Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3480: Starry Ban

This step requires at least a blink of an eye.

But the ghost has come behind them,

Judging from the combat power that the ghost and corpse had just shown, even if Ran Zun, who was only proficient in assassination, rushed to stop him with his life, it would never be possible for them to escape.

"How could this be, how could this be?"

Old Ghost Chen Xing's mood has begun to become more and more excited.

If it weren't for the circumstances, he would really roar to the sky.

"Chenxing Sect Master, send my son in, and the old man will help you do the last bit of obstruction!" Ran Zun's voice suddenly came out.

Faced with the terrifying ghost, Ran Zun also suddenly stopped.

With a sudden flip of both hands, he grabbed the Fanxing chessboard in his hands.

In Ran Zun's eyes, there was not much sorrow before death. The power of blood and blood surged wildly, causing chess pieces of different colors to continuously emerge.

"Starry board?"

The ghosts in the pursuit suddenly stopped.

The strange look in its eyes flickered a few times, and its figure stopped because of the appearance of the starry chessboard.

Such a scene suddenly made Qin Shaofeng's eyes a touch of surprise.

But he dared not think about the reason, and hurriedly shouted: "Throw the chessboard and go!"

When he shouted, Ran Zun slapped a few times on the chessboard before the ghost was near.

I don't know what mechanism he touched on the chessboard, and it flashed with a layer of black and white light.

The light is floating, it seems that it may explode at any time.

"Stars banned! You never want to succeed!"

A sharp look appeared in the ghost's eyes, and the speed surged again.

It seems to be very angry at Ran Zun's actions, wanting to take the starry chessboard, and then slap Ran Zun to death.

As everyone knows, the reason why Ran Zun did that was only to delay the pace of the ghosts and corpses.

He just knows the star ban on the starry board, but he doesn't know how effective it is.

But according to the news he got when he got the Fanxing Chessboard, the chessboard was banned in life and death crisis.

He will do this.

Seeing that the ghost and corpse were unexpectedly attracted by his actions, he turned around and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng's back.

They are not far from the alien gate.

When Ran Zun had just hit the ban on the chessboard, Old Ghost Chen Xing led Qin Shaofeng towards the alien gate.

The formation at this time still has not disappeared.

In the area where the cracks in the space where the dodges are located, the two people looked sadly at the alien gate behind them.

"Ran Zun!"

Qin Shaofeng's fists were already tightly clenched.

Although Ran Zun was only a temporary income under his command, after so long of following, he also recognized that little brother.

Even in his heart, Ran Zun was even more important than most of the Seven Star Gate or the Star Chasing Gate.

Thinking that Ran Zun might die inside, he tickled with hatred.

But at the moment his voice uttered, he saw Ran Zunjiu's figure rushing out of the alien gate.

"Close the alien door!"

Ran Zun shouted at the same time.

The old ghost Chen Xing who heard his words couldn't help but smile.

Close the alien door?

It's really simple to say, but he doesn't have that ability.

The distance between the space cracks is not long.

Ran Zun rushed over between the lightning and flint.

The old ghost Chen Xing did not have the ability to close the door of the alien world, but he broke the formation that Li Liang had made before.

As the light flickered and dissipated, the ghost and corpse rushed out of the alien world gate.

But the moment it rushed out of the alien world gate, it forcibly stopped.

"Space trap?!"

The ghost exclaimed, and took a half step back subconsciously.

On its bat face, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly showed a violent color, a pair that seemed to be the same as a human hand, but with slender hair, nails like the claws of a star beast.

There was a sound of ‘Kacha Kacha’ on those hands: "Damn human beings, all of you are going to die, all of you will bite to death, oooooooo..."

The ghost screamed a few times, and then turned back into another world.

Qin Shaofeng and the three people finally breathed a sigh of relief, and all fell to the ground.

A full half hour passed.

They finally regained their strength one after another.

When they were on the road again, Qin Shaofeng and Old Ghost Chen Xing held a storage bag alone, and they were all silent.

Ran Zun disappeared from Qin Shaofeng's back again.

But for it, although this line did not die a worthy companion, the loss of the Starry Board was a huge blow to him.

Walked for a long time.

Qin Shaofeng put the storage bag away and asked, "Old ghost, what's the matter with the spatial trap? Will the ghost corpse use the ghost corpse slave to find the flaw in the trap?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything."

Old Ghost Chen Xing suddenly raised his head, thinking of the possibility in Qin Shaofeng's words, causing the sadness in his heart to disappear suddenly.

If that happens, it might be the day when the entire Glory Star Land will be destroyed.

Not to mention the horror of that ghost slave.

Even if it was just the endless ghost corpse slave, it was enough to wash out the entire Glory Star Land with blood?

Qin Shaofeng's spatial power can indeed kill the ghost corpse slave.

But he also knew that such a killing was a terrifying consumption to Qin Shaofeng.

"No! In a sense, this forest doesn't seem to be the land of our shining stars. If... it doesn't work, it won't work." Chen Xing shook his head and retorted his statement.

Qin Shaofeng also sighed: "It's really not possible. If we don't say our words first, will anyone believe it? Given the current situation of our alliance, no one will care about our words, and it will even cause people from the Four Elephant Sect to act."

"Forget it, just take care of it now!"

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath again and looked at a group of people in the distance.

He took out the communication jade and ordered everyone to gather at the entrance before walking towards the crowd in front.

Compared with the several 9th-order Saint Star powerhouses back then, there are now more powerhouses.

If the fourteen people Qin Shaofeng brought, if the losses were not calculated, twelve had already been promoted.

It's a pity that it should have been a brilliant number, but after being compromised, only the last nine people remained.

Although the number of Seven Star Gate was a little more, there were only ten people.

When Qin Shaofeng and Old Ghost Chen Xing saw them, they stopped at the same time.

If it weren't for those people to let them escape, now they should add five more powerful ninth-star sacred stars!

"The master, the master is back."

"The deputy master... Where's Ximen Jie and Tier 9 Landscape?"

The movement made by Qin Shaofeng and the two immediately made these people look over curiously.

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