Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3253: Turned out to be him

"No need to be polite."

Ximenli waved his hand and looked at Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Shaofeng, don't you plan to come to our star-chasing camp?"

Simon Li is also a wise man.

He didn't want to reveal Qin Shaofeng's identity.

But who would have thought that Luo Ying stood behind Qin Shaofeng in full view.

Luo Ying's current identity is well known!

Isn't his act like this betraying Qin Shaofeng's rhythm?

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's response, he asked tentatively.

Such questioning, even if Qin Shaofeng wanted to keep hiding, he still had a way to reverse it.

"Where is there any camp now?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled and shook his head, and said: "The Four Elephant Sects have already taken action against our two major sects, especially today these people all died behind the Seven Star Gate. Even if they don’t want to consume their combat power on our side, they are bound to deal with us. Let’s start, our two major sects will be more than just cooperating."

Ximen Li was stunned, but it was also clear that what Qin Shaofeng said was true.

Immediately, he nodded again.

"Chenxing Sect Master, don't you have all the arrangements? Leave it to you."

Qin Shaofeng curled his mouth and smiled, then waved at Zhao Qi and strode to Ximenli's side.

He didn't want a team, it was because the strength on the Star Chasing Gate was too uneven.

"Sect Master, you divide the people who are chasing the stars into two parts, the people with cultivation level below the Saint Star position will be led by you, and the others will follow me." Qin Shaofeng said.

As soon as the voice uttered, it immediately caused the star chaser to stare.

Who does this kid think he is?

How dare to speak to our family master like this?

Let the sect master lead the cultivation of the heavenly position, but you have to command us who are strong in the holy star position. Isn't your kid not awake?

"no problem."

Simon nodded directly to everyone's expectations.

"All the strong sacred stars go out, all go behind Shaofeng and wait for his dispatch at any time." Ximenli ordered directly.

This shout not only stunned all the star chasers.

It was because the two soldiers were united in one place, and Luo Yusheng, who was closer to this side and was paying attention to Qin Shaofeng's situation, almost fainted from shock.

Foggy grass!

I heard you right, right?

Why does this kid suddenly have such a high right to speak in the door of the star chase?

Just a word from him, he actually wants to leave all the strongest saint stars?

"Sect Master, how can this be?"

An old man hurriedly stood up.

He is really too old, and that terrifying cultivation base has reached the realm of the eighth-order sacred star.

Even if such a strong person is commanded by Simon Li, he is somewhat unhappy in his heart.

Not to mention being directed by an inexplicable young man.

"You don't always have to follow me."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes swept away when these people moved.

In this way, it feels like: I don’t want a disobedient person.

The old man really turned his head glaringly.

"The safety of the sect master can't just be sheltered by a group of respectable people. Your old man and those three also stay with the sect master. Even if the sect master is restricted from fighting, we must not let the sect master have any accidents." Qin Shaofeng said. When I said this, it was just an order.

When Simon Li was transferred, there were only 27 strong saint stars who really stood up.

The four strongest people were taken away at once.

There were only twenty-three people who allowed him to direct.

Another command tone.

But after listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, the old man felt a touch of comfort in his eyes.

In any case, it is a good thing that this kid can remember the master.

His attitude changed, but some people were still upset.

A middle-aged man who was spotted by Qin Shaofeng and ordered to protect Ximen Li immediately said angrily: "What are we going to do? It seems it is not your turn to call the shots, right?"

"Huh! If this son is just an indifferent kid, he is naturally not qualified to command you."

The smile on Qin Shaofeng's face also disappeared at the same time, and his right hand shook gently on his waist, and he hung the token representing his identity on his waist.

"Your cultivation base is very good, the sixth-order holy star, but it's a pity that your temper is really not suitable for protecting the sect master. It is better to stay with my son. Old gentleman, can you please protect the sect master?" Qin Shaofeng said It was an old man with the cultivation base of the fifth-order holy star.

"Deputy Sect Master?!"

The middle-aged man's eyes almost stared out.

Isn’t it said that the deputy master is the top ten on the list of villains?

How could you become such an unknown kid?

And... he actually only has the cultivation base of the first-order respect, what qualifications does he have to be the deputy master of our star chasing gate?

He was puzzled, but he didn't dare to vent it seriously.

The rumors of the deputy sect master at the time shocked each of them.

Not to mention the deliberate expressions of Ximen Li and Sharon Xing during this period of time, as if they had set Qin Shaofeng as an existence under one star chaser and above 10,000.

Although his cultivation base is high, if he really dared to offend the deputy master, I'm afraid that Ximen Li would not be able to spare himself if he was the first!

"What? The deputy master?"

"He turned out to be our deputy master?!"

"Isn't it said that the deputy sect master is the top five wicked existence?"

"This kid... how is this possible?!"

"Couldn't he be a close person of the deputy master, deliberately borrowing the deputy master's identity to press us?"

A burst of exclamations rang out one after another.

These people are just puzzled, but they have no real doubts.

After all, this was in front of the master Simon Li.

All the exclamations made Luo Yusheng's jaw drop again.

Originally only thinking of admitting his fate, only thinking that Zhao Qi, who would not die easily following Qin Shaofeng, was also stunned.

Deputy Master of Starchaser?

He is the deputy master of the legendary star chasing gate with an unusually mysterious origin?

How is this possible?

What kind of cultivation is he, how old is he?


Qin Shaofeng wouldn't do anything with the power of Ximen Li.

Suddenly shouted, and immediately suppressed everyone's voice.

"The battle is coming, but you are still here to question what is the reason for the identity of this seat. Have you forgotten the order of the sect master? The deputy sect master only recognizes tokens, not anyone!"

"Everyone immediately line up for this seat to prepare!"

His two successive shouts of anger really suppressed all those people.

As he said, the battle is imminent, but not when they question Qin Shaofeng's identity.


What if Qin Shaofeng is really the deputy master?

As long as he shows any bad nature in this battle, we can collectively raise objections to the sect master!

People with this heart, a chaotic team of hundreds of people, immediately divided into two teams under his order.

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