Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3356: Squeeze to death

"Dead? So dead?"

"Zhang Xingtong is an eighth-order saint star powerhouse, even if he is not the opponent of the first-order saint star boy, it seems that he shouldn't die so cleanly, right?"

"It's just contacted, people can even be regarded as not showing a move!"

"How could it be so simple, how could it be?"

"Then, that kid is here to kill..."

After witnessing the scene with their own eyes, the powerful four elephant sects were almost shocked by the scene they saw with their own eyes.

Although Zhang Xingtong is not very familiar with them.

But one thing is that you don't need to care about being familiar or unfamiliar, that is, Zhang Xingtong comes from the line of Xuanwu.

The Xuanwu line's offensive ability is not very good, but the defense is definitely the strongest at its level.

Even in the face of stronger people, most of them can resist for a while, but Zhang Xingtong did not resist even a single move, so he died so unclearly, how can he not be shocked?

They are also the powerhouses of the eighth-order saint star.

Even if so many of them are faced with a peak powerhouse at the same time, or even a powerhouse at the top of the sky, they may not be so afraid.

After all, there is the record caused by Simon Kuang and others in sight.

Even if they are not powerhouses, at least they will not be scared.

Qin Shaofeng is the exception.

At a young age, he is not twenty years old, and his cultivation is even weaker to them.

The first-order sacred star position, it stands to reason that they should be pinched to death.

Such a person, while waving his hands, killed an existence that was equivalent to their cultivation base, but whose defensive ability could definitely make them look up.

The psychological pressure that such a special existence brings to them is definitely more frightening than that of a strong man.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Qin Shaofeng would not give them enough time to think, or to be shocked.

The distance between them was not far away. Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level had reached the realm of Saint Star again, almost between the electric light and flint, and he was already close to them.

"Sky Jade Star Force Art!"

Qin Shaofeng immediately used the power of forbidden force.

He still won't use it towards everyone at the same time.

But with the cooperation of the Heavenly Void Insect King, his Heavenly Jade Star Power Technique descended on one person at the same time that the Green Dragon King controlled by the Sky Void Insect King rushed out.

With Qin Shaofeng's knife harvest once again, another head full of fear in his eyes rose into the sky.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for killing the eighth-order sacred star..."

"System prompt: Congratulations to players..."

Qin Shaofeng didn't rush to frighten these people.

He came to harvest the true value and martial arts value, and at the same time he killed one person, the Sky Jade Star Force Art had already fallen on another person.

It was almost exactly the same battle process, and it had appeared seven times in a short period of time.

A full seven eighth-ranked saint-star powerhouses, from the fall of the first person to the death of the last person, it took less than a breath of time.

Those people died near the end, and they were unable to make even the slightest scream.

"He, he... is he still human?"

"Go together, go together, go together, kill him!"

The rest of the eighth-order saint star powerhouses, the original fighting intent in their hearts was immediately frightened by Qin Shaofeng.

They just fought in front of the big bosses, but they couldn't choose to escape.

Fortunately, there is the terrifying record of Simon Kuang and others.

They immediately thought that they might not be able to kill him, but if everyone rushed forward, if Simon Kuang and the others dealt with the adults, and then they took the opportunity to sneak attack, it seemed that it would be no trouble?

Just because of this, when one person yelled out, everyone yelled out.

This shout was a real cause for trouble.

Although they are all members of the Four Elephant Sects, the cultivation base of the eighth-order saint star position gives them a crushing advantage in front of ordinary disciples.

The orders they gave to those people were as if Yan Tianming had ordered them.

It is even worse.

The ordinary disciple knew that Qin Shaofeng's combat power was terrifying, and even the adults of the eighth-order saint star were frightened, but under the order, they had to choose to play.

For a time, at least three hundred people rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Those ordinary saint star cultivation bases, cannon fodder respecting the heavens, and even those eighth-order saint star powerhouses who were frightened, did not know the true meaning of Yan Tianming's previous orders.

Ximen Kuang and the others can deal with the powerhouses of their Four Elephant Sects with a difference in numbers, because they have the power to fight.

But how could they have the fighting power in front of Qin Shaofeng?

If so, how could Yan Tianming let them, these eighth-order saint star powerhouses, behead or contain Qin Shaofeng?

The arrival of hundreds of people immediately caused Qin Shaofeng's mouth to appear with a deep smile.

At this moment, he even put away the ghost three swords.

When his hands were wrong, a dark green poisonous mist rose.

"Ten thousand people, it's really better than ten thousand people, do you really think that you can carry the rush of this seat with your ten thousand people? Hahaha..."

"Funny, this is the funniest joke I've heard in this life, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng's mad laughter spread.

If it were to change time and location, even when those eighth-tier Saint Star position powerhouses were defeated by Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng would not be bothered by saying this.

But it was exactly when Qin Shaofeng scared away those who are truly qualified to stop him with the rank 8 Saint Star position powerhouse.

The poisonous mist of the green dragon king spread in both hands.

In just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people slowed down.

And this slowdown is not an end, but only a beginning.

Take a breath.

Within three meters of Qin Shaofeng, the screams had already begun to resound.

Today is not like the last time Qin Shaofeng used the Vivid Dragon King to be highly poisonous, and there was no heavy snow cover, which made the poisonous mist in his hand spread even faster.

It's just three interest time.

The poisonous fog has spread ten meters away.

And this number is still just the beginning. As the toxin spreads more and more widely, the speed of the spread is also getting faster and faster.

Just after ten breaths, the situation on the battlefield has completely become treacherous.

The Green Dragon King on Qin Shaofeng's left hand, entrenched on his left arm, seemed to have turned into a shield on his arm.

Relying on the terrifying defense of the Emerald Dragon King, he easily resisted the attacks of the people around him, but also smashed a path ahead.

His figure shuttled quickly, and the green poisonous mist was scattered around the people of the Four Elephant Sects at an unimaginable speed.

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