Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3286: incite defection

"Fan Shanhui, don't hurt my big brother!"

When Liu Shui heard this, what happened was that there was a huge contrast.

Almost immediately, he rushed out.

Even Ximen Kuang, who had been preparing to help Qin Shaofeng in this matter a long time ago, had made another contribution to Qin Shaofeng's heart and gained even greater benefits, did not even react.

Immediately, he yelled: "The other guy also stop me!"

After Ximen Kuang repeatedly got the benefits of Qin Shaofeng's personal promise, he seemed to have become a loyal little brother who could not be more loyal to Qin Shaofeng.

We naturally want to listen to the master.

But the sect master has said, this is the deputy sect master, even if it is not that!

Since they are all their own people and their immediate bosses, isn't it a matter of course to help him?

Not to mention that the deputy sect master, whether or not, is generous enough!

At least one hundred times more generous than the master!

One hundred times, there is wood?

As long as we can keep him and the sect master, we can get 100 million or hundreds of millions of rewards, but what if we can help him win a pair of brothers who are comparable to the power of the ninth-level Saint Star?

I am afraid that it is not enough to ask for it afterwards, and our deputy master will definitely not be stingy with rewards!

Didn't you see the two pills he just gave the old man?

For oneself, it is also a treasure that can be called horrible!

The deputy master will not treat me badly!

The emergence of these thoughts, the level of effort actually intercepted Pei Zihao, and even stopped two seventh-order Saint Star powerhouses who rushed up to help.

Although his cultivation base was higher than Pei Zihao, he couldn't resist the joint attack of the three powerhouses.

That's the case, he still didn't see the intention to retreat, and at the same time he shouted: "Xiao Ruyi, don't you hurry over to the old man to stop the others?"

Although the ten 7th-order Saint Star position powerhouses did not get the order, they all issued their own hands.

If the Liu Shan and Liu Shui brothers betrayed, Fan Shanhui and Pei Zihao could imagine the consequences, and they could also imagine the consequences.

I would rather let these two brothers die together than let them betray together!

People have the same heart and the same heart.

When Simon Kuang took the shot alone, he immediately felt that his clone was weak, and immediately began to ask for help, but at the same time he shouted: "Lei Ru Kuang, Simon Jie, you two should protect the master and the adult separately. If it is two adults I hurt a hair, the old man is desperate with you!"

"Liu Shan, the old man knows that you still feel uncomfortable, but you have to think about it clearly, your brothers are living together, if you find your own death, your brother will die with you, don't kill your brother! "

Ximen was so madly an old world.

For the benefit of his immediate interests, he even pulled all his old brothers into the water, not to mention, even Liu Shan thought of a counterattack that might not be possible for one in ten thousand.

During the battle, Fan Shanhui felt black before his eyes and was almost injured by Liu Shui who had run away.

Others may not know much about these things.

But he clearly knew the information of the four Simon Kuang.

It is said that these four people are all profit-seeking generations. If they go to a very special time, they can spend a lot of resources to make them rebel.

And the head count of such a group of people is quite valuable.

Someone in the Four Elephant Sect had even contacted them, but because they were old guys enjoying high-level treatment at the Star Chasing Gate, it was an unwise choice to betray the Sect.

After a few words, the red-mouthed and white-toothed man asked for a terrifying price that could be called a sky-high price.

Although the people who were in contact with him at the beginning were unwilling to agree, they didn't dare to easily break that line. Therefore, some of the resources were spent early to support certain old goods.

Although the four Simon Kuang were not among them, I believe they should have heard of them.

What's more, ninety-nine percent of those who are supported by them will share the resources with them. Otherwise, under such an atmosphere, they will never be able to keep the secret for too long. Once exposed to the sect, I’m afraid Even more terrifying.

It is really unexpected that the same guy who is only profitable, how can he suddenly change his appearance and become such a loyal and loyal sect?

This Nima is too wrong, right?

Anxiously, Fan Shanhui yelled out a sentence he had heard: "One billion! Kill Qin Shaofeng, and then our Four Elephant Sects immediately became my Four Elephant Sect worship!"

Billion! Become the worship of the Four Elephants, this is the price that the person wants.

Zongmen high-level officials once told him and certain people that if they really encounter something that these guys must do, they can rewrite certain necessary wins and losses by just shouting this sentence.

"Billions of your grandma's legs!"

Simon Kuang's eyes suddenly turned red.

He naturally knew about this incident, but he never expected that this guy would shout out such a sentence when he was doing his best to Qin Shaofeng.

Although one billion is a lot, he has seen Qin Shaofeng's mastery.

He believes very much that as long as he can do a few beautiful things for Qin Shaofeng with peace of mind, the benefits he can get will definitely exceed this number.

There is no room for the slightest question about how to choose!

Qin Shaofeng and others would not have heard anything, right?

No, no!

Now is not the time to think about those things. What if the three old guys are really moved by this billion price tag?

Fan Shanhui has already spoken, and will be suspected whether he does not make a move.

No way!

We are all old brothers for so many years, we must not let them choose randomly!

When Xiao Ruyi and the three heard of it, their eyes suddenly turned red.

But this scene happened to be seen when Simon Kuang looked back, and the anxiety in his heart suddenly went to the extreme.

Suddenly, he yelled out loudly: "You are all clear to the old man. The old man can guess that some of you may have been deceived by the Four Elephants, but the old man promised that as long as you are loyal to the sect, this The matter is just revealed, if anyone dares to touch someone, the old man Simon madly goes to the poor and falls to the yellow spring, he will definitely be immortal!"

"Huh? Endlessly?"

"Want to go to the poor blue and fall to the yellow spring?"

"Is it so serious?"

Xiao Ruyi, Lei Rukuang, and Ximen Jie were all in a daze even though they were all said by one billion.

But they believed in Simon's rhetoric more.

No matter what the reason is, the old brother will never harm himself and others. Since Ximen madly said such words, he must not attack Qin Shaofeng.

Hearing this, Lei Rukuang immediately rushed behind Qin Shaofeng, confronted the person beside Ximenli, and shouted: "Although the old man doesn't know which of you has ghosts, you'd better think clearly whether you can live the old man. One pass."

Ximen Jie also came to Qin Shaofeng's side at the same time, but his gaze was more toward the place where the injured colleague was.

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