Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3453: remains

"Do you want to force the Xuan Yin door?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned.

But after thinking about it for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, the ancestor Yingyue may be drawn over, and the Xuanyin gate is now under the control of your women. As long as you are more careful, it may not be There is no possibility of turning away from the guest."

"It just so happens that I think so too."

Chu Huan laughed in a low voice.

They actually used the words of Yingyue Patriarch to speak out in front of Liu Jialin?

The three old ghosts of Chenxing looked speechless for a while.

Even with their wisdom, they couldn't imagine how these two guys could be so confident.

"Since you have your own goals, I won't persuade you much, but you'd better stay in Tianlian Mountain for a while."

As Qin Shaofeng said, he began to swell.

Before long, he piled up ten storage bags and handed them to Chu Huan.

Chu Huan had no plans to refuse this.

But when he opened one of them to check, he sucked in a cold breath and exclaimed: "Qin Shaofeng, how many resources did you give me? Also, what is this?"

He took out three martial arts brochures.

The first is the first two swords of Gui Sanzhan's practice, and the second is the practice of Tianxuan Xing Li Jue.

Although Chu Huan didn't have more plug-ins like him, he was also a forbidden martial artist.

It is conceivable that Tianxuan Xing Li Jue has improved him.

As for the last book, it is the practice technique of Xuanwu Jia.

"It's just something that adds strength to you, it's not worth such a shock."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, and said: "It's not that I don't believe you. I am really worried that these storage bags may be stolen or other problems may arise. Therefore, Gui San Zhan's martial arts only have the first two swords."

"And the cultivation technique of Xuanwu Jia is only half of me. It's not that I don't want to teach it to you."

"Is this less?"

Chu Huan didn't know what else she could say.

When he saw his death at the beginning, it was Qin Shaofeng who suddenly appeared. Not to mention saving him, it helped him condense the martial arts, and even helped him improve his cultivation.

If it weren't for the help, he wouldn't be able to practice smoothly to the present level.

He didn't expect anything.

Now this kind of thing happened again.

Needless to say Ghost Three Slash, that is a martial art of the sacred rank that oscillates in the entire Yaoxing Land.

Even the other two are both sacred pinnacle martial arts.

The three martial arts are even more complementary to each other. It is conceivable how much he can improve his combat power after practicing.

"What are you talking about, where does my brother need to say these kind words?"

Qin Shaofeng gave him a white look before beckoning to the old ghosts of Chenxing and saying, "We should go back too, and we can make preparations when we go back sooner."

"Let's go!"

The old ghost Chenxing didn't want to say more.

After all, Chu Huan had already received his approval, even if Qin Shaofeng had given a lot of resources, for him it was just a long line to catch a big fish.

With Chu Huan's mind and perseverance, who knows if he will become the master of Xuanyin Gate in a few years?

After the alliance really collided with the Four Elephant Sects, it was said that he had to help.

Therefore, the more Chu Huan's combat power increases, it will only be a good thing for them.

Ran Zun retired into Qin Shaofeng's shadow again.

A group of four people immediately went to the extreme speed.

In just one day, he entered Shenhai City again.

I just plundered the resources of the Seven Lights Sect and the Xuan Yin Sect, and although I gave some to Chu Huan, there are still many things that need to be resold and replaced.

They hadn't been away for long.

The sudden arrival caused another shock to the Tianji Tower.

Especially after Qin Shaofeng quickly threw out the storage bag, it only took a moment for the host, Shen Mi, to give a terrifying number again.

Those ordinary people looked at Qin Shaofeng again, as if they were already looking at a monster.

Qin Shaofeng scoured the good things that Tianji Tower had obtained in the past few days before making a shocking request to Shen Wang.

Help me get a primordial pill of a holy rank star beast.

There was no need to think about such a request, and Shen Miao refused directly.

In the land of shining stars, it is almost impossible to find a holy rank star beast.

It can even be said that even if the holy rank star beast really appears, no one would dare to kill it, right?

In desperation, Qin Shaofeng changed another request.

Look for the noble-level star beast Yuandan that is on the verge of evolution, at least three.

He had once received this class of Star Beast Yuan Dan, and knew that the effectiveness of this thing was actually not great.

But if it can be used well, it is also a good hole card.

When the conversation is over, they leave directly.

It's fast going all the way again.

It wasn't until the moment they returned to the Seven Star Gate Mountain Gate that the old ghost Chen Xing breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Shao Feng, what are you doing with the Saint Rank Star Beast Yuandan?"

"Naturally stay behind."

Qin Shaofeng replied subconsciously, and then looked at him, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and asked: "Sect Master, do you know where you can get Saint-Rank Star Beast Yuandan?"


The eyes of Old Ghost Chen Xing suddenly became speechless.

He also stared at Qin Shaofeng, and after watching it for a long time, he said helplessly: "The old man is only entangled. Even if the Saint-Rank Star Beast Yuandan appears, it may not be able to take it down with our alliance's financial resources. It seems that it is not worth the gain, right?"

"No! As long as we can get it, then we will only make a lot of money."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, and said, "Since there is no such thing in the Land of Yaoxing, I will sell it first, and I will talk about it later!"

"No, it's okay to say now." Old ghost Chenxing chuckled lightly.

Hearing this, he only noticed that not only did the old ghost Chenxing look weird, even the look in the eyes of Zhao Ziyu and Ke Wuming became weird.

He couldn't help but wonder: "Sect Master, what does this mean?"

"You kid haven't thought of it yet?"

Upon seeing this, Zhao Ziyu couldn't help laughing: "Even though we don't have a holy-rank star beast element pill, we may not be able to find a holy-rank star beast."

"What? Where?"

A surprise suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

If he can find a holy rank star beast, not only can he have a back hand, but he can also try to improve the sky map, whether he really enters the holy rank elementary pill level.

"Shao Feng, do you remember where you went when you first entered the sect?" Old ghost Chen Xing said with a smile.

"When I first entered the sect..."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly flashed a brilliant light: "You mean, that ruin? Didn't you mean that there are restrictions on access to that ruin?"

"That's a restriction on ordinary disciples, not those of us, let alone our alliance has reached the point of exhaustion, even if there are restrictions, can't we enter by force?" Chen Xing old ghost laughed.

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