Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 350: The beginning of the conspiracy

The bad intentions of small **** are simple.

Because of the original fire spirit possessed by the fourth young lady of the Geng family, if this could become a woman of Qin Shaofeng, then it would definitely be of great benefit to Qin Shaofeng's "Pills".

Because in this way, with the help of the original fire spirit, Qin Shaofeng's pill fire can rise to the next level, its power is greatly increased, and the speed of cultivation will also be correspondingly increased.

If the pill fire is strong, it will naturally be of great benefit to the evolution of the "Sutra".

Even in a sense, the evolution of the Alchemy is actually attributed to the strength of the pill fire. The stronger Qin Shaofeng's pill, the easier it will be to evolve the Alchemy he cultivated.

However, it was obvious that Qin Shaofeng didn't take Xiaoqiuqi's words to heart, and even ignored it.

Regarding whether this original fire spirit can help the innate spirit body, in fact, it is the same principle as Xiaoqiuqiu said that Xiaochan was brought into Qin Shaofeng's original world space.

If the original fire spirit can get the help of the spiritual power of the innate spirit body, it can completely evolve a small space similar to the original world.

However, in this situation, there is only the power of the fire element, it is a pure fire world, and the degree of growth is limited, it is impossible to evolve into a real world space.

In fact, the spiritual energy and spiritual power cultivated by the fourth young lady were absorbed by the original fire spirit because of this.

Because after the original fire spirit has cultivated to a certain level, such a world of fire will appear.

But that was at least waiting for the fourth lady to enter the holy realm. If the space of the world of fire was opened up in advance because of the help of the innate spirit body, it would be a big disadvantage.

In the words of the small ball, the embryo of that world of fire has not yet formed, and it is urged to send it out now, but it will have an incalculable loss in the future.

Perhaps because of the creation of the world of fire, the cultivation speed of the fourth lady before the holy realm was absolutely far higher than that of ordinary people, but once entering the holy realm, I am afraid that there will be some problems with the cultivation speed of the fourth lady.

It may even become worse than ordinary people.

But even so, after Qin Shaofeng explained these drawbacks to Miss Si, Miss Si agreed without hesitation.

In her opinion, helping her little sister is the top priority, and everything else is the future.

Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to tell Miss Si about those methods.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng told Miss Fourth that once she successfully opened the world of fire in her body, Xiao Chan must enter it as soon as possible, and then she must not be allowed out until Miss Fourth broke through the Holy Realm.

Because once you enter the world of fire in the fourth young lady's body, Xiaochan's innate spirit body will be stimulated to a complete eruption, spiritual power will be absorbed, and then the riot of the innate spirit body will be eased.

And even if the Fourth Miss entered the Holy Realm, Xiaochan could not leave the Fourth Miss as far as she came out.

It can be said that from now on, except for her four sisters, Xiaochan will be alone.

But compared with the fate of other innate spirit women, it was much better.

These things were said by Xiaoqiuqiu, and Qin Shaofeng only conveyed them to Miss Si and Geng Can.

After making a decision, Miss Si and Geng Can hurriedly left with Xiaochan the next day.

Geng Can also directly gave up this entrance examination.

Because wanting to use Xiaochan’s innate spirit body to help the fourth young lady open up the small space of the world of fire in her body, it needs a huge amount of vitality to help. This is only the ancestor of their Geng family who can be foolproof. The degree of it.

In fact, Geng Can's identity and qualifications do not need to pass an assessment at all to join the Qianshan Sect.

However, because the Qianshan Sect's entrance examination has some rewards this time, it is more valued by the Qianshan Sect's senior officials, and Geng Can participated in this entrance examination.

But what is happening now, he still has the limits of his mind to evaluate!

Therefore, after expressing his gratitude to Qin Shaofeng many times, Geng Can also left.

Although Geng Can left, Qin Shaofeng could no longer use the power of the Geng family to continue to brush his experience.

However, for Qin Shaofeng, this is not a big problem.

Because at this time, Yun'er and the three of them have already reached the legendary five levels.

The strength of the three Yun'er is much stronger than that of ordinary people. After entering the legendary fifth layer, the three attributes of all aspects have been greatly improved.

Family: Tang Qijian

Level: Legendary Five

Occupation: Knight

Aura value: 2 million / 2 million (1 level Yi Jin Jing bonus triples)

Genius root: Jianxin

Talent skills: swordsmanship

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: One hundred and eight yoga poses

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Familiar: None

After Tang Qijian was promoted to Legend Fifth Layer, his spiritual energy finally reached two million, which allowed his swordsmanship to explode even more powerful.

But Du Meng is even more exaggerated. It is just that the two million points of aura that the legendary five-level realm has, and then after the three times of the Yi Jin Jing, it actually reached the terrifying six million points!

Dependent: Du Meng

Level: Legendary Five

Occupation: Knight

Aura value: 6 million / 6 million (1 level Yi Jin Jing bonus triples)

Spiritual root of talent: Five Elements Overlord (earth, gold)

Talent skills: Nine Ranks Indestructible Body

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Servant: Bear of the Earth (Great Might)

As for the attributes of Yun'er's legendary five-level realm, they did not differ much from what Qin Shaofeng had expected.

