Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3459: punishment

"The old man is guilty, and I ask the adults to condemn him."

"The old man was wrong."

"My lord, please punish."

Everyone lowered their heads, and their eyes were full of sincere confession.

This kind of performance immediately caused all the Seven Star Gate powerhouses to be shocked, and they made a burst of air-conditioning sounds.

So many top powerhouses, even because of this kid's slight anger, frightened to such an extent, it seemed that he was really sinful.

These things seem to be changed to the fact that they have never come out in front of Chenxing Sect Master, right?

"Huh! If you make a mistake, you will be punished!"

Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Since your fault is greater than that of the Seven-Star Gate, your resources will increase fivefold within three days of punishing you all."


Everyone at the Seven Star Gate trembled.

Qin Shaofeng punished them with three times the resources for three days, which in their view was almost equivalent to killing them.

Switching to the star chase gate, it turned out to be five times as large.


These people used to be in the name of devouring crazily, and the load on their bodies might have reached their limit long ago.

If you really do this for three days, I'm afraid you will have to waste a lot if you don't die, right?

"Besides, you guys will take over the sweeping work of Kaiyang for the next three days, once a day, if anything can't be done well, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthlessly." Qin Shaofeng coldly drank again.

Until this moment, his punishment for everyone was over.

"Five, five times..."

Simon Kuang trembled all over, but still gritted his teeth fiercely, and replied in a deep voice: "The old man and others are willing to receive the punishment, except for this punishment, I am waiting to die with the adults."

"I am willing to receive punishment, and I am willing to die with the adults."

Everyone answered together.

Such a unified answer made the seven-star gates have the highest cultivation level and the highest status, and at the same time, the old guys who still know them have their eyes widened.

I have long known that Qin Shaofeng has a heavy weight in the hearts of these old guys.

But I never dared to imagine that it was so heavy.

Everyone explained that it was an act of death, but they were willing to receive the punishment, and they still took the initiative to receive the punishment.

"Well, this is the team brought out by this seat."

Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times when he heard the words, and said: "Since you all have this heart, this seat will naturally remember it, but in the end whether you can take your turn depends on the final situation. After all, it is a matter of death. The strong without a few Seven Star Gates are always bad."

"My lord is saying that if we were the only one to die, I'm afraid the master of the Chenxing Clan would also be unhappy." Ximen madly agreed.

Most of the people at the Seven Star Gate rolled their eyes together.

‘Are you a ninth-order holy star, you are easy to beat? ’

‘The kid seems to be about the same as your great-grandson even in terms of age. Are you so respectful to him? ’

‘According to what you are doing now, it looks like that kid fart, do you feel like it? ’

‘It’s hard to imagine, are these old guys in the star chaser all brainwashed by that kid? ’

Everyone in Qixingmen rolled their eyes.

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to have seen it, and continued: "I came here today, originally only intending to see the situation and announce the decision I just made, but I didn't expect...haha!"

"Since someone is unwilling to accept the control of this seat, there is no need for our alliance to keep him. Return him wasting the resources of our alliance and let him go."

He left this last sentence, which was not a command, turned and jumped off the ring.

For a moment, the audience was silent.

It's just that this silence didn't last long. With the quick movements of Simon Kuang, a burst of screams rang out.

The sound of ‘Kaka’ made the strong people of the Seven Star Gate tremble all over.

"Those guys are really cruel, it's just that after a while, the bones on that kid's body were crushed by 50 to 60%, right?" said the first-order ninth-star elder.

Another younger Rank 9 Saint Star powerhouse asked: "Brother Gucheng, will they be too much doing this? Didn't Deputy Sect Master Qin say that he will let him go after he repays it?"

"Has it passed? Why didn't the old man feel it?"

Old Man Gucheng laughed, with a strange smile on his face, and said: "Bai Yi, it seems that you have forgotten the command of the sect master and choose to stay. There are only two ways to die."

Another said: "Yes, how many sect resources that kid has eaten, how can Qin Shaofeng let him go?"

"Unless the kid has the best power to protect it, how can he repay it?" Another humanitarian.

The three of them spoke a word, and the ninth-order Saint Star powerhouse known as Bai Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

He already faintly felt what Qin Shaofeng said at the end.

It was really going to be solved according to the way those old guys at the star chasing door spoke out casually.

"This, is this too cruel?"

Bai Yi was immediately trembling with fright.

Without the education of these three old guys with the same level of cultivation, he would really not dare to associate the gentle looking little guy with such a handy butcher.

"Four adults, shall we just look at it like this?"

"Even if the kid said something wrong, he is also one of our Alliance's Saint Star powers. It would be very hard to be killed by his own people like this?"

"Uncle Nie, they... ahem, the method is too ruthless, right?"

A group of people immediately gathered around, and one of them called the person named Uncle Nie, the strongest ninth-order sacred star of Nie. As soon as he spoke, he was scared to the end by the strong Nie, and changed his words to ask.

"The methods are not ruthless, we need to see who the other party is."

The full name of the strong surnamed Nie is Nie Danqing, a very elegant name, but his deeds when he was young can not be associated with Wen Ya at all.

Without the blessing of the Seven Star Gate, he would definitely be on the list of villains.

He is also the person who understands Qin Shaofeng's thoughts best.

Seeing so many puzzled eyes, he sighed: "It's just a first-order holy star ant. What can I do if I die? What's more, does anyone of you know that kid?"

When everyone heard the words, they all closed their mouths.

They are able to stand here because they are all people with a sufficiently high cultivation base, and any one of them is also an existence above the seventh-order holy star.

They are all thinking about how to advance. Who cares about the name of an ant?

"You don't know each other, why is that guy the strength of our side?" Nie Danqing couldn't help sighing.

"Finally, the old lady has to remind you not to look at the deputy master Qin when he is young, just treat him as a child."

"If we hadn't had our alliance behind him, and if the Four Elephant Sect were to issue a wanted order, the top of the list of villains would have been replaced."

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