Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 333: Geng Can's shock

As soon as he discovered the shortcomings of this, Qin Shaofeng immediately began to train Du Meng's envoy, that is, the cub of the earth bear.

Recently, the six million experience points absorbed by the experience tree were all devoted to the cub of the earth bear, and then the cub soon grew into a monster of the legendary triple realm.

The legendary triple earth bear, with its defensive power, can completely withstand the attacks of the legendary five-layer monster beast, that is, within a short time, it can resist the attacks of some legendary six-layer monster beasts.

But not enough!

Not enough!

At this time, half a month had passed since entering the Qianshan Sect.

In half a month, I only raised a realm, far from the Xiaoyuan Dan realm!

On this day, after killing a small group of six monsters, Qin Shaofeng began to think seriously.

At this moment, the ball suddenly made a noise.

"Hey, Great Demon King, I found about a kilometer ahead, close to the foot of the No. 18 peak, there was a lot of human aura, and there was also a lot of monsters in that place. It seems that there was a battle between the two sides."

The big devil was already Xiaoqiuqiu's public address to Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng didn't care, leaving it alone.

But Xiaoqiuqiu's words caught Qin Shaofeng's attention.

The area of ​​the No. 18 peak was close to a hundred miles, and the four Qin Shaofeng had already advanced some distance, and they were about to reach the foot of the No. 18 peak.

Qin Shaofeng thought that the four of them were the fastest. Now if it was not a small ball, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that others were faster than himself.

A lot of human breath?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly and asked, "How many people are there? How many monsters are fighting with them?"

"Probably a dozen people, and I feel that the strength seems to be passable, most of them are in the realm of legendary triple or higher, but this time, the group of people is afraid that they are in trouble. The beast besieging them seems to be more than one hundred. Monster group!"

What group of monsters are over a hundred?

Hearing this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly burst into light, and then he asked clearly that the strongest monster group was only at the level of the legendary fifth level, most of which were under the legendary level three, he smiled sharply, and said to Yun'er. The three shouted.

"Haha, something good happened, everyone, let's go and save people!"

Save people?

That's just with it!

What Qin Shaofeng really liked was the group of monsters with more than one hundred monsters.

More than a hundred monsters!

How much experience should this be?


How hateful is this?

Seeing the fire demon fox surrounding him and others, Geng Can was full of anger.

Originally, Geng Can's plan was to take the disciples who participated in the examination for entry into the Thousand Mountain Sect with his family this time, and strive to enter the fifty-first mountain earlier.

Because their Geng family is on the 50th peak, but they have a shop.

Many family forces with some strength in the Qianshan Sect have established some shops on different mountain peaks. This is to collect the monsters that have been assessed for this time.

After all, the corpse of a monster beast is a good material for humans, whether it is refining weapons, refining pills, or even cultivating their own war beasts.

But Geng Can didn't expect that when he entered the eighteenth peak, his party encountered a group of fire monsters.

Fire demon foxes, ordinary fire monsters, although the entire fire demon fox race reaches the legendary realm once they reach adulthood, their strength is generally not strong.

Under the same realm, even a person of poor strength can handle a fire demon fox.

But this fire demon fox is inherently cunning and understands group tactics. Once several fire demon foxes unite and use their unique foxballs, the power after fusion can be scary.

So if there is no accident, no one will provoke a group of fire monsters.

But what Geng Can didn't expect was that a group of fire monsters and foxes would actually spot him and his party.

Although he possesses the pinnacle of the legendary sixth level, his strength is extremely strong, comparable to the general legendary seventh level.

But facing a group of hundreds of Firefox, Geng Can knew that his strength was not enough, and he could only barely protect himself.

If it weren't for the people here at this moment are all from their own family, and they understand the family formation, the dozen of them would not be able to insist on the scene!

"Young Master Six, the Great Array will no longer be able to support it!"

Just as Geng Can felt a headache because of the current situation, a young man in his twenties who was also in the legendary sixth realm suddenly whispered to him.

Can't hold on?

Geng Can's face sank, but he knew in his heart that this was normal.

After all, more than a dozen of them have been besieged by this group of fire demon foxes for as long as an hour, and the pill to restore spiritual energy has already been consumed almost.

Because they avoid being concentrated by the firefox's foxballs, their large formation can always be in a state of maximum output, even if they are well prepared here, they cannot withstand such consumption.

"Damn it, haven't you found the Fire Monster Fox leader yet?" Geng Can said angrily.

In a group of hundreds of Fire Monster Foxes, there must be a Fire Monster Fox leader, and the Fire Monster Fox leader is generally a mind-like existence. Although it cannot be the strongest one, it must be the most cunning one.


The young man replied something that made Geng Can's face even more ugly.

Seeing that Geng Can didn't speak, the young man hesitated for a while and said in a low voice: "From the current situation, Young Master Six can only let me wait for a **** road, and then Young Master Six, take Miss Nine and escape!"


Let your fellow family members escape for their lives alone?

After hearing the young man's words, Geng Can immediately became angry.

As a child of the Geng family, how can he escape?

