Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3449: Let the four elephants take action

"Chasing? How do we chase?"

After Lian Xintong heard their words that were comparable to windy talk, a sad expression appeared on his face, and he slowly picked up the long sword in his hand.

The cracks on it are already very obvious.

It seems that even if you no longer participate in the battle, it is difficult to sustain it for long.

She stared heartily at the crack on the long sword, and then smiled bitterly: "The two old guys at the Tianxiangmen surrounded and killed Qin Shaofeng, but they were maimed by Qin Shaofeng."

"The three of you went up to help, but he killed one of them, and just teased you."

"In the end, it was just a confrontation with this seat, and the Xinyun sword that followed me for most of my life was abolished."

"Even if we can catch up, what's the use?"

When Qing Santian heard the death of the ancestor of the star chaser, their eyes became more red.

But this emotion didn't last long.

As she said the last words, the two people finally reacted.

They underestimated Qin Shaofeng before!

As a forbidden warrior, Qin Shaofeng's advantage in Tianlian Mountain is too great.

In addition, this person still has the Heavenly Outer War Soldiers obtained from the Tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, and it can be said that every aspect has crushed them.

Ancestor Feiyun's expression was innocent for a while before he said: "But shall we just let them leave like this?"

Everyone fell silent again.

Qing Santian was also completely awake after those words.

Qin Shaofeng alone wounded the two of them two powerful ninth-level saints, poisoned one, and even tricked them, and finally frightened Lian Xintong away.

In that four-man team, there are still three top players!

Zhao Ziyu and Ke Wuming had a general understanding of how powerful they were in their previous pursuits.

The old ghost Chen Xing always showed the eighth-order cultivation base.

But in their hearts, that is a stronger person than the ninth-order saint star, who needs to be afraid of existence.

In their home court, the four of them could kill three in and three out and retreat all over.

Could it be that they could defeat the four Qin Shaofeng by relying on the five people who lost the battle power of four ninth-order sacred stars?

is it possible?

Think carefully!

The ancestor Feiyun gradually calmed down and asked, "What should I do, is it possible to let them escape like this?"

"Run away if you run away!"

Lian Xintong sighed and said, "Then Shaofeng Qin is in Tianlian Mountain, and he is not weaker than the ninth-order saint star. In addition, the old ghosts of Chenxing and his party, unless we plan to sacrifice ourselves. , Otherwise it will never be defeated."

"Lian Sect Master's words are true."

Qing Santian had completely sobered up, and said: "But today's blood feud, how can you forget it."

"Sect Master, what should we do?" Feiyun ancestor asked.

"Qin Shaofeng is powerful in Tianlian Mountain, but it doesn't mean that he can be so tyrannical outside. As long as we completely seal the Seven Star Gate, he will not be able to run." Qing Santian said.

"Not bad."

Lian Xintong nodded in agreement, and said: "They are now the confidant of the Four Elephants, and I believe the Four Elephants will not let him go."

"Our real loss in this battle is actually only two points. We failed to kill Chu Huan and the people who fell in the first battle."

When this point was mentioned again, the furious color in Qing Santian's eyes flashed again.

But soon, they suppressed it again.

"Let people start counting the losses!"

Lian Xintong thought about it: "At the same time, let people pass a message to the Four Elephant Sects, tell them our losses in this battle, and ask them to ask the people in the Shenbing Pavilion to take action and break the Seven Star Gate's mountain guard formation. "

"Wonderful! As long as we can break through the guarding formation of the Seven Star Gate, with the strength of our three sects, we have the strength to destroy its alliance."

A surprise flashed in Qing Santian's eyes: "If the Four Elephant Sect comes again, whether it is Qin Shaofeng or anyone, it will definitely die!"

He immediately shouted towards the Seven Lights Sect: "Guangyun, send someone to count the casualties in this battle!"

"Back to the Sect Master, the Deputy Sect Master was hit hard by the assassin."

An elder of Qi Yaozong answered immediately.

Hearing this, Qing Santian's expression suddenly became awkward.

Even if his mind was stunned by anger just now, he can understand it in retrospect.

Guangyun obviously saw that the battle situation here was too tragic, and was worried that the people under the sect would suffer too much damage after they rushed up.

He did a good job, but he was embarrassed.

"It seems that the people of the Qing sect master are indeed talented people, and Qin Shaofeng and others will actually hurt the vice-sect master of Guizong." Lian Xintong's expression was a little joking.

Qing Santian's expression became even more embarrassing.

The problem is that Guangyun has already done this. He can't let time turn around, right?

What's more, if you are ashamed, you will be ashamed!

What Guangyun did really made him like it.

Haven't you seen how terrifying the death and injury figures at Xuanyin Gate and Tianxiang Gate were in that battle?

Lian Xintong gave him a fiercely blank look before turning around and said, "Feiyan Patriarch, please go and arrange the casualties by yourself!"

"it is good."

Feiyan ancestor turned and left.

With the full cooperation of many powerful people, the casualty figures have been released in a moment.

"Sect Master, I have more than 1,300 casualties at the Xuanyin Gate, and around 770 people at the Tianxiang Gate." Feiyan ancestor replied.


Lian Xintong took a breath and couldn't help asking again: "How is it possible? How long did the battle last? How could the deaths and injuries be so great?"

"This is true, and the disciple who was just responsible for counting the casualties found that among the sacrificed disciples, nearly 80 people's storage bags were gone." Feiyan ancestor said again.

Upon hearing this statement, the top three major forces felt dizzy and dizzy.

a long time.

Lian Xintong looked at Ancestor Yingyue abruptly: "Ancestor Yingyue, this is a good thing you did. If you didn't forcibly stop it, we could at least kill Chu Huan."

The ancestor Yingyue really didn't plan to do the worst thing about Xuanyin.

After Qin Shaofeng and others fled, she stopped and came here, and even took out the storage bag herself and threw it to the non-smoking ancestor.

It is clear that I did something wrong and willing to accept any punishment.

"The matter is over, Yingyue has nothing to say."

Ancestor Yingyue closed his eyes altogether, really not prepared to quibble at all.

"you you……"

Even Xintong was so angry that her hair was about to stand up.

But reason told her that the ancestor Yingyue was able to be so restrained, that she had never thought of being sorry for the sect, so she didn't know what to do for a while.

Upon seeing this, the ancestor Wolfyue, who was about to fight and kill before, couldn't help but said: "Sect Master, Yingyue did this for a reason..."

"No need to say anything, take Yingyue down and let her go back to the sect to retreat!" Lian Xintong said.

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