Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3249: Can't do

Among Qin Shaofeng's group, there was a real high-level person like Chenxing Old Ghost.

However, due to various coincidences, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be the real leader.

With an order, everyone immediately packed up everything and returned to the manor of the Seven Star Gate, and got a few carriages before heading towards the Seven Star Gate.

This journey is very far away. Although they are faster on the way, they are really exhausted.

In case of direct war, it is not good.

As for their action this time, they never concealed Luo Yusheng at all.

This person may have ulterior motives.

Qin Shaofeng knew that this old guy had no bad thoughts about the Seven Star Gate for the time being.

If not, he wouldn't be able to take the initiative to stand up, indicating that there are hidden stakes of various forces in the Kaiyang line and other lines, so that Chenxing can respond.

A group of eight people used two carriages.

Each carriage has two excellent horse-drawn carriages, and the speed is almost to the extreme.

Luo Ying and Luo Yusheng automatically assumed the task of coachman.

They all know the current situation of the Seven Star Gate.

Luo Yingnai is the prince who has orders, but Luo Yusheng is worried that if something happens to the Seven Star Gate, what he wants to do by then will really be nothing.

Therefore, driving a carriage in front, carrying Fan Shengxin, Lu Tianxing, and Lu Wenxin at the speed of a gust of wind.

On the contrary, Luo Ying admitted that he was fast, but he could only catch up with Luo Yusheng.

In a short moment, the carriage had left the city.

But before they had time to go further, a person blocked the way.

This person is very strange to Luo Ying.

Luo Yusheng recognized at a glance that it was Zhao Qi, the strong saint star that Qin Shaofeng had subdued halfway through.

They are now in the process of employing people.

He also heard some rumors about Zhao Qi, and it seemed that he was chased and killed by others, and the failure to reach the battlefield in the city in time might also be due to a reason.

This is true, but Luo Yusheng's speed in driving the carriage is completely insignificant.

"Come on!"

Luo Yusheng yelled halfway.

Zhao Qi was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and immediately boarded the carriage in front.

But he didn't dare to break into the carriage seriously, so he could only work as a groom with Luo Yusheng.

It was when they hurried to the Seven Star Gate.

The four figures have also been found on the previous battlefield.

Seeing the miserable more than a hundred corpses suddenly, all four of them gasped.

"Damn! That kid is too terrifying, isn't it? He actually killed several big forces like this?" Lan Cheng was young after all, and couldn't help exclaiming.


Golan Ye was scared and sweating all over.

"Not only the people from Tianlanmen, Xuanyinmen, and Seven Lights Sect died here, but so many people from the Four Elephant Sect died. We must not stay here any longer."

"Everyone is looking for them separately. If Bai Lan is not dead, take her away immediately, if..."

"Then take her corpse, in any case, you must not stay here again!"

Golan Ye's breathing became hurried.

It's really terrifying here. One is not good. It's not just these people who die. Maybe even Huoyun Nation will suffer unsuspecting disaster.

The four immediately dispersed.

They are all strong in the position of holy stars.

I was frightened mainly just now, and now I will begin my spiritual search.

Not long after, Zuo Ying, the man with spare parts, took Bai Lan from a pile of corpses, white but blood-stained blood-red.

"She is here! He is not dead?"

Zuo Ying quickly turned Bai Lan out, but just happened to glance at Bai Lan.

Suddenly he looked at the person who turned out from the pile of corpses.

Even if Zuo Ying admitted all his life that there was nothing but a sword in his life, he was scared into a cold sweat.

Suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning before shouting out loudly.

At the same time, he pulled out a few pills and stuffed them into Bai Lan's mouth, then put them on his back and shouted, "Go!"

When the voice was spoken, he had already rushed out a hundred meters away.

Naturally, the three of Lan Cheng wouldn't stay longer, and hurried to catch up.

One escape is hundreds of miles.

They came to a sigh of relief when they were sure that no one had caught up.

At this time, Bai Lan had also recovered a lot.

Zuo Ying put it down at the same time.

Bai Lan had already spoken: "You guys don't care about me anymore, immediately return to Huo Yun Nation!"

"what did you say?"

Both Lan Cheng and Golan Ye were people who have experienced accidents, and they immediately searched in all directions.

It's just that, where is the half figure?

Confirming that there is no problem, Lan Chengcai asked, "Is there anything else we don't know? Or is there something unexpected with you?"


Bai Lan has recovered a lot of strength.

She pushed away Randy who was supporting her, sat up by herself, and said, "Lao Ge, old lady, I didn't believe you before, but now I have to admit that you have a really good vision, and that kid is also very good."


Golan Ye was stunned.

"I was able to survive this time. Although there were also reasons why Yunhaizong didn't intend to kill me, it was the kid who stopped the Four Elephant Sect Yan Xie and let the old lady survive."

Her injury was still too serious, and she managed to take a deep breath.

After a while, he continued: "Old lady, although I am a famous person on the list of villains, I may have responded to that sentence. Every time a dog is slaughtered by righteousness, most of them are scholars."

"The Seven-Star Gate is now besieged by the Four Elephant Sects, and that kid has taken the Seven-Star Gate and the people from the Star Chasing Gate over to help."

"If the old woman died, or if I didn't know about it, it would be fine."

"But now..."

"I have to go there for a while, even if I can't do anything to help."

The more she spoke, the firmer her tone became.

It's just that the extremely serious injury on her body made her say every sentence several times.

In just a few words, he actually said a full tea time.

When all her words were finished, the three fell silent.

Four Elephants?

That is the existence at the pinnacle of the land of the shining star.

Even the Seven Star Gate, which is much weaker, is a leader among the superior forces.

I'm afraid that the powerhouses of their entire Huoyun Nation would not be enough to get involved in such power disputes.

But just as Bai Lan said, if you know this, you must go there, even if you can't help it.

"I think... I'm going to have a look too."

While Zuo Ying was thinking, Lan Cheng had already spoken.

His eyes were equally firm, and he said to a few people: "Although I have read a lot of books, I still know what ungratefulness is and what is ungrateful, I can't do such a thing."

"Big brother, do you want to go and die too?" Randy became anxious at once.

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