Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3443: Five dozen one?

"Qing Santian, the old **** also moved."

Although the orders Ke Wuming received were to support and open the way, he was always paying attention to the battlefield here.

It was still a bit dumbfounded to discover that Qin Shaofeng was really surrounded by five powerful ninth-level saints.

They are all powerful ninth-level saint stars!

Can you still order Bilian?

When he was still hesitating to come and help, he saw that Qin Shaofeng was already moving.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qin Shaofeng yelled, and the sword that was about to cut towards Hang Ye suddenly changed his move. Not only did his strength not decrease, but it doubled and fell towards Qing Santian.


In this attack, neither of them had even the slightest fake.

At the same time as the swords collided, Qin Shaofeng withdrew more than ten steps, and was about to get within the attack range of Wei Shiming, who was leaning on the tree for healing.

The moment I staggered, I saw the attacks of the ancestors of the wind and the ancestors of Feiyun had also followed.

"A dignified ninth-tier sacred star powerhouse came to bully me, a small fourth-tier, even five dozen one?" Qin Shaofeng jumped up when he saw this.

The faces of the two Qi Yaozong ancestors who were killing him were visibly red.

But in an instant, he covered the look on his face.

When they chose to shoot, they had already abandoned their shame, how could they stop because of Qin Shaofeng?

"Qin Shaofeng, you don't have to say that what you say is so useless. The deputy master of the Xuanwu Sect of the Four Elephants was badly damaged by you twice. Others didn't know this but heard about it." Qing said in a deep voice.


Qin Shaofeng screamed immediately.

His cultivation base is not weak, and he is suppressed by the forbidden force of the Tianlian Mountains. It is not impossible for him to deal with two ninth-tier Saint Star powers.

But he was joking to fight against the five ninth-tier Saint Star powerhouses.

He originally planned to use words to find some opportunities for himself.

But never thought that Qing Santian even knew such things.

After knowing their general record, they will never be able to release water on themselves.

Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth fiercely, and said, "Old man, you really think you can kill the little master if you are shameless?"

"Huh! Do you really think you might run away?"

Qing Santian never let go of Qin Shaofeng's vigilance, but when he said this, he couldn't help laughing.

It's too late to say, then fast.

The two ancestors of the Seven Lights Sect, Zhuifeng and Feiyun, had already been in front of Qin Shaofeng at this time.

They are not the kind of warriors like Wei Shiming.

The real ninth-level Saint Star powerhouse, even if it is just one person, poses a great threat to Qin Shaofeng.

With the two of them going all out, even Qin Shaofeng could only choose to avoid Qi Fengrui.

His expression suddenly became gloomy.

Old ghost Chenxing and Zhao Ziyu needed to rescue Chu Huan, so they couldn't come to help.

Facing a total of five ninth-tier sacred stars.

Even if Ke Wuming gave up his original plan to come to help, he would never change much of the battle.

If one fails, it will trap them instead.

"Since you want to find death, no wonder Xiaoye!"

Qin Shaofeng snorted again, but in his mind he ordered the Heavenly Void Insect King to control the Emerald Dragon King to follow his clothes and sneak into the dead leaves on the ground.

The corners of their mouths grinned when the two swords pierced in front of them.

"One hundred flash, flash!"

A hundred meters in a flash.

The place where he appeared was among the disciples of the Tianxiangmen.

For the five enemies with the cultivation base of the ninth-order sacred star behind them, as if they had forgotten, they waved their butcher knife and killed them.

"Is he trying to make hairy?"

Ke Wuming, who was ready to help, was also stunned.

He really didn't understand Qin Shaofeng's thoughts.

As everyone knows.

Qing Santian and the others, while being startled by Qin Shaofeng's sudden movement, they looked back and were stunned.

"That kid is fine, right?"

"Qin Shaofeng, you know that it's not our opponent, so you are simply ready to pull some people back, right?"

"That kid doesn't want to use his own power to encircle the enemy with thousands of people, right?"

The three looked at each other.

Not far away, Hang Ye, who was still using a pair of ringless Emei thorns in a defensive posture, was also stunned.

Qin Shaofeng's move was far beyond ordinary people's expectations.

None of them found out.

Just as they were stunned, a green shadow peeked out of the ground Qin Shaofeng had just stepped on.

In front of it, there was a sword pierced into the sky, looking back towards the ancestor of the wind chasing Qin Shaofeng.

It's too late to say, then fast.

The speed of snakes is not comparable to ordinary people.

Let alone the Jade Dragon King.

It turned into an aquamarine shadow in the moment it found the target, biting on the calf of the ancestor of the wind.

It retreats with a single blow, and the speed is as fast as a stream of light, instantly returning to the fallen leaves, quietly moving towards the distance.

"Ah! Something bit me!"

The first time the ancestor of the wind had felt the pain, he looked down at it.

His reaction speed is indeed not slow, but it is still a bit slower than the Jade Dragon King.

Only this tiny bit made his eyes cross with the Jade Dragon King.

As far as I can see, there is only his slightly numb right leg.

"Uncle Chaifeng, what happened?"

Qing Santian was afraid that this group of people really knew what Qin Shaofeng should be afraid of.

When he heard the words of the ancestor of the wind, his face had become difficult to look.

If it were not for a change, the ancestor of the wind would not be able to shout out.

Qin Shaofeng's actions were too far beyond his understanding, and he had to choose to be cautious.

With a Xu Huang, he has already gone to the ancestor of the wind.

Looking down at the ancestor of the wind, two small holes were immediately found.

There seemed to be a faint green light among the torn holes in the clothes.

"what is this?"

He subconsciously squatted down to check.

But just as he bent over, a stench entered his nostrils.

Qing Santian's expression couldn't help but become harder to look.

Something happened, it must have happened!

The long sword in his hand suddenly swept over.

With the cultivation base of his ninth-level sacred star position, his strength control is extremely accurate, especially at this time when his body and mind are extremely tense, he cut the trouser legs of the ancestor of the wind at the same time, even a single hair on his leg was not injured. To.

If it were to change from the past, the ancestor Feiyun saw that he was able to achieve such precision, he would definitely praise: the swordsmanship has increased again.

But now, their eyes are all attracted by the right leg that has completely turned dark green.

"Ah! Something bit me!"

Hang Ye's cry suddenly came out, causing the two to look back suddenly.

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