Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3306: Go to the Tomb of the Gods

The old man Tianling scolded first: "Qin Shaofeng, do you know what you said this represents?"

His voice was full of power.

Although he didn't use any cultivation base breath, it also gave people a feeling of great pressure.

At least seven elders trembled all over.

"Isn't it just to get rid of the dross?"

Qin Shaofeng also felt a little pressure.

But there are so many things he has encountered. Such a little bit is nothing at all. He smiled lightly and said, "Don't say that ordinary disciples can't be used for the slightest effect, even if they are really useful? A group of them was scared by the Four Elephant Sect. What's the pity to throw away the daring waste?"

"That can't be said, if we even give up the most basic disciples of the sect, then where is the possibility of development of our two major sects?" The old man Tian Ling said in a deep voice.

"If even the sect is gone, what development is there to talk about?"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head noncommittal, but did not wait for the words that the old man Tianling wanted to refute next, and said directly: "Second, the two cases are merged into one place. After the crisis is completely passed, let's talk about other things; third, will Two seed disciples sent away."

He quickly said the last two points before looking at everyone, and said: "I can only think of these three points now. If everyone feels that it is possible, they will discuss them first. If it is not possible, Let's talk about other things."

For a while, Wan Lai was silent.

What does it mean to discuss around this if it feels possible?

Didn't you boy just hear the words of the old man Tianling?

And what's wrong with your aura?

Although Ximenli gave you the position, you still have to be a bit self-aware?

As soon as he spoke, he actually regarded himself as a leader, and he started to work out the established policy for everyone with such arrogant words?

Do you know who you are?

The old man Tianling was furious: "None of the three points you mentioned..."

"Tell me your thoughts in detail first. If it is feasible, you can naturally focus on these first." Chen Xing's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the words of the old man Tianling.

"I understand the first point you said, and I recognize it. After all, we two are hard to protect ourselves now, where are we still qualified to think about future development?"

"After removing the dross, although it will greatly reduce the number of our two sects, it may not be an opportunity for sudden emergence."

"But you didn't understand the second and third points."

The difference in status and status makes the daydreams that people can appear different.

It's like when Qin Shaofeng said, the old man Tianling didn't even think about it, so he felt impossible and refused.

But after Chenxing explained in detail, everyone could not help but nod their heads.

The old man Tianling was right.

But he ignored the moment.

The remaining disciples of the sect may not be impossible to become the next group of people to be drawn to by the Four Elephant Sect. Not only is it useless to the sect, but on the contrary, they will deal with themselves.

After removing those people, fewer people and more resources may not be a bad thing.

Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry to continue speaking.

Instead, he glanced across the faces of everyone, and made sure that there were no other dissidents, and then he explained: "The second point is naturally the complete merger, at least it will always be like this until we pass this level."

"As for right now... we seem to have no life, but we are not."

"The Four Elephant Sects are indeed at the peak of the world, and its tyrannical power may cause all the remaining forces to join forces.

"But everyone seems to have overlooked one thing, and that is the Sea of ​​Clouds."

"The real enemy of the Four Elephant Sect is the Sea of ​​Clouds Sect. Although we cannot allow the Sea of ​​Clouds Sect to directly help us, if we can severely damage the Four Elephants to a certain extent, I don't believe that the Sea of ​​Clouds Sect will continue to watch."

All four were shocked by the words.

After just going through such a battle, almost everyone is still in endless worries, and no one really thinks about it.

It is more appropriate to say that they are still in fear rather than not thinking that way.

But when Qin Shaofeng said so, they suddenly realized it.

It seems that things are really what he said!

If the Four Elephant Sect were really determined to take down their Seven Star Gate, how could they send out such a small amount of combat power?

Not to mention that there are only four strong ninth-level saint stars.

It is not that they have more combat power, but to guard against the Yunhaizong side, not to mention that more combat power appears, even if only the Xuanwu line is exhausted, it is enough to make the Yunhaizong attack with full force.

When the Xuanwu line is entangled with their Seven Star Gate and the Star Chasing Gate, it will make the Four Elephant Sects unbearable even if they are not destroyed.

Thinking about it this way, they were really baffled before.

Thinking about this, the old man Tianling couldn't help asking: "Then what should you do about the third point you said? Since you have raised this point, I believe you should have a plan in your mind."

"This is natural."

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "I don't know if you still remember the Tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods?"

"Do you want them all to hide in the Tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods?" The old man Tianling suddenly widened his eyes and asked in disbelief.

"You are too afraid of Tianlian Mountain, naturally you rarely enter the depths of Tianlian Mountain."

Qin Shaofeng continued: "But I came across Tianlian Mountain. In that line, I encountered several tomb houses. Although their existence is not too secret, they are all in the depths of Tianlian Mountain. It is impossible to find the past easily, let alone find those small tomb houses by accident."

"Furthermore, there is a special place in the Tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, that is, neither the star beasts nor the insect beasts can enter. We only need to bring people to the deepest and most dangerous area of ​​Tianlian Mountain. 90% of those disciples may not In a crisis, unless the strong one has problems."

What he said was very straightforward, and it made everyone's expressions full of thinking.

"The reason why I arrange this is not just to hide them."

"Our two cases get rid of the dross, and after a series of battles, the remaining number should not exceed two thousand."

"At that time, even if I really couldn't fight anymore, I could rush to Tianlian Mountain with me, bring back those disciples, and cross Tianlian Mountain together to the Great Northern Wilderness."

"Although there are many strong people in the Great Northern Wilderness, as long as we are not weakened too much, I believe there will be no big problems.

Qin Shaofeng slowly said it little by little, and immediately plunged everyone into contemplation.

The ancestor Qingyu kept thinking, but his eyes started to flash slowly.

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