Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3262: Good swordsmanship


With a palm, Zhan Ying directly bombarded the person's back.

Rao is that man's defense is amazing.

But after receiving successive attacks, the basalt armor and defensive treasures were completely destroyed.

It was because he had the intention to resist, but it was too late.

"grown ups!"

"Quick! Protect your lord!"

Ran Zun is a master at looking for opportunities.

Although the fight between Zhan Ying and the man took a while, it only took him a blink of an eye from when he shot to disappear.

When the third-tier and fourth-tier powerhouses reacted, the palm of Zhanying had already slapped on the back of that person's heart.

The nine people moved quickly, all wanting to rescue the powerful fifth-order saint star.

But at the same time they moved, Zhan Ying had already given up the enemy of the fifth-order sacred star position. As soon as his figure flashed, he had already reached the four fourth-order sacred star position powerhouses.

"Sky Shadow Sword! Shadow Fall!"

Zhan Ying's voice sounded slowly.

However, the feeling that his sword gives people is strange, as if it is an attack, but it seems to be a defense.

"Really a good sword technique!"

After Qin Shaofeng glanced over there again, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It's a pity that the Ram Zun has become the current war shadow.

Even if he wanted to inquire about this martial skill from Zhanying, he could not give him anything just by relying on this puppet without any Ram-Bottle memory.

When the sigh fell, the Sky Jade Star Force Art was used again.

After the cultivation base reaches the ninth-order holy star position.

He already had nine blood elements in the ghost fire golden core.

This level of qi and blood condensed level, I am afraid that many ninth-order Saint Star position powerhouses cannot do it.

Naturally, there is no need to be careful when performing martial arts.

The force of forbidden force instantly enveloped the four people.

However, he slashed the ghost three sword in his hand, and his figure suddenly became illusory.

"That rubbish, aren't you going to kill my son? How come my son has turned into this kind of **** before he takes action?" Qin Shaofeng's voice sounded from the air.

The guy who had been protected by the five people suddenly spit out blood.

As soon as the blood exited, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Green blood? How could it be green blood? You...you actually poisoned me?" That person is not too stupid.

"You and I are hostile, why does this son answer your question?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times and said, "Anyway, you are going to die. It's better to be a silly ghost, Gui Sanzhan!"

The Heavenly Jade Star Force Jue continued to use it, once again shrouded those five Saint Star powerhouses.

All at once enveloped eight people, and the consumption rate increased wildly again.

But he doesn't care so much anymore.

Thunder Thousand Flashes also displayed.

Although he had to use the power of Ten Flash Strikes, his power was much stronger than when he killed the previous Tier 3 Saint Star powerhouse.

"Ghost Three Kill! Kill!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly from the air.

Immediately, a group of silhouettes and blades flashed out around the six people one after another.

Every time it appears, there will be a cloud of blood flying up.

In just five attacks, the five powerful sacred stars all turned into Qin Shaofeng's martial arts value.

"No! You...Who are you, why are you with a Tier 2 saint star assassin and a Tier 3 saint star puppet from Xiaoyaomen?"

"Why do you still have a martial arts skill that only a few people are qualified to practice?"

"Why am I poisoned?"

"Why? Why is this all?"

When the person responsible for protecting him all fell, he wanted to dying back.

But when he used the power of Qi and blood this time, he felt that the dantian was empty, and only the martial arts he had cultivated all the year round were still struggling to support his life.

Otherwise, he would have fallen for a long time.

Such scenes made it clear that he was completely finished.

But with so many questions in his mind, he wanted to be a clear ghost.


Qin Shaofeng couldn't tell his secret.

"You should take your questions and go down to the ground and ask the King of Hades!"

In Qin Shaofeng's cold snort, the Ghost Three Slashing Sabre in his hand had already chopped off the man's head.

All this battle is a long story.

But every pair of moves was carried out between electric light and flint, in fact, it only took less than five breaths of time.

Qin Shaofeng's voice immediately attracted the attention of Zhang Xin, who was fighting on the other side, the 7th-order Saint Star powerhouse.

"Dead? How could you die? So fast?"

His eyes almost came out.

Qin Shaofeng's combat power far exceeded their imagination, and he naturally knew this.

But when he thought about it, led by a strong man at the pinnacle of the fifth-order sacred star, ten strong sacred stars, to fight against a small fifth-order sage...

Ninth order?

Under his observation, he noticed the changes in Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base.

But the problem is...

What about the cultivation base of the ninth-level respect?

Are they ten strong sacred stars?

In such a short blink of an eye, the casualties have become so severe?

Zhang Xin's eyes almost stared out.

He was full of incredible and shocked at the record here.

Ximen Zhen was almost shocked by Qin Shaofeng's record.

Is that a powerful fifth-order saint star?

Even without the help of the other nine third- and fourth-order sacred star powerhouses, he would have to spend tea time to kill him at least.

How did he change to Qin Shaofeng, and kill him in such a short time?

How is this... possible?

Even if he still had a hidden cultivation base just now, but he only had the ninth-level respected heavenly position, could he still hide his cultivation base now?

Isn't he not Qin Shaofeng, but an existence like Old Ghost Chenxing?

The more I think about it, the more incredible it feels!

When both of them were in a daze, Qin Shaofeng's fighting had already continued.

The combat power of Zhanying is far beyond imagination.

Qin Shaofeng simply let him cooperate first, and kill all the guys in the fourth-order holy star position.

The cultivation base has increased so many times.

With Ran Zun's helper on the side, it was really not difficult to kill these people.

A ‘kill’ exit.

Ran Zun's Jianfeng, who had just disappeared, had already passed behind a Tier 4 Saint Star powerhouse.

"Ghost Three Slash!"

Qin Shaofeng moved abruptly.

When Binghan's blade suddenly came to that person.

Zhan Ying had also moved at his command, and suddenly blocked the other two with a sword.

At the same time, he patted the person with a palm.


When that person was beaten by one palm, the Ghost Three Slashing Sabre in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already killed all of them.

When he received the sword, he was already standing in a pool of blood, but he didn't have the slightest plan to move. At that time, he swept the ghost three swords in his hand.

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