Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3272: command

"you you you……"

Simon Kuang was immediately fainted by Qin Shaofeng's words.

How many years is it, how many years is it?

Since his cultivation reached the seventh-order saint star position, no one dared to talk to himself with this attitude.

Even if the ancestors have something to do, they need to discuss with themselves and amiably.

So far, too many years have passed.

How could I have imagined that in front of this young man who is less than twenty years old, he was so scolded by this junior.

In extreme anger, he really wanted to slap this little guy to death.

But he wanted to say what he said, the decentralization of the two sect masters, but he didn't have the courage.

Just because he didn't make a move, the owner of his family almost turned his face on him. If he really dared to make a move, Ximen Li would never let him go.

As for the Seven Star Gate Master Chen Xing...

He really didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

Chen Xing's cultivation base is not weaker than him, even with the respect of the master of the sect, and when he cooperates with the sect, the martial arts he has learned is definitely not what he can imagine.

Chen Xing was able to give Qin Shaofeng the command of the powerhouse of the seventh-order holy star, and he could already see how much Chen Xing valued Qin Shaofeng.

In case she really dared to mess around, Chenxing would really dare to kill herself!

And at that time, he was still sure that Simon Li would never give himself a head.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then follow the orders of this seat. Each of the five teams will have six strong sacred stars and twenty strong heavenly ones."

"Let me pick someone first."

"Among the strongest stars, Chen Ai, Ximen Zhen, Zhao Ziyu, Fan Shengxin, Luo Yusheng and Zhao Qi."

"Among the powers of the heaven, the sect master, elder Lu Tianxing, Lu Wenxin and Luo Ying follow this seat, and the others are selected by the sect master."

"The remaining four routes are led by the four eighth-order sacred star powers. Regardless of the heavenly powers, the sacred star powers must be balanced."

"This seat only gives you ten breaths of time. I will choose someone for myself immediately!"

When Qin Shaofeng gave an order, Ximen Li immediately greeted some people loudly.

More than twenty people in this team soon gathered.

When the four eighth-order saint star powerhouses saw this, their complexions couldn't help but all became difficult to look.

Originally, when Qin Shaofeng directly eliminated the four of them during this trip, when the most powerful Chen Ai and Ximen Zhen were about to leave, they wanted to attack again.

But Qin Shaofeng's speed was too fast.

Before they could say anything, he told the doorkeeper to leave.

This makes their team immediately shoulder the responsibility of protecting the sect master, even if they still have ideas in their hearts, they dare not speak out.

And the sect master obediently listened to the order, what else could they say?

Five teams were formed soon.

They said that they were thirty strong saint stars, but they also had to count Qin Shaofeng and Ran Zun.

In addition, in the first battle, although no one died, there were many wounded.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly called away the six powerful saint stars.

As a result, almost all of them are surrounded by five strong sacred stars, and most of them are injured.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these, just glanced at them, and said again: "Although we have the danger of this battle, but it is definitely not great, so there are only two commands in this seat. First, if you dare to escape, you Go out of the sect and issue a killing order, Tianhai Cape, endlessly dying!"

"Second, anyone who dares to collude with foreign enemies, or let them go, expel them from the sect, and issue a chase order, Tianhai Cape will never die!"

The two orders are all expelled from the sect without dying.

After this order, the faces of Simon Kuang and the others became more difficult to look.

"Everyone immediately go to the place of their choice and set off!"

"Close to the enemy for a kilometer, wait for the order from this seat, and the order is issued. Everyone charges, but if you dare to hesitate, treat it according to the first order!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, and immediately led his team to gallop forward.

At the same time, he shouted again.

This time, he shouted towards the old ghost of Chenxing: "The master, we are ready here, and immediately send a signal to let the ancestors and others take action, internally and externally clamp, and destroy the Four Elephant Sect Xuanwu line!"

"call out!"

A red signal suddenly rose to the sky.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng and others were still thousands of meters away from contact with the members of the Four Elephant Sect.

But it soared to the sky with this signal.

The mountain guard formation of the Seven Star Gate suddenly fluctuates.

The next moment, the shouting to kill has sounded.

Qin Shaofeng was far away from the mountain gate, and there were a large number of people, but at a glance, he found three special existences from the crowd there.

A person with white hair and Taoist robe, a feeling like the bones of fairy style.

This person is actually a powerful ninth-order saint star.

One person in a long red dress and waving a long sword in his hand caused a large number of deaths and injuries to the members of the Four Elephant Sect.

This person is a powerhouse of the eighth-order holy star.

The last person was actually a girl who seemed to be similar to herself in age.

Although she was a girl, she was dressed in a black costume, with a jet-black head draped behind her head, but her hand was a **** sword.

Every time she makes a shot, it is like the harvest of death.

The horror of its power, even Qin Shaofeng felt a chill in his heart.

This guy fighting is not like fighting at all, but fighting for his life.

Every move and every style is actually for life.

Either the enemy died, or I died.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a girl's sword practice.

What made him even more speechless was that the girl's cultivation base turned out to be a ninth-order holy star.

Ximen Zhen also saw the horror of the three of them at the same time, and couldn't help but say something dirty: "Fog Grass! How powerful is the hidden combat power of the Seven Star Gate?"

"It seems that my son's plan is going to fail."

Qin Shaofeng sighed.

The voice immediately attracted all the suspicious eyes.

Simon Li couldn't help asking, "What are your plans? Is the appearance of those strong men a bad thing for us?"

"It's not a bad thing, and you don't understand it."

Qin Shaofeng sighed again and shouted: "Everyone immediately accelerates, the people of the Seven-Star Gate are strong, and we are not weak at the Star-Chasing Gate. Everyone kills with this constellation. Those who kill a hundred people will reward you with tens of millions of stars! , Elder Feng, the Yaoxing coins will be tens of thousands!"


Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

His voice was so loud, not to mention that the eyes of many people behind him turned red.

Even many people who followed the four-man team of Simon Kuang had green light in their eyes.

Ten million! ?

That is the wealth that even the elders, or the four powerful eighth-order saint stars, cannot have!

As long as I can kill a hundred people, with that kind of reward, my cultivation base will surely be able to improve again.

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