Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3483: Fate

On Huahai Avenue, two carriages were driving fast.

Judging from the appearance of the carriage, it is definitely a car that can only be owned by a top wealthy family.

Not to mention the magnificent to the ultimate gold, and all kinds of strange inlays.

Even the various sculptures above and above are not owned by ordinary forces.

Perhaps in many cases, some occasions require various invitations, or tokens representing identity to enter.

But in many cases, a car that is dazzling enough can ignore all of this.

That's how this carriage is now.

Just judging by their status, as long as they are on a trip this time, they are qualified to go.

Even many forces that do not have a strong enough name are eligible to go to him.

But at this moment, it doesn't mean that the two forces can also go.

And these two forces are the alliance forces of the Seven Star Gate and the Star Chaser Gate.

The two carriages are now going to Baihua Pavilion.

There are not many people in the carriage, but they are all powerful ninth-order saints.

Seven people.

The person who took the lead was Qin Shaofeng, who sighed himself.

He had just brought people back to the alliance, and before he had time to rest, Mrs. Lingyu explained the reason why the alliance was still safe as soon as he finished the order.

It's not that no one from the Four Elephant Sect has asked Shenbing Pavilion for help.

But because the master of Baihua Pavilion is about to get married, although the marriage partner is not the person of Shenbing Pavilion, but it is also inextricably related to Shenbing Pavilion.

The Baihua Pavilion, the Shenbing Pavilion, and the Nangong Family of the God of Wealth are in the same spirit.

This makes Shenbing Pavilion have to pay attention to this matter.

It is said that when the master of Baihua Pavilion is married, Shenbing Pavilion is said to have a deputy chief who will lead many of the core people in Shenbing Pavilion.

What he needs to do this trip is to persuade Shenbing Pavilion to stop.

Of course, this is just a statement.

After Qin Shaofeng said that it was impossible to do the begging, Ling Yufu could tell the real reason.

He is indeed going to discuss this matter, but he is also burdened with another matter.

That is, as long as the Shenbing Pavilion disagrees, he will directly turn his face with them and take down all of the Shenbing Pavilion.

Feeling is to let oneself kidnap votes.

After Qin Shaofeng thought helplessly, he had to nod his head and promised it.

After all, no matter how great the crisis of the alliance is, it is only a superficial phenomenon.

If the old ghost Chenxing personally led someone to do this, the impact would be great.

After listening to Mrs. Lingyu's words, his face became weird on the spot.

Had it not been for his martial arts to improve soon.

During the three-hour flight of the alien world, although he also captured many holy-rank ghost corpse slaves, it only increased his true value by more than 10 billion.

In total, it is now only 17.2 billion.

If it is a direct promotion, it has been able to make him soar to the sixth-order holy star position, but it is far from enough.

If this trip is not smooth, it seems that you can benefit a lot from it.

Therefore, after the discussion, he personally ordered a few people and set off.

Since it is doing bad things for the alliance, he naturally will not only choose people who are chasing stars.

Ximen Kuang, Xiao Ruyi, Lei Ru Kuang, and the ancient city of Seven Star Gate, Nie Danqing and Shi Wenli, a total of six people.

"Deputy Sect Master Qin, this is all the news we know."

The old age seemed to be about to fall into the soil, but the ancient city gleaming in those eyes was sitting in the carriage, talking for several hours, and finally answered the questions Qin Shaofeng asked continuously.

What he said were exactly the changes in the land of the shining star in the past half month.

Yan Tianming, the deputy master of the Xuanwu Sect of the Four Elephants, went to the Shenbing Pavilion ten days ago.

However, because of the big wedding of the lord of the Baihua Pavilion, this matter will be delayed until the end of the wedding, which is the evening after tomorrow.

All they have to do is to get the Shenbing Pavilion in these two days.

"It seems that our industry is really responsible for it!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help smiling bitterly after hearing his narration.

His expression seemed very painful.

In the eyes of those powerhouses at the Seven Star Gate, they saw the ancient city as scheming, old fox, and old fritters, but they could see the faint excitement deep in his eyes.

Crisis will appear at any time, why are you excited?

Gucheng really wanted to curse viciously.

But after thinking of Ximen Li and others' respect for Qin Shaofeng, they had to take back the thoughts in their hearts.

"My lord, what are your plans? Our alliance now seems to be out of complete weakness. It is probably not an easy task to persuade the Shenbing Pavilion that has promised the Four Elephant Sect!" Gucheng asked doubtfully.

"They like to agree or disagree. Anyway, our people's cultivation level has been improved and it can be seen. Even if it is really good, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it." Qin Shaofeng shrugged.

Telling the truth often hurts people.

After such a long period of recuperation, even crises like Gucheng have gradually begun to think of unwillingness to cause trouble.

But he didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to support the war.

Even if it was his mind, he couldn't understand what he was thinking about the little guy in front of him.

"I already know the general things, you go aside first, I want to rest for a while." After Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, he lay down on the bed in the gorgeous carriage.

The Four Elephant Sects want to go to war without waiting.

Shenbingge really blended in.

Is all of this really an unsolvable problem?

For people like Gucheng, it seems to be true.

He knew exactly how many world-destroying crises existed in this shining star land.

The alien gate can temporarily resist the appearance of ghosts.

But how long can it stop?

Furthermore, it was the problem of Lianshan that day, he knew that the ghosts and corpses were gradually waking up.

No one can say that it's bad, when will he fully wake up.

Faced with that kind of invulnerable gadget, even his heart is full of fear.

Such fear made his mentality gradually change.

From the original how to help the Void Realm, he is constantly striving to strengthen himself, otherwise he will die in the anxiety of the coming crisis.

No matter who the enemy is, it cannot be more terrifying than a ghost.

If this is the case, then the battle is good, and it can also help him improve his cultivation.

Qin Shaofeng's approach was so decisive that after Gu Cheng quietly looked at him for a moment, he opened the carriage door in despair and sat beside Ximen Kuang, who came out in person and was responsible for driving Qin Shaofeng's carriage.

"How about it, that's it?"

"The explanation is over, alas!"

"Are you sighing like this? The war comes earlier, and we can also detonate the Land of the Stars earlier. Isn't that great?"

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