Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3476: No weakness

"No weakness."

Qin Shaofeng looked at the ground in all directions, trembling constantly.

There seemed to be countless ghosts and corpses, all waiting to crawl out of the scene, and their voices became a little trembling inexplicably.

Before he knew it, his fists were already clenched tightly.

If it weren't for the three hours that the old man said, and the horrible sounds of the two ghosts, he really wanted to find a good place to kill him.

Now it just feels tricky.

Perhaps for that person, these ghost and corpse slaves are just slaves, not worth mentioning, but in front of them it is a crisis of life and death!

"No weakness? How can there be no weakness?"

Old ghost Chenxing retreated in shock: "As long as people have weaknesses, this kind of puppet should be no exception, right?"


At this time, the ghost corpse slave had also been relieved from the counter shock.

With a roar, he turned into a phantom, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng and others.

"The weakness may be that they don't know how to fight, don't have wisdom, and just want to bite humans blindly, right?" Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly.

If it is still on the earth, it can be described with a sentence similar to a zombie.

But the mode of action of this thing is just similar.

Regardless of the combat power, or the body that can be called a bronze wall and iron bones, it is impossible to explain.

When he was speaking, his eyes flickered.

Ghost three cuts to start.

"Get out of here!"

Qin Shaofeng also roared, and the whole person suddenly rushed out like a meteor.

During the rapid sprint, his figure became illusory.

The power of thunder is waiting around him.

"Thunder is a thousand flashes, a hundred flashes are fast! A hundred flashes strike!"

While he yelled in his heart, the voice in his mouth had already come out: "Ghost three cuts, two swords double cut!"


The two roars were almost the same.

Qin Shaofeng's figure suddenly turned into more than one hundred figures with the help of Ghost Sanzhan's phantom transformation.

A hundred figures shot at the same time.

The strange thing is their attack position, which is all the ghost corpse slave's heavenly cover, and every knife seems to overlap.

"Little wind!"

Old Ghost Chenxing was a person who had confronted a ghost slave, naturally aware of the horror of the ghost slave, and subconsciously exclaimed.

However, Qin Shaofeng's more than one hundred knives fell almost at the same time as his voice uttered.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The dense, crisp sound continued to sound.

On the head of the ghost corpse slave, sparks kept flashing.

Until this moment.

Old Ghost Chen Xing finally knew Qin Shaofeng's method.

"Is this fighting, or is it sharpening?" He felt astonished and sick.

His knowledge can not be said to be superficial, but it is the first time he has seen such a fighting method.


The ghost corpse slave can clearly feel that the enemy is near him, but no matter how he moves, he can't touch the opponent in the slightest, and he is already screaming like crazy.

That pair of palms that seemed to be no different from human hands, but in fact they were already more terrifying than the claws of the star beasts, constantly scratching in all directions.

But no matter what kind of reaction it is.

The one-stab attack still didn't intend to stop at all.

The ‘ding ding’ sound slashing on the steel lasted for nearly three breaths before it finally ended.

The old ghosts and others who watched the game not far away were about to stare out their eyes.

"No wonder, no wonder he would say that this monster has no weaknesses."

"No, there must be weakness, but we don't know where the weakness is."

When the chopping sound ended, Qin Shaofeng's figure slowly emerged.

The attack he just made with a single blow passively triggered the three combos.

Even when he made the move, he faintly felt a strange aura appearing on his forehead, and he even merged the two swords double cut and the thunder thousand flashes together.

It seemed like a move, but in fact it cut more than 600 knives.

After so many knives attacked, his right arm was completely shattered by the force of the counter-shock, and he hung down to his side like noodles.

But there was no pain or decadence in his eyes.

Instead, a faint smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

With a sudden movement of his left hand, he threw a pill into his mouth.

If Shen Zhong saw this pill, he would definitely be shocked by a mouthful of blood.

Because this is exactly a Tianying Pill.

Qin Shaofeng took out the Tianying Pill, there was really no way he could do it.

At the same time he handed Tian Ying Dan into his mouth, his right arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It only took a blink of an eye to heal completely.

With a sudden twist of Qin Shaofeng's right hand holding the knife, he rushed towards the ghost slave again.

"With this cut, you will die for me!"

Qin Shaofeng let out a low roar again, and once again used his full strength to chop down towards the head of the ghost slave.

With only the second move, Old Ghost Chen Xing and everyone else, there was another air-conditioning sound.

"No, that ghost slave can't hold it anymore!"

Old Ghost Chen Xing quickly shifted his gaze from Qin Shaofeng to the ghost corpse slave, and clearly saw a knife about an inch deep above the ghost corpse slave's head.

This time Qin Shaofeng's chop cut happened to be in that position again.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

There was another crisp sound.


This time the sound seemed to overlap in an instant, and it ended in an instant. Qin Shaofeng actually kicked the ghost corpse slave quickly.

Kicked the corpse of the ghost corpse slave whose half of the head had been split up.

It also flew back with the help of that kick.

The ghost three swords have been put away.

His right arm also looked like noodles again.

When he swallowed a Tianying Pill again in pain, he shouted: "This thing is harder than what I have encountered before. I don't know how many levels. We can't fight them at all. Push away. Get close to the corpse slave who came here, and escape!"


Old Ghost Star had already seen this.

His voice was not over yet, Old Ghost Chen Xing grabbed him with one hand and galloped toward the distance.

Its speed is so fast that the few people behind it are a little reluctant to catch up.

"Speed ​​up! Everyone speed up, if anyone is caught by the ghost slave, we can't help it." The old ghost Chenxing also kept yelling.

This is so, the speed of everyone has not increased much.

On the contrary, while speaking, one arm after another stretched out from below the ground.

One after another ghost slaves were crawling out of it.


The roar sounded again, and all the ghost slaves rushed toward them again.

What made Qin Shaofeng and the others even more shocked was that there were still arms under the ground.

It seems that there are more ghost corpses slaves, about to break through the ground.

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