Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3491: Guarantee

"What business are you talking about, who are you?"

Bi Rong had already rushed into the crown with anger, but he could only endure and ask.

Such a question caused Qin Shaofeng to almost stare out his eyes.

The six Simon Crazy sneered even more.

"You still don't even know who I am?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but smiled and asked, "I have to say, this joke of yours really makes me wonder what else to say."

"Vice Lord Bi Rong, he is Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng is now the first person to chase the stars." The young man surnamed Yan said in a strange voice.

Bi Rong's face changed abruptly upon hearing this.

He had never seen Qin Shaofeng, and he had indeed heard many rumors about Qin Shaofeng.

It is said that this kid's so-called villain list Qiansan, although there is no fact, but his harsh methods are not much different.

What shocked him was the voice of the young man surnamed Yan.

At first glance, it may not seem like a big problem.

But he could faintly hear a little sense of fear from the other party.

The direct descendants of the Xuanwu line of the Four Elephant Sect, when they mentioned Qin Shaofeng's name, there was a faint sense of fear in their voice.

Even the young man surnamed Yan tried his best to restrain, but he could not really suppress his fear.

This shows what?

Does this young man who doesn't seem to be even 20 years old, has such a reputation?

"Qin Shaofeng?"

The more Bi Rong thinks about it, the uglier his face becomes, and he asks in a deep voice, "Little friend Qin Shaofeng, we also have our difficulties. How about the old man to persuade the pavilion master himself?"

"Little friend? Haha!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed coldly.

Only with this laugh, Bi Rong's face suddenly changed.

He suddenly remembered that Qin Shaofeng in front of him could command the existence of six powerful ninth-level saint stars.

The use of the word Xiaoyou on any other genius teenager is also a kind of affirmation.

It happened to be used on Qin Shaofeng, and it was no different from provocation.

"Vice-master Qin, the old man didn't mean that. The old man is willing to cooperate with all the actions of the little friend." Bi Rong immediately changed his words.

"What do you mean, for us, there is no difference, and what I have to do cannot tolerate your non-cooperation."

Qin Shaofeng's face was neither sad nor happy.

Maung Ruo let out a relaxed smile, and he waved his hands at Simon Kuang.

At the same time, he said: "Compared to everyone, I still have fewer people. Although I will not kill you again, I believe you will not refuse some necessary restraints?"

When he was talking, Simon Kuang had already taken out a rope made of the beast tendons of the peak star beast.

Ximen Kuang walked directly towards the young man surnamed Yan.

He, who has been on the verge of opportunism for decades, knows best that if you want everyone to cooperate, you need to find an obedient person to lead him.

The young man surnamed Yan was the first to show fear and was naturally the most suitable candidate.

"bring it on!"

Simon Kuang raised the star beast tendons in his hand and said.

If he were to find other people first, even the one who the Shenbing Pavilion feared the most, he would definitely hesitate.

The young man surnamed Yan is the most honest one.

As the direct descendant of the Xuanwu family of the Four Elephant Sect who suffered the most damage in Qin Shaofeng's hands, he has the deepest understanding of Qin Shaofeng's terrifying record.

Qin Shaofeng obviously wanted to take hostages hard. If they dared to resist, that would be the real act of seeking death.

Regardless of the number of them, there are also two powerful ninth-level saint stars, but they are nothing in front of Qin Shaofeng and others.

"bring it on."

The young man surnamed Yan sighed and put his hands behind his back.

"Yan Heyang, why do you directly..."

A young man in Shenbingge immediately shouted out nervously.

But before he finished speaking, he was frightened by another Xiao Ruyi who was holding the rope.

His voice stopped abruptly, and the rapid change made everyone look over.

"Boy, what are you waiting for?"

Xiao Ruyi and Simon Kuang are old partners, and they chose to raise the rope at this time to frighten everyone.

One action, one sentence, immediately made the young man tremble.

He subconsciously looked at Bi Rong.

Xiao Ruyi and others, who had guessed this scene a long time ago, didn't speak any more when they saw it, and slapped the past with a backhand.


In the crisp sound, the young man was beaten out more than three meters away, and a few teeth spouted out with a mouthful of blood.

His profile swelled several times instantly.

Rao is extremely miserable, but in fact, Xiao Ruyi's slap didn't use any energy.

The strength of the body is not fully utilized.

Such a slap just made the young man miserable, and there was no bigger problem.

Immediately, he strode over, stretched out his hand to lift it up, and gave the young man a big tie.

"His sister, if anyone dares not cooperate anymore, don't blame our brothers for using you to relieve hand itch." Xiao Ruyi shouted a few times, shaking the other two people with fright.

Immediately, he bound him under the action of the young man facing him obediently raising his hands.

In this way, the other people are much more convenient.

Nie Danqing casually tied the last young man together.

Gu Cheng and Shi Wenli were standing beside the two powerful ninth-rank saint stars.

They finally attacked.

But it is also because they are very clear that the biggest problem lies with these two people.

The two frowned.

They had already probed the situation of the animal tendon.

Even their cultivation base, being able to forcefully break the beast tendons with force, is extremely difficult.

At least it is normal to be discovered.

Mind electrical transfer.

Bi Xun looked at Qin Shaofeng and said in a deep voice: "Vice-master Qin, we can also agree to your request, but we need a guarantee. How can you guarantee that you won't be against us after we're caught up with nothing?"

Bi Chong heard the words in his eyes, "Yes, deputy master Qin, we need a guarantee."

"Guaranteed? Hahaha, it's so funny."

Qin Shaofeng laughed at the words and walked towards them step by step, the power of blood surging crazily.

Both their expressions changed.

But soon, they relaxed again.

Qin Shaofeng only had the cultivation base of the fourth-order sacred star position, as long as he did not order those ninth-order sacred star powers to take action, they didn't need to worry about anything.

"Since you want a guarantee, I will give you a guarantee first." Qin Shaofeng's voice grew colder.

When he finished speaking, he was already ten steps away from Bi Xun.

Thousands of Thunder have already exploded to the extreme.

Hundreds of flashes, fast!

With both of them open, his combat power seems to have been able to compete with the most preliminary ninth-level Saint Star powerhouse.

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