Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3438: You go

The words are divided into two ends.

Chu Huan didn't know that his "last words" could really be accepted by others, and when he was still praying over and over again in his heart, sudden changes occurred.

A series of sounds were obviously unexpected changes, and they immediately pulled him back to reality.

As far as I can see, it is directly the scene where the ancestor Wolfyue and the ancestor of Feiyan come out towards Liu Jialin.

"That old lady Yingyue was deliberately attracting Lin'er's attention, so that the two men sneaked over and attacked. What a vicious method!" Chu whispered bitterly.

But under the current situation, he also lost more of his plan to care about.

Anyway, I'm finished.

Even if the ancestor Yingyue didn't engage in these little moves, Liu Jialin couldn't make them stop.

It only takes one attack, and he will undoubtedly end in death.

That being the case.

Then whether they do it, it seems there is no difference.


Chu Huan suddenly noticed that a dark green poisonous fog suddenly appeared in the rear of the crowd, and was advancing quickly toward this side.

He hadn't seen this poisonous fog with his own eyes, but because he was always paying attention to Qin Shaofeng's news, he immediately recognized it.

"Qin Shaofeng! Why did he come here?"

Upon discovering this scene, Chu Huan almost jumped up in surprise and shouted: "What are you here for, hurry up!"

In the loud shouts, the unexpected change that made him unpredictable appeared again.

When the ancestor Wolfyue and the ancestor Feiyan saw their wanted hands, an attack actually appeared at this moment.

Although only one shot, but two attacks came one after another.

The next moment, an extremely young figure appeared in front of everyone.

This person's two moves blocked the two of them for a moment, and they already grabbed Liu Jialin's neck.

"How good is it to say something slowly, for a powerful ninth-tier Saint Star, what is it to be a sudden attack?" The visitor laughed.

"Nine-tier Saint Star Powerful!?"

The ancestor Wolfyue and the non-smoke ancestor stepped back subconsciously and exclaimed in unison.

is not it?

It was Zhao Ziyu who had truly recovered to the 9th-order Saint Star cultivation base through the battle of the Seven Lights Sect.

When Zhao Ziyu saw this, he laughed: "Aren't you both at the ninth-level cultivation base? Are you so jealous of me? If you really count it, it seems that I should be afraid of you, right?"

His smile made them even harder to look.

Not because of Zhao Ziyu's cultivation, but because of his actions.

Two people...no! It should be said that they and the sect master Lian Xintong, and the three ninth-order sacred star powers, cooperated so well with the ancestor Yingyue, because the ancestor Yingyue cared about Liu Jialin.

Ancestor Yingyue is also the strongest person in their Profound Yin Clan.

Half a step to the sky.

Their actions were sufficiently secretive that they should have saved Liu Jialin.

All sorts of changes made Zhao Ziyu's move directly equivalent to choking their throats.

How to do?

Liu Jialin is already in this person's hands.

If they were replaced by a martial cultivator with a seventh-order sacred star position, they would also have the confidence to save people, but the other party was a similar existence to them.

As long as this person has thoughts of killing, they will never be able to rescue them in time.

"Zhao Ziyu, let go of my granddaughter!"

The ancestor Yingyue recognized Zhao Ziyu the first time, and suddenly stepped forward and shouted out loudly.

Zhao Ziyu laughed at the words: "It seems that you should stop now, right?"

Yingyue ancestor heard the sound and stopped immediately.

She was afraid of the change for a long time, but it still happened.

Especially after she was so delicately arranged, she was killed by the Qi Yaozong who was an alliance, making her almost completely blank now.

"Zhao Ziyu, today’s matter is the private matter of our Xuanyin Sect. It has nothing to do with your Seven-Star Sect. As long as you are willing to let go of my granddaughter, I will promise you with Xiang Shangren’s head that our Xuanyin Sect will never treat your Seven-Star Sect Not good." Yingyue ancestor began the final struggle.

"It turned out to be a guarantee from the head of Xiang Shang, really convincing!" Zhao Ziyu smiled.

Regardless of whether the Yingyue ancestor's guarantee is useful, it is impossible for him to let it go just because Qin Shaofeng needs to save Chu Huan.

Not to mention the ridiculous reputation of Xuanyinmen.

"Yingyue, what are you? I still know, Zhao Ziyu. It's not impossible to want your granddaughter. You should know what I want." Zhao Ziyu slowly said.

"Do you want to protect Chu Huan?"

Ancestor Yingyue suddenly widened his eyes, and said angrily: "This is absolutely impossible. Chu Huan almost killed us Xuanyin Clan to fall apart. How could I let him go because of a word from you?"

"Not willing to let go? That's great!"

Zhao Ziyu sneered when he heard the words and said: "Yingyue, since you can recognize me, I believe you should know my methods. If I must protect Chuhuan, you are really confident that you can **** your granddaughter back and kill you. Can you get him?"

The ancestor Yingyue shut up immediately.

She really didn't dare to say such big words.

Who is Zhao Ziyu?

Even the ancestors of Wolfyue and Feiyan don't necessarily know, but she is the only exception.

When she was only at the eighth rank of the Saint Star cultivation base, Zhao Ziyu was already the peak powerhouse of the Saint Star.

At the beginning, under her challenge, Zhao Ziyu only used a single finger to abuse her easily.

Later, news came out that Zhao Ziyu had broken through the ascendant position.

If it weren't for the news of Zhao Ziyu's fall in the end, she might not be able to cultivate to the present level under the drive of the inner demon.

Rao is now that she has reached the level of cultivation that Zhao Ziyu had achieved when she fought against Zhao Ziyu.

In contrast, Zhao Ziyu only broke through the ninth rank not long ago.

If she really started, she still didn't have even the slightest confidence.

She subconsciously glanced at the ancestors of Langyue and Feiyan, and then thinking about the people of the Celestial Elephant Gate and the Seven Lights Sect, she had a little confidence.

"Zhao Ziyu, you are indeed very powerful, but our three major forces have nine ninth-tier sacred star powers, and it may not be impossible to win you." Yingyue ancestors seemed to be tough.

The ancestors of Langyue, the non-smoke ancestors, and even the people of Xintong and the Tianxiangmen, can also hear the feeling of sternness in her words.

Who is that Zhao Ziyu?

How come the ancestor Yingyue who has reached the peak of the holy star position, half-stepping to the heavenly position, must be afraid of it?

And it was still in the presence of their nine ninth-order holy stars.

"Ancestor Yingyue, who is he, is he powerful?" Lian Xintong couldn't help asking.

"Seven Star Gate Great Elder Zhao Ziyu."

Ancestor Yingyue spoke without turning his head, but when he said this, his expression was full of tension.

Lian Xintong opened her mouth in astonishment.

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