Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3463: Wonderful command

Is this the rhythm of opening a small stove in an open and honest manner?

Everyone's eyes widened again.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's gaze, it has become increasingly weird.

Even if there is no lack of savage-eyed people among them, they feel that they can't see through this young man Qin Shaofeng more and more.

What kind of person is he, dare to say anything, dare to do everything, and he's all honest.

The most frustrating thing is, how did such a move get the recognition of those strong people in the star chasing door?

"My lord, the subordinates need to fight now. If the subordinates die tragically, it has nothing to do with the adults, and the subordinates have no complaints."

"What's more, the fact that the subordinates can kill the ninth-level Saint Star powerhouse without dying is enough to prove the subordinate's desire to survive. I believe that I will not die this time."

Yang Ping shouted loudly.

With a sonorous voice, everyone looked at him again.

"Have you ever said that you won't let you fight?"

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes and said: "This seat just said that I will give you a small stove to save your life as much as possible, but we are going to die on this trip. If this seat can't even guarantee our own safety, you will live and die. Naturally, this seat can't control it, right?"

"That's good, the subordinate can rest assured."

Yang Ping quickly walked out and stood behind Qin Shaofeng.

After their conversation, the Seven Star Sect experts who were a little unhappy in their hearts also closed their mouths obediently.

Qin Shaofeng's opening of the small stove was based on the fact that that person beheaded the ninth-order Saint Star powerhouse.

They would rather not have that small stove than face the powerhouse of the 9th-order Saint Star!

Qin Shaofeng's gaze flew again for a while.

He took out a storage bag and threw it towards Sharon Xing.

"Ximen Zhen, you are responsible for bringing this guardian guard to protect the safety of deputy master Sharon Xing. If there is an accident with deputy master Sha, you don't have to come back alive." Qin Shaofeng said again.

Ximen Zhen trembled all over.

However, the Liu Shan and Liu Shui brothers were simple-minded and had already stepped forward to take the order, so he had no choice but to take the order and took the guards from the Guardian Guard to the back of Sharon Xing.

After confirming the situation of this trip, he nodded towards the old ghost Chen Xing, and said: "Okay, open the teleportation array, we will go over."

Everyone has been waiting for a long time.

As for the old ghost Chen Xing's plan, he would come over and say a few words to boost morale, and he would immediately announce the start.

After Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, he lost any interest.

Several elders are personally responsible for opening the teleportation array.

Qin Shaofeng and hundreds of people went directly to the forest where the ruins were located through the teleportation array in batches.

Looking at the familiar scene again, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but feel puzzled.

He couldn't help asking: "Sect Master, how did our Seven Star Gate's teleportation formation come from? If we can also have this kind of technology, wouldn't it save a lot of time?"

"Since the ruins are ancient ruins, I believe the teleportation array is about the same!" Old Chen Xing replied with a strange expression on his face.

"Almost? What do you mean by almost?"

Qin Shaofeng's doubts were even thicker, and he asked, "Could it be that this teleportation formation was already there when the Seven Star Gate was established?"

"Naturally it is."

Old Ghost Star nodded.

But his face was very embarrassing and weird: "If you really want to know those things, just go and take a look at the depths of the ruins!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then looked at the people behind him.

After confirming that everyone has arrived, he shouted: "The people of the Seven Star Gate, come out three qualified people."

There was no commotion among the Qixingmen crowd, and three people walked out quickly.

It can be seen.

When they waited on the main peak performance field, they already knew who they were selected.

There were three men, two men and one woman, and the headed man was a gray-haired old man.

This person is indeed very old, but his cultivation level is not flattering.

Today, after training the endless resources brought back by Qin Shaofeng, he has only the cultivation of the third-order holy star.

And he has a visibly unstable breath.

Obviously before this, the old man's cultivation base was no more than the cultivation base of the first and second-order holy stars.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at it and said, "The three of you, please introduce yourself!"

"The old man, the star master Kun Yuan of the Sky Jade."

"Fan Ning, Acting Patriarch of the Fan Family of Tianshu, Acting Star Master."

"Zuo Yu, Tian Ji is in charge of everything."

Three points were introduced separately, and Qin Shaofeng immediately understood the selection criteria of Chen Ai and others.

These three obviously represent the three most complete branches of the Seven Star Gate, the master of the three branches of Tianshu, Tianxuan, and Tianji.

For the seed disciples and core disciples of the Seven Star Gate, although they are unfamiliar to them, they also understand the meaning of the three, which obviously solved the problem of insufficient leader.

"Since they all recognize your identities, then the three of you will be divided into your own hands. All the eighth-order sacred stars will stay behind, and you will allocate the others yourself." Qin Shaofeng said.

The three of them were speechless for a while.

I really didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to come to this time to remember this kind of thing.

Fortunately, they have already arranged it.

The three of them took their orders, and it only took a short moment to distribute the people of the Seven Star Gate they had brought.

The only difference from their plan is that the eighth-order Saint Star position powerhouses are all divided.

"The disciple of the Star Chaser is also divided into three teams, which are hosted by the deputy master of Sharon Xing and two persons arranged by the deputy master of Sharon Xing. All the eighth-tier sacred stars will immediately appear!"

Qin Shaofeng's temporary changes did not arouse much response.

After just waiting for a while, I saw the six teams reunited in chaos.

When Old Ghost Chenxing saw this, he had some guesses in his heart, and asked, "Shao Feng, what are you doing this way?"

"Naturally let them die!"

Qin Shaofeng shrugged, then handed over a few pieces of communication jade to each team leader, shouting loudly: "Since you have divided the team, then follow your own team leader to the woods to die!"

"Go to death by yourself?"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Is there such an irresponsible leader?

Qin Shaofeng seemed to be unable to see the dissatisfaction in their hearts, and continued: "As for your mission to die, it is that each team will bring me at least one hundred high-rank star beasts, one thousand royal-rank star beasts. Yuan Dan, and more than a quarter of the casualties in the team, broke through and recognized more than two-thirds."

He was still talking.

The problem is that everyone's face has long turned into pig liver color.

As two top disciples, they are all people who have been tempered by countless people.

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