Family members: Zhao Yuner

Level: Legendary Five

Occupation: Castle

Aura value: 500,000 / 500,000

Talented Spiritual Root: Star Dao Body

Talent skills: Astral, Star clone

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Skill 2: One hundred and eight yoga poses

Skill 3: None

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None

Envoy: Canglang Emperor (Little Wolf)

Although it was only half a million points of aura, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that Yun'er of the legendary five-fold solution realm was absolutely powerful when he thought of the secret star in Yun'er star realm.

If he didn't use Amaterasu by himself, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't have much confidence to defeat her.

However, compared to the three of Yun'er, the changes between Lord Tiger, Little Wolf, and Da Meng are the most amazing.

The two little guys, Little Wolf and Da Meng, took the special version of the First Grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill for the first time this time, and they actually got a great benefit, and both advanced to the realm of the legendary seventh layer.

At this moment, these two little guys can no longer call them little guys.

Dameng has truly grown into a huge earth bear, and the bloodline of Dameng this earth bear has undergone some changes due to the effect of the blood demon flower.

Although Da Meng was in the early stage of Legendary Seventh Layer at this moment, his body shape was not much different from the body shape Qin Shaofeng had seen his parents in the past.

However, unlike the general Earth Bear, Da Meng actually possesses the ability to change.

Normally, it's just the size of a cub, and it's nothing to be cute in front of Yun'er. It's not as honest and honest as the bear of the earth.

This is completely empty and honest, but with treacherous thoughts.

After the little wolf grows to the legendary seventh layer, his size exceeds three meters.

But because of its snow-white hair, the whole look does not have the slightest tall and mighty appearance. On the contrary, it has a trace of elegance and it feels beautiful and beautiful.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng realize that the little guy was just a she wolf.

It was for this reason that Qin Shaofeng would often poke his head on Yun'er's chest against this guy, and Qin Shaofeng didn't take much jealousy.

If it is really a pervert, Qin Shaofeng might plan to castrate it.

Compared with the two little guys, Tiger's change is not big, his tall body is still more than five meters, but now it is close to six meters.

But the real change of Lord Tiger is his level.

Battle Beast: Tiger Roaring Lion

Level: Mid-Nine Legendary

Aura value: 7 million / 7 million

Talented spirit root: Wind and thunder mutant spirit root

Talent Skill: Tiger Roar


A special version of the First Grade Nine Layers Spirit Pill allowed Lord Tiger to be directly promoted to the Legendary Nine Layers in the early stage of the Legendary Seventh Layer, and it was still in the middle stage of the Legendary Nine Layers.

This kind of evolution must be big!

Moreover, the rapid advancement in the value of the spiritual energy has also confirmed that the strength of this tiger master has also been greatly improved.

At this moment, the strength of Qin Shaofeng's team had grown stronger.

Qin Shaofeng is the sixth legend of the legend, the legendary five of the three Yuner, the seventh legend of the big fierce wolf, and the nine legendary legend of Tiger Lord.

This kind of strength is definitely a very powerful one among a few small teams.

On the third day of Geng Can's departure, Qin Shaofeng took a few people with Yun'er, ready to move on.

And this time, Qin Shaofeng had already paid attention.

With speed as the first priority, try to cross peaks 51 to 59 and reach peak 60 within five days.

But at the same time, he tried his best to maintain the speed of experience improvement, and when he tried to enter the sixtieth peak, he himself was upgraded to the legendary seventh level.

This means that in these five days, Qin Shaofeng will gain 3 million experience points before being promoted to Legend Seventh.

Although they didn't have the power of Geng Can and the others, Qin Shaofeng believed that it was not impossible for him and others to gain 300 experience points in five days with their current strength.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know. On the day he set off, a group of people came to the fifty-first peak, and the leader was Na Luo Chaokun.

At this moment, Luo Chaokun has not only healed from his injuries, but has even officially advanced to the eighth legendary rank.

But at this moment, Luo Chaokun's face was extremely ugly.

Because he didn't expect that he was planning to send a few legendary masters to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng, but he was stopped by his family.

Although finally learned that Geng Can wasted a place to enter the spiritual room for this, Luo Chaokun was very happy.

But when he thought of what happened on that day, Luo Chaokun's anger still remained.

And not long after he entered the fifty-first peak, he learned about the presence of Qin Shaofeng.

"Damn it, that kid actually dare to show up in a big way?"

Luo Chaokun roared angrily in a cultivation cave belonging to the Luo family.

"Damn, damn! That **** Qin Shaofeng, I must kill him, kill him!"

But the anger turned to anger. Finally, when he thought of his family's order, Luo Chaokun suddenly became discouraged.

At this moment, Luo Yi, who also looked gloomy beside him, suddenly said: "Three young masters, we can't just let it go!"

"Forget it, what else can we do?" Luo Chaokun said in an angry voice.

Since that day, Luo Yi lost to Qin Shaofeng inexplicably, especially when Qin Shaofeng begged for mercy in front of him.

Luo Yi naturally knew about this, but now he is actively remedying it!

"There is still a way!"

A trace of insidiousness flashed in Luo Yi's eyes, leaning in front of Luo Chaokun, and whispered: "Three young masters, the family has come to say that you can't do Qin Shaofeng, but we can't do it, it doesn't mean that he can't either! Now! But for the entrance examination, what happened during the period, that is also very normal!"

Yes indeed!

Why did I forget this trick!

Luo Chaokun's eyes lit up suddenly, followed by a yin smile.


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