Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3350: All crazy

"This surprised you?"

"Hey, I can only tell you that what you think is still too simple."

"This seat can reward Simon Kuang two billion at a time in a battle that is only for killing. Why can't you give each of you two billion?"

Everyone's eyes have turned dark green, and that is no longer an excitement to describe.

Two billion!

How many high-level Saint Star powerhouses can't get a terrifying number even if they work hard for a lifetime?

Not to mention them, even Scorpion was frightened by his big breath.

Two billion people per person, there are four hundred people here!

If you really calculate it like this, wouldn't it take a full 800 billion?

Don’t say it’s our Star Chasing Gate, I’m afraid it’s not worth the price to pack and sell together with Seven Star Gate?

"Big, sir, this, what you said, are all true?" asked an eighth-order saint star powerhouse tremblingly.

"Have you fooled anyone?"

Qin Shaofeng sneered disdainfully, and said, "Do you really think you can only control the financial resources of the star chaser?"


"To tell you the truth, this constellation will not only pack and sell the Star Chasing Gate, but even the Seven Star Gate will be packaged and sold by this constellation. The two great powers, one of them is the existence of the top power first, how much can it be worth? It’s not what you can imagine."

This time, the ancestor Scorpion was speechless.

It seems that the old man has been in hiding for too long.

Unexpectedly, in these short ten years, there will be a great man who dared to sell the two great powers in a package, and is even taking action.

It's really special!

It seems that only the three words Te Mo Di can describe what the old man wants to describe.

"Are you shocked? Surprised? Hahaha!"

Qin Shaofeng immediately laughed and laughed: "You don't have to be happy too soon. It's easy to get a little money from your seat, but it's not that easy to get a big money."

"It's all good for this seat!"

The audience was quiet, and the needle dropped.

"This battle is a must-win battle. If it is won, the survivors will each be rewarded with 1 billion Yaoxing Coins. Those who have contributed the most will have a dedicated person responsible for recording the gains. Every eighth-tier Saint is killed. Those who are strong in star position will be rewarded 100 million without a cap."

"As long as you slay a ninth-tier sacred star powerhouse, this constellation will not give you money, but you will have everything you need to cultivate to the ninth-tier sacred star position in the future."

"Even if it is not enough to sell the two great powers, then this seat will personally take people to **** the Qi Yaozong, **** the Celestial Elephant Gate, **** all the sects that can be snatched, in short, will not treat you badly."

"As for how to kill, this seat can't control. Even if you have the ability to let each other kill each other, you will make up the knife in the end. That is your own ability. Not only will this seat not blame him, it will use him more in the future."

Only the heartbeat of ‘Peng Peng’ was left in the audience. The heartbeat was so loud that almost everyone could clearly hear everyone’s voice.

The ancestors of Scorpion, Ximen Yaoyang, and Ximen Xinyue were completely stunned.

They can't imagine it anyway.

Before a sect went to fight, the high-level officials would say such a morale booster.

I believe the effect of this passage will definitely make everyone forget his previous promise of 100 million.

All self-protection was forgotten by them at this moment.

Even if you can't really win, at least you have to kill a few strong players of the eighth-order sacred star position?

I haven't heard the adults say that we can use all means, as long as it can make up the knife at the end is enough?

"Everyone has it, have you heard what I said?" Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted.

"Yes! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"


Everyone was shouting loudly.

The shout was more than one.

Although the number is only less than four hundred, the morale is so high, I am afraid that four million people together can't match it!

"Everyone has it, with this seat, kill!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted again, and everyone seemed to have become a sharp sword at this moment.

Especially the thirteen eighth-order sacred stars who rushed to the front.

Their cultivation base is high enough, if many people join forces, not to mention killing dozens of eighth-order saint-star powerhouses, even the 9th-order saint-star powerhouse has a lot to do!

If we can kill several ninth-tier Saint Star powerhouses, our future cultivation avenue can be said to be magnanimous all the way!

I haven't heard the adults say, everything must make way for it?

Even if it is robbing other superior forces.

After we joined forces with the Star Chasing Gate and the Seven Star Gate, we were again facing the high pressure of the Four Elephant Sects. It really survived today. I don't know if there will be tomorrow.

Don't say it was to **** a few doglegs from the Four Elephant Sects, even if you **** the entire Yaoxing Land?

I don't want that much anymore, anyway, the old man now only needs to kill a ninth-order Saint Star powerhouse.

No, twelve!

Even if the twelve cannot be killed, at least half of them will be killed!

At that time, we will follow the adults to grab other forces.

Hey, it feels cool to think about it!

With the addition of various combat exploits, it seems that we can not only rise to the ninth-order holy star position, but also seem to have all the various needs for future cultivation!

No wonder the old man Simon Kuang is going crazy.

We are going crazy too!

Four hundred people faced 20,000 people, and with high-end strength alone, people who were several times and dozens of times more than them could still show such warfare. It was the trio of Scorpion Patriarchs who felt dizzy.

The agent chosen by our master sir does not seem to be an ordinary man?

This group of people who were once unable to mobilize the master of the door were turned into a group of hungry wolves by this kid, and they were crazy hungry wolves. It was really scary!

far away.

Several people were suddenly startled.

"Fogweed! What's wrong with this?"

"Are all the star chasers crazy?"

"Do they know how many powerhouses our Four Elephant Sects have come to? As for wanting to die so madly?"

"Hurry up, go back and report!"

A full seven people jumped out for the first time, turning around and going away.

It's not that they were not careful, but they were really frightened by the momentum of the group of people at the Star Chaser.

But they seem to have forgotten what this place is.

It would be fine if it didn't jump out.

At this moment, it was equivalent to sending their seven pieces of fat to the mouths of these crazy hungry wolves.

"Four elephants? Kill!"

"They are mine, so let me go!"

"Seven billion! Seven billion, hahaha..."

"Every time a war starts, there are seven hundred million dollars in hand. It's a cool grandfather, hahahaha..."

"Seven hundred million, come here, and come to Grandpa's bowl obediently!"

"Ahahaha quack quack!"

Ximen Kuang waited for the seventeen eighth-order Saint Star powerhouses to rush the fastest.

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