Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3300: withdraw

"Don't you old guy follow, why did you go there alone, or are you going to start killing from here?" Qin Shaofeng asked when he saw him finally coming.

His plan from the beginning was to take advantage of the scarcity of strong people here and try to upgrade the martial arts to rank eight here as much as possible.

But because of the appearance of Old Ghost Chenxing, he had to choose to temporarily agree to Old Ghost Chenxing's plan.

After all, he also wanted to keep the people from the Four Elephant Sect as much as possible.

After weighing the pros and cons, he showed no sign of approval.

But he didn't expect that Chen Xing, an old thing, would go to the side to kill by himself. He even had the mood to scold his mother.

Seeing Chenxing seems to be running over because of lack of energy, where can I be depressed?


Old ghost Chen Xing wanted to say something subconsciously.

But the words came to my lips, but I had to swallow it back.

How to say?

Do you still want to tell this guy that the old man was so angry with your fans that he wanted to compare you with the means of killing people, but he just lost a lot at the beginning?

If this is really said, the old man's old face will simply be torn off.

It's really shameless to see people!

"What are you, you can't even speak clearly."

Qin Shaofeng snorted contemptuously, but another brilliant light flashed in his eyes, saying, "Since you have time to go there to kill people, it's better to accompany this son to do something here now. This son wants to kill again. For a while, it doesn’t need to be too much. Killing a thousand or eight hundred is enough, and then go there again."

Chenxing almost jumped up: "What? Kill another thousand or eight hundred?"

"It's just a mere thousand or eight hundred. It should be about the same time for a cup of tea."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were also a little deep.

After the cultivation base was directly promoted from the fifth-ranked respect to the ninth-ranked respect, it made him deeply understand that after the cultivation base is advanced, the gap at each level is very large.

And the gap between the heaven and the holy star.

If it can be used well, he should be able to directly increase his combat power by about ten times, or even more.

But Chenxing had already prepared all the materials to help him refine alchemy, but the true value he needed to upgrade was stuck because of martial arts.

Now the Four Elephant Sects have taken action against them.

Coupled with his performance in this battle and his status in the two sects, I believe Yan Tianming can't ignore himself.

It happened that he was the easiest to be assassinated of the two cases.

At that time, even if the two cases calm down, he is definitely the one with the highest risk factor. If you don't break through the cultivation base as soon as possible, the dangers you have to face are really many, many!

"In tea time, you can kill a thousand or eight hundred, how is this possible?" Old Ghost Chen Xing was immediately taken aback by his words.

It was the kind of killing that he just felt refreshed, and the killing speed was also extremely fast, but if he wanted to kill a thousand or eight hundred, it was definitely not something that could be done in tea time.

Let alone Qin Shaofeng.

how can that be?

"The order of the four elephants, withdraw!"

The two talked and charged at the same time.

The voice that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to hear the last time resounded abruptly from the periphery of the battlefield.

"They retreated?! How can they retreat?!"

Qin Shaofeng was almost annoyed by Yan Tianming's order.

After the killing just now, he was only four hundred years away from martial arts promotion. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to get the martial arts, then the trouble would be very big!

"What does it mean to withdraw?"

Old Ghost Chen Xing couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said, "Although there are a lot of powerhouses in the Four Elephant Sects, due to the reasons of the Yunhai Sect, it is absolutely impossible for them to dispatch too much combat power."

"According to Yan Tianming's original plan and the hidden stakes set up by our Four Elephant Sects, it is not too difficult to destroy our Four Elephant Sects."

"But he didn't expect that the appearance of you and Luo Yusheng abruptly reversed the battle, making all the powerful and respectable men he brought to lose their usefulness, and they are now regarded as meritorious deeds by you. When he just came over here to kill, he was actually ready to retreat."

"Not to mention the arrival of Simon Yaoyang, it liberated the old man. If the old man and our Seven Star Gate are closed, few of them will be able to go back alive."

"If he doesn't withdraw at this time, then he doesn't need to prepare to withdraw. Unfortunately, if the old man can rush back, he will personally lead the Zongmen powerhouse to set up a huge formation, at least he can delay for a while."

Old Ghost Chen Xing couldn't help sighing.

Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood.

It is said that the Seven Star Gate has seven ancestors, even if not every ancestor has the cultivation base of the ninth-order sacred star, it must not be what Yan Tianming brought these people.

In fact, if there is no sudden appearance of himself and Luo Yusheng.

Really let the Four Elephant Sects use all their hidden piles reasonably. As long as these people can be killed into half of the Seven Star Gate, even if the Seven Star Gate can survive this battle, it will actually exist in name only.

All things now are actually just because these people failed to rush in.

It seems that my mood is still all attracted by the martial arts issue, and I didn't even think of this issue.

But be careful in the future.

At the very least, be careful, but you can't forget it, otherwise, with your own cultivation base, you might die suddenly one day.

He was introspecting in his heart, but in fact it only took that moment.

Finding the place where he rushed over, countless venerable heavenly powerhouses quickly escaped, causing a flash of color in his eyes.

Can't let them leave so easily.

Absolutely not!

"Old ghost, you go to the front, and at the same time stop me the strong person who is above the fifth-order sacred star position of the Four Elephant Sect. In any case, you can't let him get close to me."

"Ran Zun, hide away for me!"

Qin Shaofeng spoke extremely fast, and immediately issued two orders.

This is the first time Chenxing Old Ghost has cooperated with him.

Moreover, Old Ghost Chenxing was not Ximen Kuang and the others. Apart from deliberately hiding before, it was the first time that he was commanded with such an aggressive attitude.

The anger in his heart sprang up.

"What to see, get out of here immediately, otherwise Xiaoye will clean up with you!"

Qin Shaofeng was really anxious.

The people of the Four Elephant Sects have all begun to flee. If he does not increase his speed, he will definitely not be able to upgrade his martial arts today.

When the words came out, the old ghost Chen Xing didn't even give the slightest meaning to the action.

"Me! Me! Me!"

Old ghost Chenxing was so angry that he didn't know what to say for a while.

And as soon as he said the ‘I’, he saw the dark shadow that Ran Zun had transformed, and fleeed away with a ‘shoo’.

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