Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3435: Assassinate

"The people at Xuanyinmen seem to have begun to riot."

In the periphery surrounded by the crowd, the five figures lurked quietly as if illusory.

These five people are exactly the reason for Chu Huan's despair.

Qin Shaofeng, who should never be here, quietly descended once again when Chu Huan was in another desperate situation.

"Ran Zun, what is their current situation? Would there be any accidents if we were to act outside?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"If we can absolutely not make any movement, maybe the woman can deal with it properly, maybe it can play some role, otherwise it will have no effect." Ran Zun replied.

Qin Shaofeng thought about it for a while, then turned around and asked, "Sect master, can you sneak in quietly?"

"It's not difficult to sneak in, but what do we do?"

A tangled color appeared in the eyes of the old ghost Chen Xing, and said: "Our top combat power, even if you count it, is just four people."

"The Xuanyinmen are strong, and there are two strong entangled saint star positions, and one is about to enter the heavenly position."

"The two ninth-rank sacred star powers of the Tianxiangmen, and the Qi Yaozong who is about to rush over, also have two ninth-rank sacred star powers."

Qin Shaofeng's brows became tighter and tighter.

His cultivation base is not enough to detect the enemy's accurate cultivation base aura, but Chenxing Old Ghost and others are different.

It's just a calculation, the three major forces actually have six ninth-order sacred star powerhouses, and a half-step ascendant powerhouse.

If you really want to shake it hard, the difficulty is really not that big!

"I don't want to think so much, the master, you and the second senior brother sneak in, no matter what the final battle situation is, you must save Chu Huan to me."

Qin Shaofeng's expression became more solemn.

The more he got to this critical juncture, the more cautious he became.

Immediately, he asked: "Senior Brother, your strongest ability should be to charge, right?"

"Not bad."

Ke Wuming nodded.

"Then you are cooperating outside, ready to accept us at any time." Qin Shaofeng and others continued to instruct.

Ke Wuming's brows frowned: "I'm not literary. Are you guys really all right?"

Immediately, he looked at Old Ghost Chen Xing.

In any case, he is from the Seven Star Gate.

Old ghost Chenxing is his direct superior.

After the two powers were united, Qin Shaofeng's status was chasing the old ghost Chenxing, but there was still a gap.

At least in his mind.

"Follow Shaofeng's preparations!"

Old ghost Chen Xing thought for a moment, and then chose to agree.

He already had a little understanding of the situation in front of him.

But in his opinion, the real thing that needs to be considered is actually whether to rescue.

After all, there are too many powerhouses of the three major forces.

If it is combined with other warriors, it is almost a joke to want to compete with them.

Now that Qin Shaofeng had decided to take action.

Then Qin Shaofeng's order to fight now is naturally the most suitable choice.

"Then I will stay and prepare to meet you." Ke Wuming thought for a while before nodding in response.

"Then everyone, start acting!"

Qin Shaofeng gave an order and looked at Ran Zun at each other.

Immediately, the two of them turned into two phantoms, quietly retreating.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Chenxing immediately started to move.

He and Zhao Ziyu are both peak powers, but it is not an easy task to sneak past under the noses of so many peak powers.

Although difficult, it is not absolutely impossible.

The moment they disappeared, Qin Shaofeng and Ran Zun started to move.

Only a few thousand people came from the two major gates.

Although such a number is terrifying, it is too much for the two figures.

Even if Qin Shaofeng and the two are so suppressed by their cultivation base, they don't need to worry too much about being discovered.

Qin Shaofeng knew that Chu Huan would definitely not be able to delay it for too long.

He was sneaking up to the moment behind the crowd who was trying to observe the situation inside, and his assassination began.

The power of thunder quietly surrounds him.

He didn't take out the ghost three cut this time, but took out a dagger as thin as a cicada wing.

This thing was discovered temporarily when he was searching the Qi Yaozong.

The texture of this dagger is extremely strange.

Although the level of hardness may not be considered the pinnacle of the shining star land, it is very suitable for the current situation.

He stretched out his hand to cover the target's mouth, and at the same time thrust the dagger in his hand toward the opponent's temple.

For ordinary people, stabbing the heart is the strongest means of assassination.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that the dagger pierced the heart and needed a buffer time.

Especially the dagger in his hand, obviously can't achieve the ideal level of ordinary dagger.

In this way, in his current posture, piercing the opponent's brain while piercing the temple is obviously the most effective method.

Putting the body down on the ground gently, he rushed towards the next person for the first time.

The voice of dialogue inside still continued.

Because of the love of the ancestor Yingyue for Liu Jialin, Lian Xintong was unable to give the order to act.

Their delays gave Qin Shaofeng too many opportunities.


When he assassinated twenty or thirty people, he was surprised to find something that stunned him.

After he casts Thunder Thousand Flashes, what kind of battle he can get a lot of help.

But he couldn't think of it, he only managed 20 or 30 people.

Ran Zun, not far away, actually killed as many as a hundred people.

Such a gap made Qin Shaofeng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What a special skill in the art industry!

Even if one is able to beat Ranzun ten or a hundred in frontal combat, there is really no way to compare with others in the field of other killers!

Thinking back, he won't have the slightest lag.

The speed of shots has repeatedly increased.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Qin Shaofeng kept urging himself in his heart.

But it is not an easy task to really want to use the power of the two of them to break a blood path.

But what they didn't expect was that the people of the Seven Lights Sect who had ended the battle a long time ago, but never came, actually rushed over here.

"What are you all doing, why haven't you started doing it?" The Deputy Sect Master of the Seven Lights Sect yelled loudly before he even approached.

As we approached step by step and found that there was no fighting movement here, she was even more furious, and said angrily: "We have killed more than 500 people in this way to help you in the mysterious door. You have all killed them. Surrounded, why didn't you make a move?"

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