This is even more needless to say, abandoning one's own family.

Geng Can said nothing to do this, and even made him glared because of the young man's words. But when the young man said the last sentence, the originally angry Geng Can was suddenly stunned.

I couldn't help looking back at a female disciple of the family behind him, a petite figure filled with Geng Can.

Seeing Geng Can's appearance, the young man obviously knew what Geng Can hesitated any more, and couldn't help but anxiously said: "Six young masters don't hesitate anymore. Miss Nine is less than thirteen years old this year. She is still young, and her body is like that. , So even if it’s for Miss Nine, don’t hesitate anymore. Besides, our Geng family are not afraid of death!"

Not afraid of death?

Geng Can's heart was full of wry smiles.

You are the Geng family, am I not Geng Can?

Am I afraid of death?

But when he saw that childish little face, Geng Can closed his eyes in pain.

"Then please you!"

God knows how much determination Geng Can made in his heart when he said this. Even after speaking, Geng Can's heart was empty.

"Young Master Six, don't worry!" the young man said firmly.

Then, the young man planned to pass on the order and forcibly break through, but the moment the order was issued, an accident happened.


There was a loud explosion, and Geng Can and the young man suddenly heard several screams of the fire monster fox.

The two slammed into the distance, but they were suddenly surprised to find that a figure flashed outside the fire monster fox.

But what surprised the two of them most was that the master of the figure held an extremely wide giant sword in his hand, and the explosion just now caused the giant sword to explode.


There was another explosion, and Geng Can saw that the man who appeared suddenly slammed the giant sword in his hand again, and the three or five legendary fire demon foxes were actually photographed directly into meat.


What's the situation?

Geng Can was shocked.

At this moment, the figure holding the giant sword in the distance screamed.

"Friends on the opposite side, you have dragged down this group of beasts, let's kill this group of beasts together!"

Although I don't know the identity of the visitor, it is clear that the other party is here to help myself and others.

Moreover, the opponent's violent attack method and that strong aura made Geng Can understand that the opponent's strength is not simple.

With joy in his heart, Geng Can shouted fiercely: "My friend, thank you very much, don't worry about these beasts, we will definitely drag them to death!"

After shouting Geng Can, he suddenly shouted to a dozen people around him: "Everyone, work harder, give me the strongest formation. Let's hold these animals as far as possible."

The rest of the Geng family's children are not stupid, they know the strength of the people who come to help is good, but if they are besieged by a large number of fire monsters, it will be bad.

At this time, they can only hold as many fire monsters as possible, so that people can kill more fire monsters.

Then, when the Firefox was killed to a certain extent, it was their turn to fight back.

The situation reversed instantly!

It was originally the fire monster fox who besieged the Geng family disciples, but now the Geng family disciples have dragged down a large number of fire monster foxes in a big formation.

There is hope!

At this moment, Geng Can finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he knew that it was not the time to be completely relieved, after all, the other party was just a person!

Just when Geng Can had an idea, he was suddenly interrupted by a tiger roar.


With Tiger Roar, Geng Can subconsciously looked into the distance, and then saw a huge monster tiger flash out, rushing into the fire monster fox group and starting to rampage.

Legendary five-level war beast?

Geng Can was surprised, but soon he realized that this was just the beginning.

After the tiger roar, four figures appeared again.

One of them was a burly man. Geng Can only saw the opponent, with golden light flashing all over his body. He was not afraid of the fire fox's fox ball, and attacked the fire fox frantically, as was the giant bear behind him.

Geng Can clearly felt that the opponent was only in the realm of the legendary triple level, but his strength was to make the legendary quadruple fire demon fox unable to withstand a few tricks in front of him.

What a powerful legendary triple!

Geng Can was secretly surprised in his heart, but in the next moment, he even discovered a surprising phenomenon.

It was a cold-faced young man, at most he was sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was also in the triple realm of the legend, but the opponent's attack method was never seen before.

Because Geng Can just saw the opponent and bowed his hand, it was a cold light flashing. A legendary triple fire demon fox was directly penetrated through the abdomen, and was instantly hit and lost its combat power.

After a closer look, Geng Can discovered that Hanguang was actually a sharp sword.

But what sword technique is this?

Looking at the other party with just a few fingers, the sword flew up, and during the action, it seemed as if the sword was the other's arm, relaxed and free.

But such a weird sword technique, Geng Can has never seen it before.

Even if the three holy realm of the family has already condensed the powerhouse of divine consciousness, and can reach the realm of the void and imperial, it is impossible to reach the level of the young man in front of him, his fingers and swords!

The beautiful girl at the end of the opposing team made Geng Can even more frightened.

Because that beautiful girl didn't have any extra movements at all, she just sat on a snow-white demon wolf and gently danced her hands, even if she was a beautiful fairy, she was dancing lightly.

However, with every movement of the opponent, the hand swayed like starlight, but it was like a sharp sword, knocking the fire monsters to the ground.

Among them, the same is true for the Fire Demon Fox of the Legendary Quadruple Realm. It is the legendary Fire Demon Fox of the fifth level. At most, there are two or three more things, without exception.

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