Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3473: Old man on the mountain

Yunxian Temple.

The three characters really looked like some terrifying giant, written on the rock wall with his fingers.

The traces of fingerprints are still obvious.

When they observed with the naked eye before, they couldn't feel anything weird.

But as they came to the rock face, Qin Shaofeng and others really felt the horror of those three characters.

At first glance, this rock face seems to be the rock of this mountain.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the three big characters for a while, and slapped him with a palm.

A strange scene appeared.

His current cultivation is really not weak, he patted on the rock wall, but only made a soft bang.

It's like a newborn child accidentally slapped on the rock wall.

The appearance of such a situation really scared them.

After Qin Shaofeng was shocked for a while, he even took out Gui San.

Swipe with full force.

In the sound of the chuckle, even a little powder was not scraped off the rock wall.

Especially when the blade slashed past, the sparks that should have appeared were not even at all.

This kind of change really made everyone gasp.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation is indeed inferior to them.

But that was also a powerful fourth-order holy star, and even a bit of dust could not be scraped off with a full blow. This is too abnormal!

Such a terrifying rock wall, someone can write on it with their fingers?

Just thinking about it, they felt shocked.

But this feeling of horror had just risen in their hearts, and the scene that made them feel more terrifying had already appeared in front of them.

I saw a phantom face that was extremely old, unexpectedly emerged from that side of the rock wall.

The owner of this face seems to have reached the edge of life and death.

Even if it is just a phantom, it can make people feel his weakness.

It happened that in this weak state, just the faint pressure made them all feel stiff.

"Ghost...human being?"

The voice of the old man came out from the rock wall.

Soon, there was a touch of life in the eyes of the old man.

His eyeballs turned spinelessly before he made a sound again: "You are actually humans, but how come you are such a weak human being?"

"Could it be that human beings are so weak now?"

With a sigh of emotion on his face, phantom muttering to himself, he waved to Qin Shaofeng: "Little guy, come over and let the old man take a closer look."


Qin Shaofeng was even more surprised.

At the same time as the voice was vented, he felt his body floating forward unconsciously.

"The old man is really right, you are indeed a disciple of that force."

"Boy, are your teachers okay now?"

The old man asked intermittently.

It was just these words that Qin Shaofeng really didn't know how to answer.

A disciple of which force am I?

Tianxu Gate?

It seems that the Heavenly Void Gate that even the Sea of ​​Clouds can't fight it is impossible to enter the eyes of this terrifying strongest person, right?

"Senior, junior don't understand what you mean." Qin Shaofeng bent over and clasped his fists.

He really didn't understand, but he could faintly hear something from the old man's words.

Since it is the name of a force that even the old man is unwilling to say, obviously not everyone can say it casually.

Especially in front of so many people.

With such a simple expression, he said it sincerely and sincerely, whether the old man believed it or not, he believed it would not be harmful to him.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the old man laughed in a low voice.

The old man's laughter was extremely weak.

As if the laughter could be cut off at any time, his life also ended.

"You guy is very nice."

The old man’s voice continued: "This is not where you should be, but your arrival is a great good thing for the old man, or for all of us."

"The old man's life came to an end three hundred years ago."

"The reason why I have supported it until now is that I am unwilling!"

"The old man has no strength. Come to the top of the mountain by yourself and help me bring some things back, whether it's the people in the Yunxian Temple or your teachers."

"In addition, the old man has something to give you, even if it is a reward for your help!"

The old man's voice ended, and the phantom disappeared completely.

Between the disappearance of this phenomenon, it seemed that it was just a trance of the people, but their cultivation level reached the current level, they can be sure that the scene just now must have happened in real.

The old ghost Chen Xing proved it for a while before turning around and asked: "Shao Feng, what does that old gentleman mean?"

"I said I don't know, do you believe it?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help smiling bitterly.


Old Ghost Chenxing's voice is very sincere.

After speaking, he became silent again.

It took a long time before he continued: "If I didn't guess wrong, the old gentleman mistakenly recognized a certain exercise or martial skill, so he asked you to help."

As he spoke, there was a gleam in his eyes.

"No matter what he asks you to help, it is undoubtedly a point. As long as you can go up, you will definitely get something. It is a good thing and a bad thing."

Everyone is an old world who has been in the world for so many years.

Naturally, he can understand the implicit meaning of his words.

"Don't worry about so much, if he really wants to disadvantage us, just the phantom just now will be enough."

"Since he didn't do it, the possibility of doing it to us will become extremely small. Let's go and take a look!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes also flickered.

It was not that he had not thought of conspiracy.

The difference between them and the old man's phantom is really too big, I can't imagine what kind of scene the old man really thinks about them.

With their current strength, can they really escape from the old man?

At least Qin Shaofeng would not have such thoughts.

Even they can clearly feel that even if they choose to escape now, there is absolutely no possibility of escape from this mountain.

It is precisely because of this recognition that although Qin Shaofeng always reminds himself to be careful, he also speeds up the mountain with everyone.

They have been in for too long.

When they came to the rock wall, although it meant that they had already gone for the most part, it took a full seven days.

If you don't increase the speed any more, the time will be delayed, but it will be too long.

Rao is their constant acceleration.

By the time they reached the top of the mountain, it was already three days later.

Thunder still comes down every ten breaths.

After reaching the top of the mountain, they really understood that it was not this mountain that was struck by the thunder, but the top of the hall at the top of the mountain.

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