Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3310: Release

They had anticipated that the Seven Star Gate was not lightly wounded this time, but they did not expect that as soon as Si, the line of Tianquan passed through this battle, it would basically be wiped out!

"Yuheng has died in one line of more than 3,000 people, and there are about 1,000 people left, and as many as 500 people have been seriously injured.

It was another existence that was close to being lit.

"The Kaiyang line was the main person in this matter. Only about fifty people escaped successfully. The rest were all killed by Kaiyang line betrayers, but these fifty people need further observation."

"Yaoguang broke 700 people in one vein, leaving 3,700 people and 52 people who were hit hard."

"The main peak's core disciples suffered losses of more than 1,700, and the remaining 500 people were seriously injured."

A series of figures were told by Fan Shaoqing, except Qin Shaofeng just nodded slightly, the faces of the others all turned pale.

In his eyes, pain and rage alternated.

Although Qin Shaofeng observed roughly before, he didn't tell them in detail. He just used what he saw to confirm the three points he just said.

However, these casualties made all of them distraught.

The number of casualties of this kind is really their imagination and expectations.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at their expressions, but with a chuckle, suddenly attracted everyone's almost cannibalistic eyes.

Fan Shaoqing suddenly felt the heart stop beating.

How could this guy laugh in such an occasion, didn't he know that the Seven Star Gate was hit hard at the beginning, and all the big guys were on the verge of going violently?

If you irritate these big guys, it's really bad!

Qin Shaofeng glared back without fear, and said indifferently, "You can't stand this anymore? What's even more unbearable is yet to come."

"The turbulence caused by this battle may be negligible, but when our Seven Star Gate and the Four Elephant Sect enter the absolute opposition, it will definitely cause anxiety and other thoughts to most of our disciples. If the first proposal I just passed is passed, what you will get This number will drop by at least another 50%."

Everyone was suffocated again.

Why does this guy dare to say so?

Even if this is the case, he can't say it so bluntly, right?

This this this...

How can our little hearts bear this?

Fan Shaoqing was stunned for a while, speechless for a while.

Can you still speak like this?

Do you guys know what the situation is like at Seven Star Gate? How dare you say anything?

Is it possible that you are not afraid of being fearless if you are surrounded by Simon's ceremony?

"Qin Shaofeng, these words... ahem!"

The old ghost Chenxing was choked for a long time and couldn't speak.

He had the intention to help Qin Shaofeng make a round, but he couldn't say anything completely.

It's not that he is powerless, but what the truth is this kid is telling?

How can I help him round up?

"Since everyone has agreed to the third point I said, then I must have no doubt about the second point." Qin Shaofeng's gaze swept over everyone.

It was not until the end of the scan that he said again: "If there is no doubt, we will return to the Star Chasing Gate, dismiss the useless disciples, and then come directly to the Seven Star Gate to gather, and then talk about the allocation of resources and so on. There is no one left, so we will temporarily occupy the Kaiyang line. I believe that after cleaning up the waste, occupying a hill will not be too crowded."

As he said, he stood up.

When the first point was proposed before, everyone's looks were completely different.

The words he just said seemed to have touched the painful feet of the Seven Star Gate, and he didn't want to take this villain to the end.

Otherwise, it is not a good thing to be hated by everyone.

The old man Tianling and other ancestors and elders might have some objections to his proposal, but he very much believed that Old Ghost Chenxing was a sensible person.

Even if he and Simon Li and others leave, he definitely won't condone the Seven Star Gate to continue such chaos.

Fear is a contagious emotion.

If by any chance those indifferent people make the entire disciples of the Seven Star Gate panic, no matter how good his arrangements are, it will never get the desired effect.

"Don't worry, the old man needs to think about certain things first. As for the dismissal of the absent-minded disciple you just proposed, the old man agreed for everyone." Chen Xing hurriedly raised his hand to block.

Immediately, he said to Fan Shaoqing: "According to my order, our Seven Star Gate has completely offended the Four Elephant Sects. The war with the Four Elephant Sects will come soon, and this seat is unwilling to take everyone to this backwater. If someone is unwilling to face my seven-star gate, he can leave. The mountain gate is opened for three days. If he doesn't leave within three days, he will be punished severely if he dares to speak words that are unfavorable to my gate in the future!"

"Huh? Let the disciple leave?"

Fan Shaoqing was frightened by this order.

We also know that it is not easy to deal with by ourselves, but doesn't it mean that we can dismiss the disciples directly?

If we really did that, how many disciples of our Seven Star Clan would still be left?

"Just follow the words of this constellation. Those disciples who are already scared, don't keep it!" Chen Xing old ghost directly decided.


Fan Shaoqing was puzzled, but had to obediently follow suit.

"and many more!"

But before he could take a step, Qin Shaofeng already shouted.

"What's the matter?" Fan Shaoqing turned around in confusion.

"It is okay for the mountain gate to be opened wide, or to let them leave, but the sect has cultivated them for so many years. They do not ask them to serve the sect or return to the sect. However, those who want to leave must not take away a grass from the mountain. Yimu, anyone who dares to dig the corner of the sect when the sect is most critical, kill without mercy!" Qin Shaofeng shouted.

When he said this, the corners of his mouth were slightly outlined: "By the way, call me the four Simon Kuang guarding at the foot of the mountain."

At this time, everyone felt like falling into the cloud and mist.

The words that seemed to be tall and tall in the sect master Chen Xing's mouth just now, how come to Qin Shaofeng's side, the conversation immediately turns into a feeling similar to a looting?

We also admit that what he said is true, but it doesn't seem to be such a practice, right?

"By the way, tell them that if you want to leave, don't take any drugs or anything that is valuable to the sect for these three days. We will have an eighth-ranked sacred star to observe and record at any time. Once found, Kill without mercy!" Qin Shaofeng said again.

At this point, Fan Shaoqing's face is no longer just stunned.

It was Fan Shengxin, Chen Ai, Qiu Renzhi and Zuo Tianxing who also opened their eyes wide.

The old man Tianling looked more like a god, staring at Qin Shaofeng for a moment.

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