want it for a billion?"

This loud shout was truly shocking.

Everyone present was dizzy with his words.

Does this kid know what those things in his hands are?

How can he sell it at the price?

The ancestor of Xuanyin Gate Yingyue immediately grew his mouth.

She came here, but wanted to get a share.

But he didn't expect that the person from the Four Elephant Sect was Yan Xie, and the person from the Yunhai Sect was the abnormal guy Ni Dahai.

This makes her powerless even if she has the intention.

Originally thought that he was destined to miss the martial arts of the superb rank, but did not expect Qin Shaofeng to make such a show in the public.

Is he really planning to make the martial arts of these supernatural qualities he knows known to the whole world?

But thinking about it carefully, his approach seems pretty good.

It must be known that everyone is not guilty of guilt.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation is too weak and too weak, and there is no strong enough support behind him. The best way to protect himself is to make it public.

In this way, although there is still a disaster, it will not be as serious as the original.

Yingyue's eyes began to turn green.

She really wants it!

But the problem is that she really doesn't have the guts.

If you shot at this time, wouldn't you put yourself on Yan Xie's hatred list?

Does anyone make an advance?

Do you have?

"Bring it to the old man, and the old man will help you out two billion."

Yan Xie also moved when he heard Qin Shaofeng's words.

He himself just said that the price of this item is at least 3 billion yuan.

If only two billion were given to Qin Shaofeng, he would spend more money to stop Qin Shaofeng from bidding for Jiyue Yinyi.

Not to mention that the Nangong family of the God of Wealth came here, but it was for this Jiyue Yiyi.

A mere two billion.

He didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng would be able to take this treasure away from the Heavenly Secret Tower with this two billion more.

"go away!"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at him with disdain, and said angrily: "You idiot, fat bastard, are not qualified to do business with the young master, and the young master will never do your business again."

"Special offer! Special offer!"

"A piece of superb martial arts fragments, one billion pieces, good quality and low price, don't come when the opportunity is indispensable, come and buy it at the speed you want!"

When he scolded Yan Xie, he yelled for sale.

Such a voice immediately stunned all the people present.

Can this be so?

It's really... foggy!

Do you know what this place is, dare to sell it here?

I really have seen shameless people, people who do not live or die.

But I have never seen anyone who is shameless to this level, looking for death to this level.

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