Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3255: Hands on

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were black again.

He can guarantee that if the person in front of him is the sect master of the Seven Star Gate, and he is in front of so many people, he will definitely reward Chenxing with a shudder.

What the **** is it?

We've all made it clear that the chariots are going to tear their faces with them. How come you say this at this time?

What does it mean?

In case someone really makes a statement, we know it is wrong, how can it be withdrawn?

How to deal with it when people turn around and squad together and kill them again?

When people had a chance to win, would they still care about your words?

How can you say that you are also the master of a family, how can you say such a thing?

"Chenxing, are you finally willing to come back?"

A few people came immediately behind the opposite crowd.

The headed person does not look old, holding a folding fan, and wearing a robe full of elegant feeling.

Most of his looks a bit wrong in winter.

But every time he waved the folding fan in his hand, he was able to slap away the heavy snow falling from the sky, so that within a few meters of him, no snowflakes fell.

With just this hand, you can see that this person's cultivation base is absolutely extraordinary.

And the person behind him was Yan Xie.

Yan Xie sees them goodbye, it really makes the enemy really jealous when they meet.

Suddenly, he pointed towards Qin Shaofeng and Chen Xing and shouted: "The deputy master, it is the two of them who attacked and chased me. The old ghost of Chen Xing deliberately pretended to be tender, and Qin Shaofeng had a second-order holy star. For the assassins, if they hadn't intervened, even if they had a seventh-order saintly powerhouse on their side, they would definitely not be able to cause us casualties to this level."

"Tier 2 Assassin?"

Yan Tianming's expression changed slightly.

Most of the time, even though he was in charge of the Seven Star Gate and the Star Chasing Gate, he knew something about the famous Saint Star Powerhouse in the Land of Shining Stars.

But in his memory, there doesn't seem to be such an assassin with a level of saint star cultivation, right?

"Unexpectedly, you Chenxing Sect Master, you really have cultivated batch after batch of strong people over the years!"

The killing intent flickered in Yan Tianming's eyes: "The assassin of the second-order holy star position cultivation base, tusk, believe it is also the handwriting of the master of the star star?"

"So what? So what?"

Chen Xing never had the kind of worry similar to Qin Shaofeng.

As a famous powerhouse in the land of shining stars.

Moreover, he was one of the deputy masters of the Four Elephant Sect, Yan Tianming had not yet reached the level of shame on Yao Ming.

Of course, this was also related to his understanding of Yan Tianming.

Chen Xing smiled and said, "There are so many untold tactics for the old man. With the hidden piles in your hands, there is still no way to dig out all of the old man's affairs."

"Now, the old man only asks you one thing, get out! Or die!"


Yan Tianming immediately laughed: "Chenxing, Chenxing, it seems that you are really fooled by the so-called first name of the superior power, so you dare to talk to this seat?"

"Then die, kill!"

Chen Xing finished the scene and rushed out immediately.

As the strongest man in his side, he naturally found Yan Tianming.

The peak aura of the eighth-order sacred star radiated unreservedly.

Zhao Ziyu, Chen Ai, and Fan Shengxin went behind Qin Shaofeng in the first place.

When Fan Shengxin acted, he did not forget to pull Luo Yusheng a hand.

Their move once again shocked the people of the two cases.

"Isn't that Fan Shengxin the Star Master of the Seven Star Gate Tianshu?"

"He seems to be a strong saint star?"

"And those three people seem to be strong in the position of Saint Star."

"Especially that Chen Ai, I have met him in Shenhai City. Although he is just an ordinary elder in name, Yan Xie has already said that he is a powerful seventh-order saint star?"

"How can they run behind our deputy sect master, looking like they are waiting for dispatch?"

"Is this kid really our deputy sect master, and he has a lot of weight in the Seven Star Gate?"

The two groups of people at the Star Chasing Gate suddenly began to talk.

Even though the 23 people who had come behind Qin Shaofeng's voice were very small, they looked at each other and couldn't understand what they saw.

Not to mention that they don't understand.

Luo Yusheng, one of the powerful sacred stars of the Seven Star Gate, was also stunned by this scene.

Among us, we clearly have the Star Lord of the Sky Hub, and Chen Ai who is a powerhouse of the seventh-order holy star. Even Zhao Ziyu seems to be no ordinary person.

Why is it his turn, Qin Shaofeng, to give orders?

Although his cultivation base is not weak, he is only a first-order respect, okay?

"Chen Ai, don't hesitate to take Yan Xie to my son at all costs, life or death!"


At this moment, they really all have the consciousness of their own position.

Qin Shaofeng directly ordered strongly.

With such a scene, before Yan Xie on the other side was shocked, he heard Chen Ai's answer.

In the next moment, Chen Ai rushed towards him.

"Simon Lord, you personally lead people to stop these people for me. You must not let anyone have a chance to escape. Others will follow this seat. As long as the enemy comes, one is counted as one, and there is no mercy!"

When Qin Shaofeng ordered the voice to exit, he had already retracted Luo Tian Chanying's concealment from him.

The aura of the fifth-order respected heavenly cultivation base exudes without reservation.

"Fifth rank? Isn't he the first rank respected heaven?"

"Fifth-ranked heavenly powerhouse who is less than twenty years old, hiss!"

"No wonder the sect master values ​​him so much."

"No, even so, it seems that he won't be able to give orders in this kind of battle right now?"

The dozens of celestial martial artists led by Ximen Li were all full of surprise and exclaimed one by one.

On the contrary, he followed behind Qin Shaofeng, and the strong man who received the order just sneered in his heart, and then followed Qin Shaofeng to rush.

With a number of less than thirty, he was not weaker than himself in the face of nearly ten thousand cultivation bases, and even a much more powerful existence.

Even they felt incredible in their hearts.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to have no idea.

When he gave the order, he had already rushed towards the nearest group of people.

The battle of Shenhai City brought him more than just an increase in his true value.

He also discovered through that battle that when killing enemies with a strong enough cultivation base, he could also get an increase in martial arts value.

But the requirements are obviously much more demanding.

Moreover, the Four Elephant Sects have already acted, and the Seven Star Gate and the Star Chasing Gate must reveal a lot of things, and he might as well reveal some at this time.

After all, it is impossible not to take risks and to get benefits.

His speed is really not slow.

Almost in that instant, he had already rushed through a distance of several thousand meters with people, and rushed into a place with the Four Elephant Sect powerhouse who was responsible for intercepting them.

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