Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3467: To report

"This is the reason?"

An extremely shocked color appeared in Chen Xing's eyes.

But Yang Ping, who always stood behind Qin Shaofeng, had a look of envy in his eyes.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's aura to be too strong, he might have called out the words of request.

"Believe it or not, someone is here again."

Qin Shaofeng pointed to the figure who was quickly running in the distance, and said with a smile: "Yes or not, I believe they know it best."

While he was talking, he saw Ning Luo running over with a small squirrel-like star beast.

In view of Qin Shaofeng's troublesome order, he just put down the star beast and prepared to leave.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly spoke at this moment: "After I go back, help me spread a word. Anyone who has reached the ninth rank will immediately rush to me to report."

"A person who breaks through the ninth rank?"

Ning Luo was taken aback for a moment, but still clasped his fists in a hurry, "Yes."

Seeing his answer, the old ghost Chen Xing was shocked once again.

Could it be possible that Qin Shaofeng was right?

as predicted.

After a while, as Ning Wenlu, Liu Shan, Liu Shui brothers, and Ximen Jie returned one after another, Old Ghost Chen Xing almost stared out his eyes.

"My lord, I beg you to let your subordinates join the war?"

Yang Ping watched the emergence of one after another with the rank of 9th-order Saint Star Powers, his eyes had become red.

Qin Shaofeng nodded: "It's also time for you to join the war."

A look of joy suddenly appeared in Yang Ping's eyes.

On the contrary, the old ghost of Chenxing who has been watching this scene all the time, his eyes turned into a look of helplessness.

Look at the people who chase the stars, and then look at the people under your command.

Is the gap too big?

Qin Shaofeng did send them out to hunt star beasts, but the actual intention was to allow them to solve the situation of overnutrition of the martial arts as soon as possible.

All the people in the star chase understood it, but why are all his people so confused?

"My lord, the subordinate will go over first..."

"No need to."

Qin Shaofeng interrupted him for the first time.

"You are not the only one who needs a good fight. Ran Zun also needs a good fight."

"And one of you has the promise of this seat, and the other is more useful to this seat than those who are stronger than those who climb to the sky. This seat can't bear to watch your sacrifices and follow me!"

As he said, the pace quickened.

With Ran Zun's starry chessboard guidance, he wanted to find a place where the combat power was relatively high, or where the star beasts were denser, but he didn't feel the slightest difficulty.

In just a few dozen breaths, a few people have already rushed out for dozens of miles.

"There are three high-ranking star beasts over there."

He pointed to the front and said, "Ximen Jie and Ning Wenlu, the four of you are responsible for staying to protect Yang Ping. This is not only a training for him, but also a training for you, understand?"

"Subordinate, understand."


Both Ximen Jie and Ning Wenlu step forward together.

It was not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to see the expressions in their eyes, and their answers were almost the same.

It happened that Simon Jie, who answered clearly, was truly confused.

On the contrary, Ning Wenlu, who answered cleanly, was someone who really understood his intentions.

"It's good to understand."

Qin Shaofeng didn't open it up, and continued: "I remember it clearly. What this seat wants is for you to truly control the cultivation base of the ninth-order saint star, not what to help Yang Ping."


The two bend down again.

This time, they really understood it.

"Chenxing Sect Master, just stay and take care of it!"

"If someone else sends the star beast, you can help me receive it by the way, and I will take Ran Zun to hone it." Qin Shaofeng said.

"You two are going?"

Old Ghost Chen Xing had a worried look in his eyes.

As the situation became more and more serious, he relied on Qin Shaofeng more and more.

He was really afraid of Qin Shaofeng's accident.

"This is the Forbidden Martial Forest. Unless there is an assassin who has assassin assassin assassin, I will not die." Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and shrugged.

When the words fell, he suddenly accelerated and headed towards the depths of the forest.

What he just said seems to be true, but in fact it is not.

When the four of Simon Jie tried their best to capture the Star Beast before, the efficiency was indeed reasonable.

At least two or three per minute can be considered improvised.

But as they broke through and turned to give up their positions, the current speed really made him feel uncomfortable.

What he needs is the number of killings, so where is the mood to play with them?

Under the guidance of Fanxing Chessboard, Ran Zun's speed directly reached the extreme.

"Ran Zun, you are from an assassin's background. If you really want you to deal with a star beast, the difficulty is not that ordinary, so the things you are responsible for can also be changed."

"Don't hide your figure, don't make any moves, follow me behind me to collect the Star Beast Yuan Dan, and the useful things from the Star Beast."

"No shot?"

When Ran Zun spoke, his figure appeared.

But when Qin Shaofeng's order was finished, he was shocked and his mouth grew big.

Qin Shaofeng's order is really weird.

His question was indeed very quick.

But he didn't have time to get answers.

Because when he asked it out, he had already seen films of star beasts.

I don't know if it is between the star beasts, whether there will be any alliances or conferences, there are hundreds of them here.

Although the royal-rank star beasts occupies the majority, there are also as many as sixty or seventy-ranked star beasts.

The horror of such a huge group gathered together can be imagined.

"so much?!"

Ran Zun's breathing suddenly stagnated.

He finally understood why Qin Shaofeng would give such an order.

As an assassin.

Since he entered the martial art, all he has performed is the secret attack method. It is simply impossible to ascend on the edge of life and death like other martial artists.

But trying to protect himself and escape in a crisis is his housekeeping skill.

It can be seen that Qin Shaofeng wants to protect him.

Otherwise, the most suitable cultivation method for him should be to throw him directly into these star beasts. As long as he can survive, he will almost certainly break through.

The problem is that in that way, the chance of death is far beyond imagination.

Then I thought of Qin Shaofeng's support to him in order to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible.

Not only is there an unlimited supply of all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures and pills for improving cultivation, but also a lot of good things for him to improve his body.

As he has followed Qin Shaofeng for so long, he naturally knows that this is the resource Qin Shaofeng cares most about.

Just thinking about it in his heart, he couldn't help but get excited: "Sir, don't worry, your subordinates will definitely not let them down."

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