Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3267: break out

"We used the number of thirty, against nearly 10,000 of you, but we were still two enemies and one. My son really doesn't know what you said." Qin Shaofeng was calm after Zhang Weicheng's words were finished. To speak.

The timing of this opening is very clever.

If it is some morning, it may cause the two people's voice to overlap, and at least it will bring some psychological pressure to the two of them.

If you speak at this time, the ending is completely different.

"Little guy, how can you take shamelessness for granted, now it is clear that so many of you are beating the old man alone, OK?" Zhang Weicheng shouted again.

"Fogweed! There is still such a shameless person in the world as you?!"

Qin Shaofeng also jumped up abruptly, pointed angrily at Zhang Weicheng, and cursed: "You are such a shameless old **** who can survive to this day. It really makes this young man angry!"

"Damn, you can be shameless to such an extent, how come Xiaoye and others really beat you up, right?"

"Just because of the two of them fighting, you feel very upset, don't you?"

"Come on!"

"Zhanying, let's go together too. Today, Xiaoye will not use the word "siege" to the extreme. I will not call Xiaoye Qin Shaofeng!"

"Kill me to death!"

The loud shouts sounded one after another.

The speed of speech during this period did not give Zhang Weicheng even the slightest opportunity to speak.

Until the moment Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, he rushed forward.

He finally yelled out the words that had been holding back for a long time: "What's so special! Can you just take it shamelessly?"

It was originally intended to be used to run on Qin Shaofeng and others, making it impossible for them to encircle themselves.

Before he came over, he had already sent people to the back to greet the strong.

It does not take long.

Ten breaths!

He only needs ten breaths of time.

After ten breaths, all the Four Elephant Sect powerhouses arrived, and Qin Shaofeng and others could be beaten to death in a few strokes.

And he said everything like that.

If you are an ordinary person, shouldn't it mean that you will stop beating him in shame?

What's more, a few words of discussion with him are still unknown?

How come there are people who play cards so unreasonably?

It's too late to say, then fast.

Qin Shaofeng had already made up his mind to kill this old guy here when he didn't make a timely retreat.

Where can I keep my hands at this moment?

Although he and Zhanying approached, they didn't get directly into the battlefield.

The existence of the seventh-order sacred star's cultivation base is no longer the current Qin Shaofeng can contend, let alone such a strong man of the seventh-order peak.

If it were not for this person, the threat would be too great.

If Chen Ai fights with him alone, it is likely to cause Chen Ai's fall. He is afraid that he would have rushed towards other people with a knife.

The real value that the martial arts can obtain has reached the limit, and killing such a strong man can't bring him more benefits!

The more indignant Qin Shaofeng's heart became, the worse his eyes stared at Zhang Weicheng.

But after he observed it for a while, he had already begun to sneer in his heart.

The fighting of the three is always the highest intensity.

Although the time is short, it has already played several tricks.

For unknown reasons, Chen Ai was full of murderous intent on Zhang Weicheng, and even more mercilessly, and with the help of the sixth-order saint star powerhouse Ximen Zhen, Zhang Weicheng was able to persevere, but it also fell into a disadvantage. .

"This kind of strength is not too bad, go and trouble that old bastard." Qin Shaofeng stood ten meters away from the place where the three of them were fighting.

As soon as his voice was uttered, even if there was no movement here, Zhang Weicheng subconsciously looked over.

A pair of eyes kept looking left and right, and the divine consciousness spread to the greatest extent.

Qin Shaofeng gave the order.

But the puppet of the third-order holy star did not move.

This shows what?

Could it be that the assassin with the second-order saint star position is coming to assassinate himself?

After Zhang Weicheng thought about it, his face became difficult to look.

The combat power of Zhanying puts great pressure on the third-tier and even the fourth-tier powerhouses.

But that's all.

The existence of pseudo-sacred martial arts, but unable to make him fight more than two levels.

As long as the rank 5 holy star powerhouse appears, it can resist his attack, and even some existences with holy martial skills can suppress the battle shadow to a certain extent.

If the difference in cultivation level really came to the level of him and Zhanying.

What if you have fake martial arts?

With the absolute difference in cultivation base, the old man can kill you with just one palm.

But if the shooter is replaced by an assassin, it is completely different.

Even if Ran Zun's cultivation base was much weaker than Zhi Zhanying.

If the two fought with each other in a fair and honest manner, Ran Zun might not be able to stop Zhanying's sword.

But under the current circumstances, Ran Zun's threat level is so high that it is definitely more than ten times higher than that of Zhanying!

"Qin Shaofeng, dare you to be more shameless, the old man really doesn't know, how can you be a disgusting guy who can cultivate to the ninth rank!" Zhang Weicheng has already begun to fear.

"My son is not sick of anyone!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled, but his eyes fixed on the battlefield over there.

As for the order he just gave, he didn't even care about it.

Ordered Ran Zun to intervene in this battle?

Are you kidding me?

While saying all kinds of disgusting words to Zhang Weicheng, he was also looking for opportunities in his heart.

While Qin Shaofeng was full of nonsense, Chen Ai had already exerted all his strength.

Although he and Qin Shaofeng only cooperated once, and knew only a little bit about Qin Shaofeng's true combat power, he also understood that Qin Shaofeng was talking here, in fact, just to find a suitable opportunity.

He knew this in his heart and naturally wanted to give Qin Shaofeng that opportunity.

On the surface, it looks like he and Ximen Zhen are indeed besieging Zhang Weicheng alone.

In fact, he knew very well that the two of them had insufficient cultivation.

And Zhang Weicheng's cultivation base was not only much higher than them, but at the end of the battle, he never displayed the Xuanwu armor.

I believe he has more defensive treasures on his body.

Without Qin Shaofeng's help, they would never have a chance to kill Zhang Weicheng.

With a burst of attack, a fierce light flashed in his eyes without ever seeing Qin Shaofeng take any action.

‘Old brother, if that kid can’t seize this opportunity, then I’ll go with you! ’

Chen Ai gritted his teeth and became cruel, and suddenly mobilized all the power of blood and qi.

With a long sword in his hand, the cold light flashed suddenly.

"Zhang Weicheng, go to death for the old man!"

"Seven swords of Tianshu! One sword Tianshu!"

Chen Ai roared, and Zhang Weicheng looked back for the first time.

But he didn't notice that when he turned his head, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

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