Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3275: One poison three thousand

The green and misty poisonous gas wafted continuously in the most central place of the Four Elephant Sect powerhouse.

But in the midst of the swan feathers and heavy snow, it was only three meters away from the sky, and it was completely taken down by snowflakes.

This led to a scene that was supposed to be miserable, but it became extremely common.

If it weren't for the divine consciousness to look over there carefully, I'm afraid it would be difficult to detect the movement here.

The battle is always going on.

The shouts of killing, the screams, the constant roar of various divine thunders continued to sound, and even the screams of some people in the central area were suppressed.

Without being noticed by the strong, Qin Shaofeng's playing was even more enjoyable.

Originally after using the Heavenly Jade Star Force Art and Ghost Three Slash, at most, one breath could only kill a dozen people.

Under the use of poison, the result of the battle immediately became completely different.

After the territorial boundary filled with poisonous fog is enlarged, almost every time there will be a dozen or even dozens of system sounds.

With such encouragement, he naturally got happier as he played.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about using poison to hurt the sky and the clouds.

The enemy has already reached the door of the house, and if you have to pay attention to the messy things with the enemy, that is the real brain disease.

The unconsciousness of others caused Qin Shaofeng to slaughter wildly, which was called a real joy.

Before you know it.

The tea time has passed.

Qin Shaofeng almost completely hollowed out the middle of the Four Elephant Sect lineup.

Looking back, it was like a dark green hell, and the death toll was simply countless.

And when he got here, he didn't want to stop, but couldn't enter anymore.

He had already killed the Four Elephant Sect too harshly, and unless he changed his direction and killed him towards the Seven Star Gate, no matter which side he had, he would soon run into him.

Even if the poisonous means were only part of the Green Dragon King that Qin Shaofeng had hidden, he didn't want to expose it completely.

While the green poisonous fog was still spreading, he had already retreated a certain distance.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, lying quietly among the many corpses.

Under the heavy snow.

The poisonous mist did not last long.

Just a few breaths of time, it has completely dissipated.

As the people of the Four Elephant Sect looked over there with fear, there was nowhere to be seen the presence of the poisoner.

At first glance, there were corpses all over the floor.

The large amount makes the scalp numb.

Covering a vast area, it actually reached a near-elliptical one mile, and the doorman who died in it really didn't know how many.

If it was just a vendetta, they would dare to go and look for it.

But the current direction was all dark green, making no one of them dared to get close to the past.

"Who was using poison among us just now?"

"What kind of poison is that? The people present here are all high-ranking celestial powerhouses, so even one person can resist the past moment?"

"How many people have to die? One thousand? Two thousand? Or more?"

"Among the Seven Star Gate and the Star Chasing Gate, how can there be this kind of embryo killing, this guy is too scary?"

"Especially the ability to hide is so strong that we don't even know who is in the hands of it!"

But all the people of the Four Elephant Sects who surrounded them all murmured with extremely ugly expressions.

What's more, after just a few glances, he started to tremble all over.

Although there is no incontinence, who are they?

Who dares to say that there are not hundreds of blood debts in hand?

It was just such a group of guys who were so frightened, it can be seen how terrifying Qin Shaofeng's record of tea time was.


They don't know who created this horror scene.

Qin Shaofeng was clear.

More than three thousand three hundred.

This is a rough figure.

The specific numbers are not easy to say. After all, he has always been in the process of killing, but the current martial value of 4426 can roughly tell him something.

While lying in the corpse to recuperate, he was constantly thinking about the situation when the poison was just started.

Because the battle situation was so chaotic, he didn't even know whether he had poisoned all the people who saw him shot.

In case there are a few survivors, my own secret is not easy to keep!

After thinking for a long while, he didn't even have a clue.

The situation in the battle just now was really chaotic. I believe that at most people would see themselves rushing here, but no one would ever see themselves poisoning.

Because the toxicity of the Emerald Dragon King is too terrifying, it is not an existence that can be avoided by people close to it.

And when he was thinking about it here.

His divine sense detected that Zhao Ziyu and others had already rushed towards this side.

It's just that compared with the number of people before, there is a sharp drop this time.

Even Fan Shengxin, Zhao Qi and Luo Yusheng already had wounds of various sizes.

It seems that after losing his commandership, this battle caused them great damage.

Taking advantage of the first time the members of the Four Elephant Sects were attracted by them, Qin Shaofeng suddenly jumped out of the corpse, swiping a knife in the direction where they charged.

He has been on the battlefield for so long, and his body has long been stained with blood.

Even the hair and face are already stained.

In a flash, most of the people who saw him were beheaded by him, making his counter-kill this time without much information.

However, just as he and Zhao Ziyu and other people met, a roar resembling a thunderbolt suddenly resounded.

"Who is it! Who used this virgin poison?!"

The sound came from far away from the battlefield.

Just listening to the voice, Qin Shaofeng could also be sure that it was from Yan Tianming, the deputy master of the Four Elephant Sect Xuanwu.

"Everyone listens, recoils, and kills them!"

Qin Shaofeng directly ignored the many gazes he was looking at because of that roar, and directly ordered to turn around.

The knife flickered.

After Qin Shaofeng re-led the team, the speed of rushing and killing once again increased by a notch.

After only a dozen breathing hours, he rushed out again.

He did not stop for a moment, leading everyone to rush out again for a few miles before giving an order: "Everyone rests on the spot, the healing that should be healed, the breath that should return!"

When the order was given, he immediately looked at the snow not far away.

There were only a dozen people over there panting and doing similar actions.

The leader was Simon Kuang, and when he discovered their presence, Simon Kuang immediately ran over and asked loudly, "You came out so soon? How many people were killed? The master was fine, right?"

"Don't tell, don't tell."

Qin Shaofeng smiled sullenly, then looked at the blood on his body, and asked: "It seems that you have killed a lot of people. The words of this seat remain unchanged. If you kill less than a thousand people, every 100 people will be rewarded with tens of millions of stars. , Cash it directly at the Seven Star Gate after the war!"

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