Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3385: Generous

"Let them pass it casually. Anyway, all of our martial arts should be passed out. We only need to protect Ghost Three Slash."

Qin Shaofeng said indifferently: "At that time, the exchange of martial arts of the gods will be open. As long as the merits are enough, you can come up with a certain amount of Yaoxing coins to exchange them regardless of the difference."

"If you want to replace those hidden stakes, we just need to set the standard carefully. For example, in the first part, we need to kill a ninth-order sacred star position of the Four Elephant Sect, or a hundred eighth-order sacred star position, or a thousand seventh-order sacred star positions. Star position..."

Qin Shaofeng slowly explained.

But his most preliminary conditions made everyone stunned again.

They have to think.

If the Four Elephant Sect wants to use this method to exchange it, the loss will really go away.

Several high-level leaders who had always followed Ximenli and others all changed in color.

If they were to count on such conditions, they would be completely useless!

"My lord, I am willing to take out the reward for killing the ninth-order holy star, hoping to practice the first move of Ghost Three Slash." Xiao Ruyi was the first to jump out.

Qin Shaofeng's proposal is indeed difficult for the others in the star chasing door, as difficult as climbing.

But for those of them who followed Qin Shaofeng's rush to kill, it was nothing at all.

Not to mention, he has personally taken off the head of a powerful ninth-rank saint star.

And the eighth-order saint star powerhouse he killed seemed to have more than a dozen people, right?

No matter how you calculate it, it's nothing.

"Let's talk about this matter, but if you choose to leave the head of the ninth-order holy star, you need to bring it up in person this time when you discuss the merits and rewards. This seat will write it down first, and then determine the ghost. Let's talk about the three-cut exchange method." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Yes, the subordinates will personally bring it up at that time." Xiao Ruyi trembled with excitement.

The eyes of the three Simon Kuang were all red.

Why is that head cheap?

The old man also led the team to build a guy, why didn't he get it?

Their cultivation is already at a bottleneck.

If you want to be promoted to the ninth-tier holy star position, it really can be done without the accumulation of resources, perhaps it can be automatically promoted in the next battle.

But the martial arts of superb rank are different!

With their previous character, if you want to cultivate the martial arts of the two biggest sects, you don't even think about it.

Now the opportunity is in front of him, but his military exploits are not enough to exchange for.

The envy, jealousy and hatred in their hearts have gone to the extreme.

"I have to admit, your statement really moved me, but we should wait until we go to the Seven Star Gate to talk about it!" Ximen Tian couldn't help but speak.

"Since everyone can't sleep anymore, don't waste time anymore. Come here, ask everyone to get up and gather, and continue to set off after half an hour!" Qin Shaofeng said.


Several strong men glanced at Ximen Li and others, and immediately ran out in response.

Qin Shaofeng gave them too much stimulation.

Although his order was half an hour, it only took two quarters of an hour. Those who were ordered to leave had already completed their mission and returned.

When the group set out in mighty force, the sun was already showing its head.

It was a long time later.

The seven-star gate's mountain gate had already appeared in front of them.

It's just that the Seven Star Gate now seems to be more depressed than when they left.

Although Qin Shaofeng's identity at the Seven Star Gate has not been announced yet.

But as disciples who were not loyal enough left, and Qin Shaofeng's strong appearance, his identity had become a well-known secret.

He personally brought the people from the Star Chasing Gate, and the disciple who was responsible for guarding the Mountain Gate, immediately went to ask the ancestor who was responsible for guarding the Great Array.

When the guardian formation was put away, disciples immediately came to welcome them in.

Just ascending the mountain, a group of people quickly greeted him.

The moment before, he was still on the distant mountain, and the next moment he came to them.

The old ghost Chen Xing cared very much about the union.

Not only is he here, but also the old man Tianling and Old Ancestor Gu Jie have also rushed over.

"Shao Feng, you can be regarded as coming, nothing happened along the way, right?" Old Ghost Chenxing said anxiously.

"But a lot has happened."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said, "Isn't it time to talk about these things, have you all cleared out those mountains?"

"Tianji, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Shaoguang Four Vein Peaks can move in at any time. In addition, I will vacate the main peak. Before discussing good things, I will let all the higher-ups move in." Chen Xing said.

"Not so much."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and said, "Ximen Kuang and Luo Ying, both of you know the distribution of the peaks of the Seven Star Gate, and you will bring people to live on the three peaks of Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang respectively."

"Other people come with me first. Some things need to be explained."

Qin Shaofeng gave a command and walked toward the main peak first.

Although Ximen Kuang and the others recovered overnight, they did not reach their peak state. Hearing this, they followed the army to rest.

Only a dozen people really followed Qin Shaofeng.

Ximen Li, Ximen Tian, ​​Ximen Yaoyang, Ximen Crescent, Ximen Art, Brothers of Heaven and Nether, and the ancestor of Scorpion.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Chenxing immediately led the way.

It's just that the old man Tianling, the old ancestor Gu Jie and others, when Qin Shaofeng gave orders, couldn't help being suspicious.

But they dare not say much now, so they have to follow behind.

When he came to the back mountain where the old ghost of Chenxing lived again, Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to walk to the vicinity of the stone table used for the meeting.

When everyone saw this, although they were all wondering what Qin Shaofeng did, they still followed immediately.

Qin Shaofeng once again sat in the previous position.

"Second uncle, third uncle, as well as the ancestor Gu Jie, the ancestor Fengyun, the ancestor Lin Cang, the saint of great compassion, please protect the whole mountain, we don't want to be disturbed by anyone in our next conversation." Qin Shaofeng Ordered.

Ximen Yaoyang and Ximen Xinyue are used to being directed by Qin Shaofeng.

The four ancestors of the Seven Star Gate immediately opened their eyes.

Even the master of our Seven Star Gate, is not qualified to command us people, okay?

What kind of thing is your kid, you don't even have to ask the sect master to direct us directly?

Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to their emotions at all.

Since he wanted to obtain the benefits he wanted in this war, he naturally couldn't let anyone command it.

Perhaps Old Ghost Chenxing is very capable, but he believes in himself even more.

Since he has become the highest level of the star chasing door, naturally he has to grab some of the rights from Chen Xing.

Only with enough right to speak can he allow the two major forces to support for a period of time.

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