Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3246: assassin

"Don't look at it, this son just attacked him."

Qin Shaofeng spoke calmly and said, "Star Master Fan, Luo Yusheng and Senior Brother Zhao don't need to do anything anymore, surround these people to prevent anyone from escaping."

The three of them all looked at each other at once.

Among the people of the Four Elephant Sects present, there are quite a few strong sacred stars above the third rank.

If they are determined to escape, there is no way to stop them, okay?


Do you think that Elder Chen Ai alone can take all these people down?

"What a kid who utters wild words, even if the old ghost Chenxing makes a move together, it is impossible to take us all, you dare to say it if you lose it." A fifth-order saint star powerhouse coldly snorted.

Everyone was full of doubts.

I saw a cold light suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, it was directly behind the person who spoke.

The person didn't say it was resisting, and when he couldn't even react, Hanmang had already broken through his defenses and pierced directly into his spine.

Immediately, another foot appeared in the air.

It actually kicked that person towards Qin Shaofeng with one kick.

On this battlefield, life and death finally appeared.

But no one thought that life and death would appear in this way.

It should be noted that Chen Ai participated in the battle just now. Although he was very embarrassed to fight these people, he was also under the lineup of the fifth-order holy star and the three third-order holy stars. Be abruptly resisted.

Had it not been for Zhao Ziyu's third-order holy star.

They are afraid that they will be defeated a long time ago, where will the stalemate continue?

But the guy who made Chen Ai feel difficult, he was abandoned after only one sentence, and he kicked Qin Shaofeng.

"Assassin! You actually have an assassin!?"

The man was already involuntarily, but his eyes became red.

His spine was injured. Although he was in the air, he could feel that his lower body had completely lost consciousness.

When facing the two powerhouses Chenxing Old Ghost and Chen Ai.

Even if he had full power, he didn't dare to say that he could escape.

At the moment, this situation is even marking that he is bound to die.

"Asshole boy, since you want the old man's head, then go to death with the old man!"

The man roared, and with this rapid speed, he suddenly slapped Qin Shaofeng's head with a palm.

Although he was hit hard, Qin Shaofeng only had to cultivate the fifth-order celestial position!

However, when he was about to strike with a blow, he was shocked to find that the strength of the blood he had condensed started to escape quickly.

In shock, he wanted to continue to gather the power of vitality and blood.

An even more shocking scene appeared in the next moment. The dantian was already empty, that is, even every meridian was empty.

Subconsciously looking inside, he saw that everything on his body seemed to have turned dark green.

At this moment, the palm that he would go out, the palm strength also dissipated more than 90%.

At this moment, he finally came close to Qin Shaofeng.

"You still want my son to bury you, do you still have that qualification?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed a lot, shaking his hands, and took out the Ghost Three Slashing sword.

During the time he walked out of Tianlian Mountain, he rarely did it himself.

With the sword in his hand, the breath on his body still condensed.


He really waved casually.

Now the power of vitality and blood of the fifth-order respected heaven has also made the knife in his hand turn into a knife and shine.

Did not display any martial arts.

He slashed with this knife, but it was also the last one.

When the man was still two meters away from him, the sword in his hand had swept past.

next moment.

Accompanied by a bang.

The man's head was thrown out immediately.

But the impact power of that person's body rushed in front of Qin Shaofeng just as that person had guessed.

If there were no accidents in that person, Qin Shaofeng would be able to use his life-threatening moves when Qin Shaofeng succeeded.

But now, he fell so silently.

Seeing the blood-spraying corpse approaching, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't let the poisonous blood dirty one of his own. He suddenly collapsed and flew up like a dragon wagging its tail, kicking the headless corpse out.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the powerful fifth-order holy stars and obtaining 30 million true value."

"Thirty million again?"

Qin Shaofeng heard the voice in the system, and he was also delighted.

His cultivation base is constantly improving, making him want to upgrade to a level now, the real value it needs to spend is extremely high.

Coupled with the consumption of martial arts training, he is already extremely eager for the true value.

It seems that to kill the Saint-Rank powerhouse, the true value acquisition should be determined at about ten million, which is not to be disliked.

It seems that if you are not in the Forbidden Forest, it may not be that difficult to get the true value!

"One cut, one cut?"

The exclamation of the old ghost Chen Xing suddenly sounded.

He also knew that Qin Shaofeng was extraordinary, but the gap of a whole star position made him really unable to find Qin Shaofeng's qualifications to survive.

He didn't seem to have done anything, but he was already ready to shoot.

What he didn't expect was that Qin Shaofeng simply slapped him, and when the battle ended, he didn't even splash a drop of blood.

This is incredible, right?

Although the guy's spine was injured, he did not completely lose his power.

The power of that palm just now is even more terrifying.

Although it's not a big deal to myself, it shouldn't be something that Qin Shaofeng, a small fifth-ranked heavenly ant, can resist, right?

What is going on here?

"One knife?!"

"How is it possible that the boss is a powerful fifth-order saint star, even if he is injured in a sneak attack, he shouldn't be killed so easily by this kid?"

"What's the matter with that kid, why can't the boss take it with a single stroke?"

More than 30 people in black were suddenly shocked and gasped.

After all, they are the strong among the strong, shocked and astonished, they discovered a big problem in just an instant.

I could barely resist Chen Ai before, but it was the boss's credit.

Now the boss was attacked to death by someone, and only one of them was a fourth-order saint star position and three third-order saint star position powerhouses could not resist at all.

"Not bad, really worthy of being an assassin in the position of a holy star, the power of this sword is indeed tyrannical!"

Chen Aijiu was invincible, and his heart was very angry.

If they are not without more powerhouses and can give him a chance to break through one by one, it would be difficult for even the boss of the fifth-order holy star to hold on to several moves in his hands.

The resistance of these people is so annoying.

Now that his boss is dead, none of these people are in trouble.

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