Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3440: not simple

"Wei Shiming? Hang Ye?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at the two of them, but immediately rolled his eyes, and said, "I don't know, who knows where the unknown man came out from."

"Little guy, what are you talking about?" Hang Ye was furious.

Wei Shi was obviously calmer, and immediately interrupted Hang Ye's anger, wandering around Qin Shaofeng's body cautiously.

The more he looked down, the more surprised his eyes became.

They have indeed entered the ninth-order Saint Star position soon, but they are not the existence that can be so despised by everyone.

Qin Shaofeng's relaxed posture did not seem to be fake.

What worries him even more is that he can clearly feel a sense of extreme threat from Qin Shaofeng.

This kid has a problem!

He concluded after observing Qin Shaofeng for a while.

"What do you look at the old glass in the young master? Say if you want to die, get out of the way if you don't want to die." Qin Shaofeng sneered when he saw them hesitate.

When the two were observing him, he had already probed their situation deeply.

The breath on their bodies was obviously greatly suppressed.

Although the combat power that can be exerted is definitely higher than the powerhouse of the eighth-order saint star position, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

That being the case, he doesn't need to worry about it.

In a cold snort, he began to walk towards the two of them step by step.

The two shook together.

"Old Wei, what's the matter with that kid?" Hang Ye couldn't help but ask Wei Shiming through voice transmission.

"I don't know, but this kid is too strong, right?"

"Then what should we do?"

"He's all killed, we can't run away, can't we? Try our hands first."

The two had already completed the sound transmission between the electric light and flint.

As Wei Shiming said, it is impossible for them to choose to escape without fighting, they can only take out their weapons one after another.

Qin Shaofeng almost burst out laughing again.

"This is your weapon?"

No wonder he showed this expression, because the weapons they took out were so weird. Wei Shiming had a huge hook in his hands, but Hang Ye had a pair of ringless Emei thorns.

He didn't look down on these two weapons, they were really too rare, too rare.

Among the martial arts arena, the most common sword is the sword.

After all, these are the weapons that can most effectively solve the opponent in the fight between life and death.

Raiders are often only used on special occasions to achieve their maximum effect.

But when the two of them shot, they turned out to be such weird weapons. How can they make people stop talking?

Don't say it was him, hiding in the secret to prepare the praying mantis to catch the cicada, the oriole was in Qing three days later, and the three of them also snorted together.

"These two guys at the Celestial Gate are too weird, right?" The ancestor of the wind chased a smile.

The ancestor Feiyun twitched his mouth: "A big iron hook and a ringless eyebrow thorn. Is this really suitable for life and death?"

When the two spoke, they looked at the master of the door for three days.

They did live longer, but after a long period of cultivation, they were really not as good as the master of the outside world.

"Cough cough cough!"

Qing Santian also coughed a few times before explaining: "The Celestial Elephant Gate is not like us, where is there any truly powerful martial arts?"

"Even the sacred martial arts handed down through the ages have long been taken away by the Four Elephant Sects. They want to use swords. The swords without the support of the sacred martial arts may not be compared with the hook Emei thorn that has cultivated the sacred martial arts. The former is stronger."

The two were relieved when they heard this.

But at the same time, their complexion became even more weird.

Long time, long time.

The ancestor of the wind sighed: "We don't seem to be qualified to laugh at them, isn't our Seven Lights Sect also taken down by the Four Elephants? I don't know when our inheritance will be cut off."

"If you want to do so much, let's watch the excitement first!"

Old Ancestor Feiyun thought about what he said, and couldn't help but interrupted him immediately, saying: "Sect Master, what do you think of that kid's success after he met those two wonderful flowers?"


Qing Santian's expression was very heavy.

Both of them were surprised by his words at the same time.

"That kid only has the cultivation base of the fourth-order holy star, even if he is a forbidden martial artist, he can't be the opponent of the ninth-order holy star, right?" asked the ancestor of the wind.

"I reconsidered the opinion of the wind, that kid's cultivation base is too low." Old Ancestor Feiyun nodded.

Qing Santian looked at their resolutely unbelieving expressions and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "If I had not recognized his identity, I would have the same thoughts as you, but I did recognize it."

"Who is he?"

The two asked in unison.

"Qin Shaofeng! Qin Shaofeng, the deputy master of the Star Chasing Gate, and Qin Shaofeng, one of the principals of the Two Sect Alliance." Qing Santian explained three times one by one.

He seemed to want to use this to express Qin Shaofeng's extraordinary.

The problem is that the two ancestors had only heard of Qin Shaofeng's name, and only knew that Qin Shaofeng was a very capable young man.

After hearing the words, they all shook their heads together.

The ancestor of the chasing wind said: "Sect Master, it's not that the old man doesn't believe you, it's really that this kid's cultivation is too weak, right?"

"When they do, you'll know what happened to Uncle Feng Feng." Qing Santian said.

"I don't believe it either. Even if that kid is not small, he is only a young man with a cultivation base of the fourth-order saint star?" Feiyun ancestor said.

"It's useless to say more, let's watch it!"

Qing Santian knew that it was impossible for the two ancestors to believe what he said, and said: "It's just that the two uncles should also be prepared. We need to rescue those two guys at any time."

Both of them remained silent.

They really don't know what to say.

The ninth sacred star can not beat the fourth tier?

And two ninth-tier Saint Star powerhouses joined forces?

No one would dare to believe it would be a good cut?

He had already complained about Qing eight hundred times in three days, and out of respect for the suzerain, he was ready to help at any time.

As he spoke, Qin Shaofeng had already put away the smile on his face.

No matter how wonderful the weapons of the two opposing people are, in short, they are two powerful ninth-rank saint stars, and respect for the powerful is a must.

But his respect is to surround the power of thunder.

"Ghost three cut, ghost cut with one sword!"

Qin Shaofeng took the lead in the trouble, and silently shouted ‘ten flashes, blitz strike’ in his heart and cut the sword in his hand towards Wei Shiming.

His shot is simple though.

Under the action of Ghost Three Slashing martial arts, it caused gusts of wind around him.

Amid the howls of the yin wind, his figures continuously flashed out, and disappeared without a trace in the next moment.

On the contrary, his own actions were completely covered up in these constantly flashing lights and shadows.

"This is the legendary martial skill? It's really amazing."

Wei Shiming yelled: "But you only have to cultivate at the fourth-order saint star position. Even with the blessing of the martial arts of the supernatural rank, you can't be the opponent of the old man."

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