Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3501: Bi Long ancestor

"Yan Tianming? What is he going to do?"

As soon as Ran Zuncai quietly found the core of this huge palace complex, he saw Yan Tianming and Bi Qingqing walking out with some people talking and laughing.

The first time he saw the person, he immediately hid in the shadow corner.

Since he followed Qin Shaofeng, he has obtained a lot of resources.

After his cultivation base has been rapidly improved, his combat power has long since been different.

But he was very clear.

All of this was forcibly piled up by Qin Shaofeng, without enough experience and precipitation, he was indeed regarded as a terrifying existence in front of the powerhouse of the seventh or eighth sacred star.

And in front of the real ninth-order saint star position, even if it is not vulnerable, it is not much difference.

Even if it was the method of retreat he was most proud of, because he hadn't improved much with his cultivation level, he didn't dare to be careless in front of the powerhouse of the 9th-order Saint Star.

Not to mention, he can clearly feel it.

Although the number of this group of people is only more than 30 people, any one person is also the strong one among the strong.

There are actually twelve people above the ninth-order sacred star.

For the two of them, he can only roughly feel the threat.

Nine out of ten is the powerhouse.

The appearance of such a strong man made him even more careful.

Under the full contraction and hiding, he didn't hear too many people's conversations.

It wasn't until more than 30 people left that he came eagerly to wipe the cold sweat from his head.

"No wonder the old guys in Bi Rong are so confident. It seems that the combat power of the Shenbing Pavilion is not as weak as we imagined!" Ran Zun thought in his heart.

Soon, he glanced back.

‘Where are those people going? ’

‘Why is Yan Tianming mixed with those people? ’

‘Aren’t they trying to attack from behind? ’

‘No matter what, the son will arrange other things anyway. Since I’m here, I’ll go in first. ’

Ran Zun comforted himself a few times in his heart, and then quickly moved deeper.

Losing the Starry Board makes it a lot more difficult for him to find someone.

This is so, after a moment of searching, but also following the movements of an old man with muscular body but white beard and hair, he finally found his target, Bi Fuxing.

At this time, Bi Fuxing had already waited impatiently.

He was pacing back and forth on the spot.

Seeing the arrival of the old man, tears in Bi Fuxing's eyes flowed down again: "Grandpa, something has happened, something big has happened, oh oh oh..."

The person here was the ancestor of the Shenbing Pavilion, Bi Long, who had been invited by Bi Qingqing before he left.

Bi Long has another identity in the Shenbing Pavilion, and that is the previous generation of the Shenbing Pavilion.

He is also the father of brothers such as Bi Qingqing and Bi Rong, and the grandfather of Bi Fuxing.

Bi Qingqing's aura has grown bigger and bigger over the years, making Bi Fuxing afraid to make a mistake in front of him.

All this changed after seeing Bi Long.

"Isn't it that Bi Rong's kid was arrested and wanted to use this to blackmail our Shenbing Pavilion?"

Bi Long smiled and patted his shoulder, and said, "Grandpa already knows about this, so don't cry."

"No, it's not like that."

Bi Fuxing became more anxious, quickly wiped away his tears and wanted to tell.

But after seeing the patron, his mixed feelings made his tears not wiped clean.

He didn't wipe it off, letting tears follow his words and fall into his mouth.

"The one who caught us was Qin Shaofeng from the star chasing door. He didn't blink. He killed us only a few people as soon as we met."

"He just asked me to come, but was stopped by the group of elders who looked down on my grandchildren. They said I was a trash and didn't listen to me at all, and took my grandchildren out of the city."

"As a result, more than a hundred people they brought were all killed, not to mention, even they were arrested by Qin Shaofeng."

"Although Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything threatening, he insisted on finding his uncle and only gave us half an hour."

After seeing the patron, his mood has stabilized a lot.

After he stopped stuttering, he spoke extremely fast.

Bi Long didn't interrupt him in a hurry.

After listening to him telling what happened, a heavy look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Didn't you tell Qingqing about these things?" Bi Long asked.

"I, I didn't dare..."

Bi Fuxing suddenly got stuck and said: "I felt scared when I saw my uncle, and he seemed to have been brainwashed by the people of the Four Elephant Sect, so he would not give his grandson a chance to speak."

"That's it."

Bi Long frowned.

After thinking about it for a moment, those sharp eyes that were completely disproportionate to his age had already fallen on the two 9th-order Saint Star powers who were left behind by Yan Tianming.

He said in a deep voice, "What does Yan Tianming mean, can you talk about it now?"

The voice did not show how overwhelming.

The two ninth-tier sacred stars were strong, but they also felt that their bodies had suddenly been subjected to tens of thousands of catties, and they trembled suddenly.

"Old ancestor Bi Long, our Four Elephant Sect has already deployed a large part of its power to deal with the Seven Star Gate."

"You also know how threatening Yunhaizong is to us."

"That Qin Shaofeng is indeed very tricky, but compared to the Sea of ​​Clouds Sect that may cause war at any time, it is still a drop in the ocean, so the adults let us stay and help you deal with that kid."

An old man who seemed to be about the same age as Bi Long took the initiative to say.

His words stand on both sides.

This also made Bi Long always feel that something was wrong after hearing it, but still couldn't say anything from it.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Then what's the situation around Qin Shaofeng?"

"Qin Shaofeng brought six rank nine sacred star powers, and he himself is also a pervert. With just one knife, he killed more than one hundred seven-rank eighth sacred star powers." Bi Fuxing said.


Bi Long was taken aback, and suddenly looked at the man.

When the old man saw this, he said quickly: "Qin Shaofeng has a lot of secrets. When my Four Elephant Sect intercepted and killed those who wanted to go to the Seven Star Gate, Qin Shaofeng used to force my ancestor Tianlong. ."

"Can he take Wang Tianlong's move without dying?"

"What kind of cultivation is that kid?"

Bi Long was moved.

As the pinnacle of the older generation, he knew exactly what the five words Wang Tianlong ancestors meant.

Before he retired, he already knew Wang Tianlong.

At that time, Wang Tianlong was rushing to ascend to the sky.

Moreover, the four elephant sects who can become the ancestors are all powerhouses, which shows that Wang Tianlong has succeeded.

But even with this kind of existence, it couldn't make a single kill.

So, how strong is that kid?

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