Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3461: Sign up

The old man Tianling burst into tears suddenly.

With so many high-level forces, I am afraid that only the elders of their Seven-Star Gate would have the courage to say this to the former sect master and the current ancestor.

It happened that Zuo Tianxing really had this qualification and had this courage.

After all, they were all called brothers of life and death back then.

"That's it. You Zuo Tianxing has always been named a wise man. What is the old man doing so much nonsense with you?"

The old man Tianling completely admitted: "Just talk about what we should do."

"Grab with both hands."

A weird smile appeared on Zuo Tianxing's face and said: "Since Qin Shaofeng has given two plans, then we will implement both plans."

"First choose the person whose cultivation base reaches the bottleneck, or the person whose foundation is beginning to be turbulent, and then others who sign up on their own."

"In these days, they have obtained a lot of treasures through killings. A treasure that resists the force of the forbidden force, let them all practice with the past."

Several people closed their mouths together, you look at me and I look at you, for a long time no one can say anything.

"If everyone doesn't have any objections, you five and six, you can help Lingyu girl arrange it." Zuo Tianxing said again.

After a long time, Chen Ai and Qiu Renzhi left with helpless faces.

An hour later, the whole alliance became a sensation again.

"The two giants of our alliance, the seven-star gate master Chen Xing, and the star chasing deputy gate master Qin Shaofeng decided to die, and now recruit all those who have reached the bottleneck in their cultivation base and who have experienced turbulence in their foundations to die together."

"All those who meet the conditions come to sign up, and if they find anyone trying to escape, they will be punished as betraying the sect."

"Except for those who are under load, everyone else can sign up by themselves."

As soon as this order was issued, it immediately caused a wave of rebuttals and various aggrieved words in the Seven Star Gate.

But soon after this emotion appeared, it was completely overwhelmed by the almost crazy emotions of the star chaser.

Only after the news was completely spread, Kaiyang was in the mountains.

Whether it was Simon Kuang and others waiting for the news, or the strong in retreat, they all ran out in the first place.

Even though they came to the Seven Star Gate, they never lacked cultivation resources.

But Ximen Kuang and others knew that Qin Shaofeng had his own set of screening methods.

Just as their cultivation base was able to break through quickly and Xiao Ruyi's first kill of the Ghost Three Slashes, they didn't even think about it before.

At most, it was a trouble, and eventually it came back to nothing.

It was precisely because of the previous battle that the amount of Yaoxing Coins they deserved was not less, and even because of Qin Shaofeng's reasons, Sharon Xing supported their cultivation at the first time, so that they could break through quickly.

Not long ago, Qin Shaofeng did say that he was going to die in front of them.

But who believes in such things?

They all fought a battle of three to four hundred people against 20,000 people, and the high-strength combat power was so much weaker than the opponent.

No matter how you look at it now, it's a death, right?

But they just agreed.

Now that they heard what Qin Shaofeng said about death, the only thing they could think of was that some kind of opportunity had come.

Qin Shaofeng's deputy master's handwriting is so great that the adventure is definitely worth it.

Driven by this kind of thought, they had all registered in the afternoon.

Driven by all the strong, even after the night fell, the registration office could not be idle.

Being busy is all night.

At noon on the second day, the person in charge of registration was shocked to discover that one of the people in the star chasing gate was counted as one, and they all signed up.

Even the real star chaser, Sharon Xing, is no exception.

Such a move really shocked the disciples of the Seven Star Gate.

Qin Shaofeng is the deputy master of the Star Chasing Gate!

The people who follow the star are listening to him talking about death, but it is this kind of reaction. It can be seen that the death of the person is actually a great good thing.


Come down the next day.

There should be no one to sign up for a trip to the death, but there are only a handful of people who did not sign up for the two sects.

Mo said the person in charge of registration and reporting was stunned.

The two elders Chen Ai and Qiu Renzhi, who were in charge of this matter and were still discussing how to suppress if someone disagrees, almost got their jaws off.

Is there someone rushing to do death?

Isn't it too weird?

The result was beyond their imagination, but they couldn't be idle anymore, after all, they had to act in the morning of the fourth day.

The two elders immediately rushed out with people.

After a full day of screening, they set a forward team of a thousand people in countless unwilling eyes.

Star chasers in this trip accounted for the majority.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't understand these things at all.

It was not until the morning of the fourth day that he followed the old ghost Chen Xing to the main peak martial arts field. After seeing the one thousand people selected, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He wanted to take some people to experience it.

But he never thought about bringing all the top combat power of the alliance over!

It just happens to be a glance now, then where are the people?

Sharon Xing, the deputy head of the Star Chase Gate, led the team, and unexpectedly picked out all the Kaiyang people.

Ximen Jie and other Wu Xiu with the cultivation base of the eighth-level peak sacred star is nothing more than that.

It happened that even Simon Kuang, Xiao Ruyi, and Lei Ru Kuang were all in the team.

Among the Seven Star Gate team on the other side.

The saint-star powerhouses he had ever seen were all in the team.

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes fiercely.

He didn't know who was preparing for this, so he had to ask the old ghost Chenxing next to him: "Chenxing Sect Master, are you planning to bring all of our alliance's combat power over and overturn there, or let's go and die. ?"

"Cough cough cough! There must be something hidden in this matter, don't worry first." Old ghost Chenxing coughed hurriedly.

Those thousand people are indeed waiting under the ring of the main peak performance martial arts field, watching their arrival at this moment.

Elder Tianling, wife Lingyu, the fifth elder Chen Ai, Liu elder Qiu Renzhi, and the seventh elder Zuo Tianxing were all waiting near the ring.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Chen Ai and Qiu Renzhi immediately looked at each other.

They find that they seem to have done something wrong again.

The problem is that they have never done something similar before. After anything happens, it is enough to hand it over to the Star Master of each vein!

"Chen Ai, what do you guys do?" Old ghost Chen Xing was furious.

His attitude was not good, but he kept winking at Chen Ai.

Chen Ai suddenly realized.

It seems that I have to memorize it again.

He had to walk out, clasp his fist and say: "Sect Master, after hearing about Qin's Deputy Sect Master, everyone enthusiastically signed up, and I can only select some of the most active people!"

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