Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3312: Rubbish

Old ghost Chen Xing is really a pragmatic person.

When the words were spoken, he immediately gathered the sword energy near the conference table with his palm, and suddenly swept it out of a flat area.

And he still felt unsuitable.

This is the flower garden. Although he takes care of it very carefully, there are still a lot of rotten leaves.

And the heavy snow has not stopped completely until now.

Near the conference table is covered with their tyrannical repair base, so that the heavy snow will not fall, but the flowers and plants cannot separate the heavy snow.

Even if the flowers and plants he planted were not spiritual things, and he had been nourished with the spirit of heaven and earth all the year round, they would have withered and decayed.

This makes the land better than other places, but after removing the flowers and plants, it is not as clean as the conference table.

The old ghost Chenxing runs the power of blood and blood again.

The force of the tyrannical repair force forced that piece of land to be compacted, and only then quickly took out a piece of spar and placed it around.

There is no need to ask, Qin Shaofeng can also see that he is arranging a defensive barrier to isolate the heavy snow.

Compared to his observations, Simon Li and Zhao Ziyu couldn't calm down in their hearts.

"That broken **** pill is actually useful to me?"

Both of them had such thoughts in their hearts, and they were all speechless for a while.

Zhao Ziyu is in a special condition.

But Simon Li was not much better.

His injury has existed for decades, and he does not even dare to expect a chance of recovery.

Unexpectedly, Old Ghost Chenxing didn't say anything, but he had been thinking of a way for himself all these years.

Although it is in name to help and win over Qin Shaofeng.

But how could he fail to tell from his eyes that among the hundreds of medicinal materials taken out by the old ghost Chenxing, at least dozens of them were the best products that might not appear once in decades.

The price of most of them is high enough to shock people.

Although he obtained several items at this auction, they are definitely not one or two of these materials!

"Old Ghost Star, you..."

Simon Li's voice was a little choked, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say for a long time.

With such abnormal behavior, even Qin Shaofeng glanced at him in amazement.

Seeing the shock in Simon Li's eyes, he understood a little bit.

The number of medicinal materials obtained by Old Ghost Chen Xing was too much.

His'age' is not that old, but his vision is stronger than that of Simon Li and others, and he naturally knows the value of those medicinal materials.

"During the period of the three old men's alchemy, the Zongmen dispelled Qin Shaofeng as the main thing, and Lingyu as the supplement. You must thoroughly understand the situation in the Zongmen within three days. If something is wrong, Qin Shaofeng can Decided by words!" Chen Xing old ghost said again.

"That kid would like to thank the master for his appreciation."

Qin Shaofeng smiled and clasped his fists, and immediately left near the conference table.

After finding a place that was covered by heavy snow, but obviously flat ground, I began to take out the storage bags one by one.

Rummaging through storage bags one by one.

A pile of Yaoxing coins, a pile of Star Beast Yuan Dan, and a pile of useful medicinal materials and medicines, began to separate quickly.

His actions immediately attracted the suspicious attention of Lingyu and others.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng's existence is too special. I am afraid that, except for Ximen Li, even Chenxing can't touch Qin Shaofeng's twelfth.

Faced with Qin Shaofeng holding a storage bag and quickly throwing the storage bag out, everyone was puzzled.

Not long.

Hundreds of storage bags piled in a pile at Qin Shaofeng's feet.

Although there are still many places in front of his eyes, this pile is relatively in the way, and then he glanced back at several people.

Those who can be responsible for protecting the three people of Chenxing's alchemy are naturally the strong ones.

The cultivation of Kunjiu Prison is inexplicable, let alone for the time being.

The three elders, Ke Wuming and Ximen Yaoyang, became the main force of the protector.

Eyes swept across.

Seeing that both Zhao Ziyu and Ximen Li were sitting and watching, they immediately said, "Brother Zhao, please come and help gather the garbage in the storage bag, and then pile it up in the Zongmen warehouse."

"Oh? Pick up the garbage?"

Only then did Zhao Ziyu feel like finding something to do.

He jumped directly to Qin Shaofeng and looked at the piles of storage bags on the ground. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I wonder where did your kid get so many storage bags? It's just this pile of storage bags. It looks like you can exchange a lot of money for the bag, right?"

"How much are these worth?"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head speechlessly.

What Zhao Ziyu said was the person who had taken a trip to Shenhai City with him, it is impossible not to know that he had already collected all the storage bags of those who died in Shenhai City.

It's really speechless to be able to say such a thing now!

"Forget it, you can throw this pile of storage bags into the warehouse together. When I turn back, I will discuss how to use these things after the Lord Simon and Limen bring the people who are chasing the stars."

Qin Shaofeng continued his work.

In just the moment of speaking, hundreds of storage bags have been created again.

When they did this, four people hurried over.

It was the four Simon Kuang.

"My lord, what can you do with us?" Ximen Kuang still asked with a flattering expression.

In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng should be prepared to distribute profits to himself and others.

But he had forgotten that an eighth-order sacred star powerhouse, facing a kid who is less than twenty years old, but who has only a ninth-order venerable heavenly position, made such a flattering face to other people. How big the blow can be.

Zhao Ziyu was always with Qin Shaofeng, but he didn't feel much.

Ke Wuming seemed to have only one killer.

It seems that even his master, Kun Nine Prisons, has the same expression, as if everything is not in his heart.

But the lady of the master, Lingyu, was not such a stone.

It must be known that she only has the cultivation base of the eighth-ranked respect, even if she has reached the peak, she is not much better than the four Ximenli.

It is conceivable to see how powerful a strong person of the same level and the same generation as oneself can make such an expression to a child.

"I haven't prepared the things here yet, but what you need to do now is another thing." Qin Shaofeng spoke, and suddenly found that the joy on the faces of the four of them had been reduced by half.

The expression on his face remained unchanged.

What happened to the little master in this life, even if the four of you add up, it is less than one-tenth. Do you really think that little master can't hold you back?

"After we waited for others to discuss, we decided to let the disciples who didn't want to stay at the Seven Star Gate leave." Qin Shaofeng continued.

These words of him and he attracted the confused expressions of Ximen Jie, Xiao Ruyi and Ximen Zhen.

Only when Ximen Kuang recognized Qin Shaofeng's personality, joy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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